Emeritus Professor of Risk Management and Insurance
University of Wisconsin-Madison
August 2014
Mailing Address:School of BusinessEmail:
University of WisconsinPhone:(608) 255-7612
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Home Address:1521 Vilas Ave.
Madison, WI 53711
School AttendedMajorDegreeGranted
DeKalbSenior High SchoolCollege PrepDiploma1961
DeKalb, Illinois
New Haven, ConnecticutStudies
University of WisconsinRisk andM.B.A.1967
Madison, WisconsinInsurance
University of WisconsinRisk andPh.D.1970
Madison, WisconsinInsurance
Title of Thesis:"An Analysis of the Effects of Under-evaluations and Over-evaluations in Loss Reserves, Relative
To Those of Underwriting Results and Variable Asset Values, Upon Policyholders' Surplus"
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business
Teaching Assistant (Risk Management and Insurance)1967-1969
Lecturer (Risk Management and Insurance)1969-1970
Assistant Professor (Risk Management and Insurance)1970-1975
Associate Professor (Risk Management and Insurance)1975-1980
Professor (Risk Management and Insurance)1980-2009
Leslie P. Schultz Professor of Risk Management and Insurance1990-2009
Professor –Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies1995-2009
Emeritus Professor (Risk Management and Insurance)2009-Present
Emeritus Professor (Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies)2009-Present
San DiegoStateUniversitySchool of Business Administration
Visiting Associate Professor (Risk Management and Insurance)1978-1979
The College of Insurance - New York
Visiting Professor (Risk Management and Insurance)1996-1997
Refereed Articles in Professional Journals
- Dan R. Anderson, "Effects of Under- and Overevaluations in Loss Reserves," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume XXXVIII, No. 4, December 1971, 16 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "What Role Will the Insurance Industry Play in the Fight Against Pollution," CPCU Annals, Volume 25, No. 1, March 1972, 11 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science in the Changing Curriculum," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Curricular Concepts Section, Volume XL, No. 2, June 1973, 7 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "The Ruin Problem in Multiple-Line Insurance," by Hofflander and Duvall--A comment, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume XLI, No. 1, March 1974, 4 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Are Federal Insurance Programs Working?" Risk Management, January 1974, 5 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "An Analysis of Federal Catastrophe Insurance Programs," CPCU Annals, Volume 27, No. 3, September 1974, 10 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "The National Flood Insurance Program-Problems and Potential," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume XLI, No. 4, December 1974, 21 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & Michael Fetters, "An Empirical Analysis of State Examiners' Reactions to Loss Reserving Patterns," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume XLII, No. 2, June 1975, 20 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & John R. Nevin, "Determinants of Young Marrieds' Life Insurance Purchasing Behavior: An Empirical Investigation," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume XLII, No. 3, September 1975, 15 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Development of the Principal Elements of a Comprehensive Catastrophe Insurance System" CPCU Annals, Volume 28, No. 3, September 1975, 15 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "The Unprotected Catastrophe: Nuclear Accidents and the Price-Anderson Act," Risk Management, November 1975, 8 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & Michael Fetters, "State Insurance Examiners' Reactions to Forecasted Financial Data: Some Implications for Accountants," Massachusetts CPA Review, Volume 50, No. 3, May-June 1976, 3 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "All Risks Rating Within a Catastrophe Insurance System," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume XLIII, No. 4, December 1976, 23 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "The Price-Anderson Act: Its Importance in the Development of Nuclear Power." CPCU Annals, Volume 30, No. 4, December 1977, 12 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "The Price-Anderson Act Declared Unconstitutional: The Decision and Its Effect on Nuclear Power," Journal of Business Research, Volume VI, No. 4, December 1978, 16 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Limits on Liability: The Price-Anderson Act Versus Other Laws," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume XLV, No. 4, December 1978, 24 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Risk Management of Jumbo Risks," The Journal of Insurance Issues and Practices, Volume 2, No. 3, Spring 1979, 6 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Treating the Occupational Disease Exposure," Risk Management, January 1982, 8 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "1983 Presidential Address," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume LI, No. 1, March 1984, 7 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & Maurice Weinrobe, "Mortgage Default Risks Associated with Earthquakes and Other Natural Disasters," Proceedings of the XX International Insurance Seminar, June 1984, 9 pages. Reprinted in Research Review, March 1985.
