Project: My Favorite Element
The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with an element in terms of its atomic structure, characteristic properties and uses by having you prepare an information brochure. This assignment will also integrate science and technology through the use of the Internet for research. Desktop publishing of the brochure is highly recommended.
Your report must contain the following:
1. Title Page
• name of element
• atomic symbol
• your name
• at least one graphic
2. Atomic Structure
• correct number of protons, electrons and neutrons
• atomic mass and atomic number
• group/family location on the periodic table:
alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metal, oxygen family, nitrogen family, halogen, noble gas
• classification: metal, non-metal or metalloid
3. Physical Properties
• melting point and boiling point in °C
• state at room temperature
• colour
• lustre
• malleability and ductility
• others that are applicable to your element
4. Chemical Properties
• reactivity and stability
• combustibility
• reaction with acid
5. Uses
• significant uses in our society
• 4 implications of its use in our society (STSE – societal, technological, scientific, environmental – try to have one of each)
• important compounds that contain the element
• when discovered/how it was discovered
6. References
• bibliography containing at least two sources of information
The finished product must be organized as a double-sided, three column brochure (six sides altogether). The content headings will help you organize the information into the columns. At least two graphics must be used. A sample brochure will be available for you to examine.
Always give credit where credit is due. Sources of information are organized in alphabetical order by the author or webmaster’s last name (if known) or by the title of the work (if the author’s name is not known). The sample reference page below shows the format for a CD-rom, an Internet website and a book. Note how the second line of an entry is indented five spaces if it takes up more that one line.
SciencePower Appendix D
Any encyclopedia
“Mercury” (1996 ed.). Encarta. Microsoft.
Chan, R. and K. Bakila. (1998). Gold, Silver and Other Precious Metals. Toronto:
Winter, M. (2000) Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements.
Go to
*choose science resources
Will be distributed.
Title Page / 4 required elementsAtomic Structure
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties