Moritz Werner (17), 10A

We are the world, we are the future.

5th June 2010

Dear Diary:

Today was World Environment Day. I did not even know this until that man at school told us today. There was an assembly for my whole grade in our school forum, where a man from the Green Youth Movement (GYM), an organization for young people who want to help the environment, talked to us about the dangers of the climate change and the global warming. He also told us about what we could do to help make our planet a better place to live in. What shocked me was that most of us students didn’t really know about elemental things like the importance of recycling. During the speech of the man from GYM, I learned a lot of things about helping the environment. For example, I never knew it was so easy to save energy. If you just use the heater or the air conditioning a little more responsibly, shut down your computer instead of just turning it on stand-by mode, and unplug your iPod or cell phone chargers when not in use, you can save up to 40% of your annual energy use! Also, I was informed about “the 3 R’s”, a concept, that the Green Youth Movement has developed. The 3 R’s stand for “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” and the meaning of it is that we should recycle more and use reusable cups and plates instead of disposable ones. In the end, he told us that he and his organization are working hard to inform young people about these steps to a better world. Looking back at this morning, when I didn’t even know it was World Environment Day, I can now confirm what he said. He opened my eyes and made me realize what really is important: Saving our planet. We are the world, we are the future!