- Dan R. Anderson & Maurice Weinrobe, "Mortgage Default Risks and the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake," Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Volume 14, No. 1, Spring 1986, 26 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, Roger A. Formisano, Pamela Queoff, John Ewert, & Mark Johnson, "Recovery from the Barneveld Tornado," CPCU Journal, Volume 39, No. 2, June 1986, 11 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & Maurice Weinrobe, "Insurance Implications of Mortgage Default Risks Associated with Natural Disasters," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume LIII, No. 3, September 1986, 13 pages.
- Joan T. Schmit & Dan R. Anderson, "Creating a Limited Liability System for Losses Due to Hazardous Waste," The Journal of Insurance Issues and Practices, Vol. X, No. 2, June 1987, 19 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Financing Asbestos Claims: Coverage Issues, Manville's Bankruptcy and the Claims Facility," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. LIV, No. 3, September 1987, 23 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & Roger A. Formisano, "Causal Factors Associated with Property-Liability Insurance Company Insolvencies," Journal of Insurance Regulation, June 1988, 8 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "An Analysis of the Insurance Industry's Exposure to Hazardous Waste Liabilities," Proceedings of the XXIV International Insurance Society, July 1988, 23 pages. Reprinted in Risk Management Reports, Risk Planning Group-Tillinghast, Volume XV, No. 4, 1988. Reprinted in The John Liner Review, Volume 3, No.1, Spring, 1989. Reprinted in The Executive Quarterly, ADP, Spring 1989.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Property Damage Liability Coverage for Asbestos Removal and Hazardous Waste Cleanup Costs," CPCU Journal, Volume 42, No. 1, March 1989, 20 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Financing Liabilities Under Superfund," Risk Analysis, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1989, 11 pages.
- Joan T. Schmit, Dan R. Anderson, and Timothy Oleszczuk, "An Analysis of Litigation Claiming Joint and Several Liability," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. LVIII, No. 3, September 1991, 21 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "A New Regulatory Approach to Prevent Insurance Company Insolvencies," Research Review, Journal of the Society of Insurance Research, Vol. V, No. 3, December 1992, 19 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Insurance Coverage Litigation and the Financial Impact of Superfund-Mandated Hazardous Waste Liabilities on the Insurance Industry," Journal of Insurance Regulation, Vol. 13, No. 1, Fall 1994, 44 pages.
- Yong-Duck Kim, Dan R. Anderson, Terry L. Amburgey, and James C. Hickman, "The Use of Event History Analysis to Examine Insurer Insolvencies," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. LXII, No. 1, March, 1995, 17 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Financial and Organizational Impact of Superfund-Mandated Hazardous Waste Liabilities on the Insurance Industry,” CPCU Journal, Vol. 49, No. 1, Spring 1996, 18 pages.
- Mark J. Browne and Dan R. Anderson, “Managed Care in Workers Compensation,” CPCU Journal, Vol. 49, No. 3, Fall 1996, 14 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, “ACE, XL, Mid Ocean and MRM: Development and Future Challenges of Four Key Organizations in the Bermuda Market,” New York: The College of Insurance, 38 pages, Spring 1997.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Environmental Liability Risk Management and Insurance,” Proceedings of Samsung International Symposium, pp. (2)1-(2)41, August, 1997.
