The Colleton School Travel Plan
School Context
The Colleton Primary School has 225 children on roll between the ages of 4 and 11. From January 2011 this will rise to 250. It is positioned to the South of Twyford towards the end of Colleton Drive which is a cul de sac. The site is shared with Little Acorns Pre-school and the new ‘Starlings’ Children’s Centre, which increases the flow of people to and from the site throughout the day. The designated area for the school has changed and Charvil, where many parents would drive from, is no longer part of the designated area. This will have an impact on the number of vehicles driven to school over a period of time.
The last three yearly intakes of children (2008/2009/2010) show that 91% of children now live in Twyford.
A snapshot survey at all four entrances to school on a Friday morning found that 108 families walked to school, 30 came by car and 9 cycled (September 2010)
Over the past few years the school has worked in partnership with its stakeholders, the local community and the local education authority to improve safety and alleviate traffic and associated parking problems at key times during the day.
With other schools in the North cluster we have been working with our PCSO to educate parents and children about parking in a considerate way around the school.
Congestion does not seem to be an issue in roads surrounding the school.
A large number of the children at the school, travel from the two housing estates on either side of the school. However the previous designated area of the school is such that a small number of children travel from Charvil and elsewhere – 12% children (across KS1 & 2 ) at present. We are aware that, because of this, children consequently travel by car to and from school.
On average 10 children (4%) attend our Early Drop Off Club each day so arrive at school at 8.00am. We also have an After School Club which runs until 6pm. Numbers attending vary from 18 (7.2%) to 35 (14%), depending on which day of the week it is, Wednesday’s being the largest number. With the increased number in 2011 we anticipate a bigger take up at both clubs. This reduces traffic at key times.
There are sports clubs that run every night after school until 4pm or 4.30pm. The take up for these clubs is between 10 and 20 children. Therefore this also reduces traffic at key times.
From communications with the local community it has become apparent that the main issues for them are associated with nuisance parking in the two roads immediately adjacent to the school, Colleton Drive and Verey Close. If a resident has a complaint, (these are very rare), then either they come into school and speak to the office, or they send in an e.mail. The examples are very few and inconsiderate parents are in the minority – occasional parking across driveways. These complaints are dealt with immediately through newsletters or through school assemblies where we strive to educate the children about road safety and being a considerate neighbour. The school also writes to the resident to explain what action has been taken.
The school actively works with companies in the community to promote Road Safety, holding workshops for all children. The next workshop organised by one our parents is on Tuesday 12th October 2010. We also regularly use the Lewis Taylor Road Show available through WBC.
We also believe that there may be people who park in Colleton Drive and walk to Twyford train station to commute.
Travel to School Data
Pupil Survey
How pupils travel to schoolWalk / Cycle / Car share / Car
June 2010 / 148 59% / 5 2% / 1 0.4% / 71 28%
Staff Survey
This is on a Wednesday, when the biggest number of staff are in school. All drivers park in the staff car park and arrive at various times. 32 staff - 64%
StaffWalk / Cycle / Car share / Car
June 2010 / 9 / 0 / 4 / 19
Parents Survey
A third of parents returned the survey - 50 out of a possible 155 families
Walk / Cycle / Car share / CarMay/June 2010 / 40 80% / 0 / 0 / 10 20%
The survey highlighted occasional issues with trying to cross Colleton Drive where so many cars are parked. It would appear that many of these cars do not belong to Colleton School parents.
Parents gave two reasons for driving their children from school:
1. Distance from school – 4 parents
2. The need to go straight to work after the school run -5 parents
3. Taking siblings to other settings that are a distance away – 3 parents.
Suggestions, from the survey, to improve parking around the school by parents were:
· A zebra crossing in Colleton Drive
· A visible traffic warden at key times to look at inconsiderate parking
· Looking at restricting parking for train commuters who park in local roads
· A parking facility a short distance from school to park and walk e.g. Stanlake Meadows
· Flexible school start time
The Colleton School Travel Plan
· To work in partnership with Starlings Children Centre and little Acorns Pre-school on Travel Plans.
· To further reduce the number of vehicles dropping off children in Colleton Drive and Verey Close to transport children to and from The Colleton School.
· To promote greener methods of travel to and from the school site, e.g. walking, car-sharing, parking further away and walking the remainder of the journey, cycling etc.
· To continue to promote to parents courteous and safe parking.
· To continue to educate the children about the road safety and how to make their route to school safer.
Objectives / Action / Deadline / Who / Target / CommentsAppoint a travel plan co-ordinator / October 2010 / School Governors / To appoint from within the
Governing Body
To further reduce the number of vehicles dropping off children in Colleton drive and Verey Close / Investigate park and walk options with the other settings on site / December
2010 / HeadteacherTPC
Continue to promote car sharing / Ongoing / TPC
Little Acorns
To continue to promote courteous and safe parking / Issue frequent reminders in newsletters / Newsletters to go out fortnightly. / TPC
Respond to complaints from residents about inconsiderate parking / As complaints are received / Headteacher
To promote greener methods of travel to and from the school site / Continue to take part in Walk to School weeks / May 2011 / TPC / Maintain the numbers of children walking to school at approx 80%
Maintain termly cycle training / July 2011 / Headteacher
Chair of Governors / Maintain the high uptake of Yr6 children who take up and pass their Cycling Proficiency. 100% pass rate throughout 2009/2010
Provide new parents with a travel information pack promoting sustainable travel / February 2011 / TPC / All new parents to receive pack by half term in February 2011.
To continue to educate children about road safety / Hold regular assemblies on road safety / Next assembly will be in October 2010 / Headteacher
Take part in road safety events / Next Road Safety event will be this term. tba
Produce posters and leaflets promoting safe parking / November
2010 / Headteacher
To work in partnership with Starlings Childrens Centre and Little Acorns Pre School to address travel issues / Hold regular meetings to discuss travel issues and approaches to solving them / First meeting
tba / Headteacher
TPC / Termly meetings minuted
This Travel Survey will be reviewed in the Summer term 2011, when all the children will be full-time in school.
The next Travel Survey will be sent out September 2011.
Caroline Norris Headteacher _____C.Norris______
Chris Allen Chair of Governors _____C.Allen______