- Dan R. Anderson, “ACE, XL, Mid Ocean and MRM: Development and Future Challenges of Four Key Organizations in the Bermuda Market,” invited for publication in the refereed journal, Assurances Quarterly Review, published by École des Hautes Études Commerciales, Montréal, Québec, No. 4, January 1998, pp. 467-491.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Development of Environmental Liability Risk Management and Insurance in the United States: Lessons and Opportunities,” Risk Management and Insurance Review, Summer 1998, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-23.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Environmental Insurance Markets: Development and Strategies for Growth,” Creating Success in a Global Marketplace - Seminar Proceedings, New York: International Insurance Society, 1998. Reprinted in European Insurance Market, England, 1998, pp. 131-160.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Incorporating Risk Management Into Environmental Management Systems,” CPCU Journal, Vol. 52, No. 2, Summer, 1999, pp. 115-124.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Expanding Environmental Risk Management,” Risk Management, Vol. 46, No. 7, July, 1999, pp. 21-28.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Catastrophe Insurance and Compensation: Remembering Basic Principles,” CPCU Journal, Vol. 53, No. 2, Summer, 2000, pp. 76-89.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Developing Liability Risks and Insurance – Regulatory Impacts and Responses – Over the 20th Century,” Journal of Insurance Regulation, Vol. 19, No. 2, Winter 2000, pp. 323-345.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Biotechnology Risk Management: The Case of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs),” CPCU Journal, Vol. 54, No. 4, Winter 2001, pp. 215-230.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Environmental Risk Management: A Critical Part of Corporate Strategy,” The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Vol. 27, No. 2, April 2002, pp. 150-180.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Global Warming/Climate Change: Implications for the Risk Management and Insurance Industry,” CPCU Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2003, pp. 1-14.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Global Warming/Climate Change: Implications for the Risk Management and Insurance Industry,” The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), Journal of Risk and Insurance,Vol. 1, No. 1, October 2004.
- Dan R. Anderson, “All Risks Rating Within a Catastrophe Insurance System,” The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics 178, The Economics of Natural Hazards, Vol. II, 2004, pp. 629-651. (Please note this is a requested reprint of an article that was accepted in 1975).
- Dan R. Anderson, “Managing Sustainability Risks is Critical,” Business Insurance, November 14, 2005, pp. 38-40.
- Dan R. Anderson, “The Critical Importance of Sustainability Risk Management,” Risk Management, pp. 66-74, April 2006.
- Dan R. Anderson, ”Sustainability Risk Management,” CPCU Journal, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 1-17, May 2006.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Will Global Warming Liability Risks Exceed Property Risks?” Progress – Geneva Association Information Newsletter, No. 44, pp. 2-3, December 2006. (Invited) (Accepted in 2006)
- Dan R. Anderson, “What is Sustainability Risk Management,” ARIA News, pp. 5-6, Spring 2006. (Invited) (Accepted in 2006)
- Dan R. Anderson, “Sustainability Risk Management as a Critical Component of Enterprise Risk Management: Global Warming – Climate Change Risks,” The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practices, July 2007.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Why Sustainability Risk Management Matters,” The John Liner Review, Vol. 20, No. 4, Winter 2007.
- Dan R. Anderson and Kenneth E. Anderson, “Sustainability Risk Management,” Risk Management and Insurance Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2009, pp. 25-38.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Dealing with Climate Change: Mainly Adaptation, with Little Mitigation, But That Is Not Enough”, CAS E-Forum, Winter 2014.
- Dan R. Anderson, Effects of Loss Reserve Evaluations Upon Policyholders' Surplus, Bureau of Business Research and Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 1973, 151 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, Minority Enterprise Development Program: Experiences During the Third Year, Bureau of Business Research and Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 1973, 162 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, Minority Enterprise Development Program: Experiences During the Fourth Year, Bureau of Business Research and Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 1973, 225 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & Maurice Weinrobe, The Effects of a Natural Disaster on Local Mortgage Markets: The Pearl River Flood in Jackson, Mississippi, April 1979. Natural Hazards Research and ApplicationCenter, University of Colorado, Boulder, September, 1980, 51 pages.
- Arthur A. Atkisson, William J. Petak, & Dan R. Anderson, Problems and Issues Associated with Use of Insurance Systems to Mitigate the Impact of Future Earthquake Losses Within the United States, (Washington, D.C.: Federal Insurance Administration, 1980), 89 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, William J. Petak, & Carl E. Widell, Current Insurance Industry Practices Concerning Earthquake Insurance Practices, (Washington, D.C.: Federal Insurance Administration, 1981), 195 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & Maurice Weinrobe, Mortgage Default Risks Associated with Earthquakes: An Analysis Based on the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake, (Washington, D.C.: National Technical Information Service, 1986, 160 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & other Task Force Members (25 individuals), Final Report of the Special Task Force on Property and Casualty Insurance, Madison: Office of the Insurance Commissioner of Wisconsin, August 1986, 58 pages. Reprinted in the Journal of Insurance Regulation, September 1987, December 1987, March 1988.
- Dan R. Anderson, Roger Formisano, Joan T. Schmit, Competition in the Wisconsin Insurance Industry, (Madison, WI: Wisconsin Insurance Alliance) August 1989, 85 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, “ACE, XL, Mid Ocean and MRM: Development and Future Challenges of Four Key Organizations in the Bermuda Market,” The College of Insurance, 38 pages, Spring 1997.
Books and Chapters in Books
- Dan R. Anderson, "Adjusting Patterns in Risk Management and Insurance: Response to Changing Energy Related Risks," Chapter in a book entitled Future of Risk, Risk Studies Foundation (New York), 1978, 28 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, Liabilities and Policyholders' Surplus," and "Revenue and Expenses." Chapters in book entitled Property-Liability Insurance Accounting and Finance by Cormick L. Breslin and Terrie E. Troxel, American Institute for Property and Liability Underwriters (Malvern, Pennsylvania), 1978, 100 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, Developing a Crisis Management Plan for Banks, American Bankers Association (Washington, D. C.), 1979, 44 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Insurance" World Book Encyclopedia, World Book (Chicago, Illinois) 1983, 12 pages.
- Felix A. Kloman, Dan R. Anderson, Donald T. Browne, Harold H. Heins, Dan C. Jorgensen, John Lastavica, Ralph S. Perry, Wayne Sawyer, & Thomas M. Sullivan, "The Role of Financial Institutions in the Insurance Marketplace," Issues in Risk and Insurance (New York: Risk and Insurance Management Society) 1983, 25 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Insurance Industry's Liability for Financing Superfund-Mandated Hazardous Waste Cleanup Costs," Site Auditing: Environmental Assessment of Property,Vancouver, B.C.: Specialty Technical Publishers, Inc., 1992, 18 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Government Risk-Bearing: What Works and What Doesn't - Commentary," Government Risk Bearing, Edited by Mark S. Sniderman, Boston/Dordrecht/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, 5 pages.
- Eggert, Esq., Thomas L., Dan Anderson, Ronald Meissen and Verie Sandborg, “Partners in Learning: How a BusinessSchool and a Company Worked Together to Advance Sustainability,” Teaching Business Sustainability, Chris Galea, Editor, Greenleaf Publishing, 2004.
- Dan R. Anderson, Corporate Survival: The Critical Importance of Sustainability Risk Management,New York: iUniverse Publishing, 2005.
Other Publications
- Dan R. Anderson, "Insurance to Cover the Liability Exposures Associated with Snowmobiling," Recreation Resource Center for the State of Wisconsin, August 1971, 5 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & Gary Bausom, "The Risk Management Problems Associated with the Sterling Hall bombing," Business Insurance, October 11, 1971, 4 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, Revision of Study Guide--Principles of Risk Management, prepared for University of Wisconsin Extension, December 1971, 199 pages, December 1978, 220 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "What Role Will the Insurance Industry Play in the Fight Against Pollution?" International Insurance Information, November 19, 1972, Tokyo, Japan: reprinted from CPCU Annals, March 1972, 24 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Federal Property Insurance Programs: Where Are We Going?" Best's Review, April 1973, 5 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "The Federal Government as a Competitor," International Insurances Monitor, Volume XXIX, No. 2, February 1975, 4 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Medical Malpractice: Face Up to the Problems of Cost," Best's Review, May 1975, 3 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & John R. Nevin, "The Variables Influencing Young Marrieds Life Insurance Purchases," Perspectives in Business, Winter '75-76, No. 1, 5 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "The Unprotected Catastrophe: Why are Risk Managers so Unconcerned?" The Weekly Underwriter-Annual Risk Management Issue, Volume 214, No. 16, April 24, 1976, 3 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "It Pays to Plan For What You Hope Won't Happen," ABA Banking Journal, June, 1979, 2 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Developing Emergency Preparedness Plans," Commercial West, October 27, 1979, 3 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson & I. V. Fine, Working papers in connection with the PIMIB (Programs to Increase Minorities in Business) Project funded by AACSB, listed below:
#1"Summary of On-Going Programs at Accredited AACSB Schools"
#2"Organizational Programs"
#3"The Minority Manager"
#4"The Hispanic-American Situation"
#5"The Native-American Situation"
#6"Summer Enrichment Programming"
#7"Appropriate Use of Role Models"
#8"Educational Characteristics and Career Decision Making of Minorities: A Review of the Literature"
#9"Results of Minority Managers' Survey on Factors Affecting the Choice of Business as a Career"
- Dan R. Anderson, "Underwriting Losses Continue Critical Nose Dive - Soft Market Cycle Never Expected to Recover," The Business Journal, March 4, 1984, 2 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Turmoil in the Insurance Markets," Update, Volume 4, No. 1, Winter-Spring 1986, 2 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "The Danger of Nuclear Liability Limits," Best's Review, Vol. 87, No. 11, March 1987, 6 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Financing of Superfund Mandated Hazardous Waste Cleanup Costs by Insurance Companies," Environmental & Waste Management World, Vol. 5, No. 9, November/December 1991, 6 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, "Deciding Who Pays for Cleanup," The Review - Environmental Risk, April, 1993, 3 pages.
- Dan R. Anderson, “Providing Catastrophe Insurance Coverage Following the Terrorists Events of September 11,” The Insurance Forum, Vol. 29, No. 3, March 2002, pp. 30-32 (invited article).
- Dan R. Anderson, “Will Global Warming Liability Risks Exceed Property Risks?” Progress – Geneva Association Information Newsletter, No. 44, pp. 2-3, December 2006. (Invited)
- Dan R. Anderson, “What is Sustainability Risk Management,” ARIA News, pp. 5-6, Spring 2006. (Invited)
- Dan R. Anderson, “Sustainability Risk management: Risk Mitigation and Business Opportunities,” Center for Business Education – The Aspen Institute E Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 9, July 2008 (Invited).
Research Grants and Fund Raising
- The Research Committee of the GraduateSchool awarded me full summer (1973) salary support to study "Federal Government Programs in Property Insurance."
- The Research Committee of the Graduate School of Business awarded me full summer (1975) salary support to study "The Development of a Rating Structure for All Risks Coverage Under a Comprehensive Catastrophe Insurance System."
- The Research Committee of the Graduate School of Business awarded me full summer (1976) salary support for the first phases of the research proposal supported by the Ford Foundation.
- The Ford Foundation awarded me a $21,810 grant for my research proposal, "A Study of the Price-Anderson Act and Alternative Funding and Insurance Mechanisms for Handling the Nuclear Liability Risk." The grant covered half-time salary support for the academic year 1976-77, full summer salary support for summer 1977, a research assistant, computer time, travel, and other expenses.
- The National Science Foundation funded a grant through the Natural Hazards Research and ApplicationsInformationCenter, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado-Boulder. The research involved observing and measuring the behavior of local financial institutions immediately following a major natural disaster. The funds covered travel, maintenance, data collection, computer, and other research expenses associated with traveling and performing the research methodology. The Jackson, Mississippi flood of April 1979 was selected and studied (with Maurice Weinrobe, ClarkUniversity).
- The Risk Studies Foundation awarded me a $5,000 grant for my research proposal entitled, "An Analysis of Cumulative and Occupational Diseases in the 1980s: Implications for Risk Management," 1979-80.
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency awarded us a $100,000 grant in connection with a study entitled "A Study of Earthquake Insurance to Develop Alternatives for Mitigating Damages Due to Earthquakes," (with J. H. Wiggins), 1980.
- The American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business awarded me full salary support for two summers (1980, 1981) in connection with a study entitled, "Programs to Increase Minority Participation in Schools of Business," (with I.V. Fine and U.W. School of Business).
- The School of Business Research Committee awarded me full summer (1982) salary support for a proposal entitled "Mortgage Default Risks Associated with Earthquakes and Other Natural Disasters."
- The National Science Foundation awarded us a $132,000 grant to study "Mortgage Default Risks Associated with Earthquakes and Other Natural Disasters." Funded me for full salary support for two summers (1983, 1984) plus travel, computer and project assistant funding (with Maurice Weinrobe, ClarkUniversity).
- The Graduate School Research Committee awarded me full summer (1985) salary support plus a research assistant for a proposal entitled "Analysis of Wisconsin's System for Financing Long-Term Hazardous Waste Risk."
- Was instrumental in fund raising campaign which will bring $100,000 to our department over next five years (1986-1990) from American Family Insurance Company primarily to finance research related activities.
- The Institute for Environmental Studies awarded me one month summer (1986) salary support for research in the area of financing hazardous waste risks.
- Assisted in setting up J. R. Commons Lectureship in which the Wausau Insurance Companies will provide $5,000 per year to sponsor annual lectures in risk and insurance beginning in 1987.
- Was instrumental in the fund raising process that resulted in the establishment of the $500,000 Leslie P. Schultz Professorship in Risk Management and Insurance to be funded by United Services Life Insurance Companies, 1988.
- Was instrumental in the fund raising process that resulted in a $125,000 gift for Risk Management and Insurance Program from CUNA Mutual Insurance Group, 1988.
- Received $15,000 grant from Wisconsin Insurance Alliance to study competition in the Wisconsin Insurance Industry - 1989 (with Roger A. Formisano and Joan T. Schmit).
- Headed up the fund raising process that resulted in an initial $20,000 gift from the Woller/Anger Corporation to establish a scholarship program, 1990.
- Was instrumental in fund raising process that resulted in a $500,000 gift from American Family Insurance Group to establish a Chair in Risk Management and Insurance, 1990.
- Received Journal of Insurance Regulation Grant Award of $5,000 (one award annually) for research proposal entitled, "Financial Impact of Superfund-Mandated Hazardous Waste Liabilities on the Insurance Industry," 1993.
- $20,000 - provided by four Bermuda risk and insurance organizations to conduct a study on the Bermuda risk financing market, Summer 1996.
- $10,000 - “An Examination of Recently Developed Environmental Risk Management Systems,” Spencer Educational Foundation, Summer 1998.
- CIBER grant to travel to Beijing University, China, to deliver a series of lectures to graduate students and faculty, and meet with Chinese insurance industry officials in Spring 2001 during sabbatical.
- Raised $6,000 to partially pay for Tom Eggert’s salary for a new course in Social and Environmental Responsibility in Business, 2002.
- Raised $7,500 towards Tom Eggert’s salary for a course in Social and Environmental Responsibility in Business, 2003.
- Lead the fund raising effort that resulted in $1.5 million from Gerald Stephens to establish the Gerald D. Stephens CPCU Chair and Program Fund in Risk Management and Insurance, 2003.
- $94,378 grant with Employers Reinsurance – GE Insurance Solutions to conduct and publish a survey of primary insurance companies to arrive at a Reinsurance Price Index. (Co – PI with Joan Schmit and Mark Browne).
- Travel grant from CIBER to make a presentation at the Environmental Risk and Insurance Management Symposium in Manila, Philippines, 2007.
- Travel grant from the GraduateSchool for international meetings to present a research paper at the International Insurance Society in Berlin, Germany, 2007.
- Travel grant from GraduateSchool for domestic (including Canada) meetings to make a presentation at the American Risk and Insurance Association in Quebec City, Canada, 2007.
Papers Delivered at Professional Associations