At 6.30pm on Monday 3rd September 2012.
Members: Councillor S.J. Hoult (Chairman)
Councillors G. Allman, A. Badger, D.J.G Jones, Mrs M Tuckey and Mrs D. Whetton
Officer: Karen Edwards, Deputy Town Clerk
Jack Fargher, Town Clerk
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors E. Avins, R. Bayliss, J. Coxon and G. Mansfield. These were noted by the Committee.
There were 9 members of the public present. A number of concerns were raised about applications 11 (12/00647/FUL) & 12 (12/00648/LBC) for change of use and extension of the Water Tower adjoining the Cemetery to one dwelling. The main points raised were:
· Impact on privacy of surrounding dwellings
· Impact on privacy of visitors to the cemetery
· Feelings that the extension was out of keeping with the building and surrounding area
· Visual impact on a major route in to the town
· Safety concerns about having only one entrance to the cemetery
· Liability of maintaining green wall for the owner
Concerns were raised at the lack of notification by North West District Council of neighbours living close to the Water Tower. The Chairman agreed to write to the District Council seeking clarification on the policy regarding the notification of neighbours and the Town Council about planning applications.
One member of the public raised concerns about the proposed accident reduction scheme on Market Street (agenda item 4) specifically that the introduction of another crossing point would encourage people to cross the road where they wished.
The following Declarations of Interest were made in accordance with the Code of Conduct:
Councillors Allman, Hoult and Jones declared a personal interest in Annex 2 Planning Applications as members of North West Leicestershire District Council Planning Committee and further declare that any comments made and votes will be based on the information supplied at this time.
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Monday 9th July be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.
RESOLVED: that the planning applications from the Local Planning Authority be received and replies to consultations made as shown attached.
RESOLVED: regarding planning applications 11 (12/00647/FUL) and 12 (12/00648/LBC) for change of use and extension of the water tower, adjoining the cemetery to one dwelling. To refer the planning application back to Ashby de la Zouch Town Council with the proposal to rescind the resolution to sell the cemetery Water Tower and to withdraw planning applications 12/00647/FUL and 12/00648/LBC. This followed a motion proposed by Cllr Allman as amended by Cllr Mrs Tuckey and voted on by the Committee
RESOLVED: that the planning decisions from the Local Planning Authority as shown attached be received.
RESOLVED: that accounts in the sum of £35,448.52 shown as attached be approved for payment.
RESOLVED: to write to Leicestershire County Council objecting to the proposed accident reduction scheme on the following grounds:
· As this is a crossing point and not a zebra or pelican crossing it will encourage people to cross the road at non-designated crossing places, so increase the chances of accidents happening.
· The width of Market Street is a historic feature of the town and this would be compromised by the creation of build outs and a central refuge.
To invite Mr P Doggett to a future meeting of the Committee to discuss the potential accident reduction scheme for Market Street.
The proposed traffic regulation order for Nottingham Road was supported by the Committee.
RESOLVED: to write to Leicestershire County Council supporting the proposed 50 mph speed limit on Moira Road, Ashby. However the Committee felt that the speed limit should be reduced to 40mph as that stretch of road is a notorious accident black spot and changes to funding of school transport means more children are walking to school along that route.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.56pm
CHAIRMAN ______DATE ______
No. / App. No. / Applicant / Address / Nature of application / Remarks1. / 12/00324 / Mr G Bott / Land adjacent to 219 Nottingham Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of three detached dwellings and detached garages and formation of new access drives. / No Objections
2. / 12/00341 / Mr B Hallam / 67 Wood Street, Ashby de la Zouch / Formation of vehicular access. / No Objections
3. / 12/00529 / Mr P Clewes / 49 Lower Packington Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of a rear conservatory. / No Objections
4. / 12/00550 / Mr K Pearce / 6 Windsor Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of conservatory. / No Objections
5. / 12/00563 / Mr S Parker / 66 Ashby Road, Woodville / Erection of a two storey rear extension with first floor balcony. / No Objections
6. / 12/00606 / Mr A Greenhalgh / 14 Highgate, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of a brick wall/ fence boundary treatment. / No Objections
Resolved: to write to North West Leicestershire District Council to complain about the quality of plans being sent through to the Committee.
7. / 12/00613 / Mr Wood / 19 Castle Way, Ashby de la Zouch / Crown thinning of 2 no. Lime Trees (Trees Protected by Tree Preservation Order T91). / No Objections
8. / 12/00615 / United Biscuits UK Ltd / United Biscuits Distribution Warehouse, Resolution Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Non-material amendment to planning permission 09/00740/FULM to increase the width of a door and install louvres to the south west elevation. / No Objections
9. / 12/00630 / Mr D Johnson / 30 Smisby Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Removal of existing garage and erection of single storey side and rear extensions along with dormer window in rear roofslope. / No Objections
10. / 12/00633 / Mr & Mrs G & E Davenport / Land between 41 and 43 Moira Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of one detached two-storey dwelling and demolition of existing garage (Outline – Means of access included). / No Objections
11. / 12/00647 / Ashby de la Zouch Town Council / Water Tower Adjoining Cemetery, Moira Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Change of use and extension of water tower to one dwelling. / See main minutes
12. / 12/00648 / Ashby de la Zouch Town Council / Water Tower Adjoining Cemetery, Moira Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Change of use and extension of water tower to one dwelling (Listed Building Consent) / See main minutes
13. / 12/00652 / David Wilson Homes / Land off Dunbar Way, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of marketing sales signage on land adjacent to no 57. Leicester Road, Ashby de la Zouch / No Objections
14. / 12/00659 / Ashby de la Zouch Town Council / St Helens Church Yard, Lower Church, Ashby de la Zouch / Felling of beech T15, Birch T24 and Cherry T28. Crown lifting of beech T2 and general works to 9no. other trees (Unprotected trees in a a Conservation Area). / No Objections
15. / 12/00664 / Mr & Mrs Simkins / 15 Windmill Close, Ashby de la Zouch / Two storey rear extension. / No Objections
16. / 12/00669 / Mr K Soar / 18 Elstead Lane, Blackfordby / First Floor Side extension. / No Objections
17. / 12/00689 / Mrs M Eccleston / 84 Smisby Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Change of use of first floor premises from a B1 (Office) use to a Flat (C3) use. / No Objections
18. / 12/00693 / Leicestershire County Council / Ashby Hill Top County Primary School, Beaumont Avenue, Ashby de la Zouch / Retention of mobile classroom (Block I) (Leicestershire County Council Consultation 2012/VOC/0293/LCC). / No Objections
19. / 12/00694 / Leicestershire County Council / Ashby Hill Top County Primary School, Beaumont Avenue, Ashby de la Zouch / Retention of mobile classroom and toilet mobile (Blocks G and K) (Leicestershire County Council Consultation 2012/VOC/0294/LCC) / No Objections
20. / 12/00719 / Mr R Wormersley / 11 Wrekin Close, Ashby de la Zouch / Two storey and single storey side extension incorporating car port and enlarged entrance area at ground floor level with bedroom above. / No Objections
21. / 12/00726 / Mr S Blease / The Croft, Prior Park Lane, Ashby de la Zouch / Extension of time limit to implement planning permission 09/00674/FUL for the erection of a two-storey rear extension (Involving conversion of roof space into residential) / No Objections
22. / 12/00730 / David Wilson Homes / Land off Dunbar Way, Leicester Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Retrospective consent sought for erection of sales marketing board / No Objections
23. / 2012/CM/0257/LCC / Severn Trent Water Ltd / Annwell Place STW, Burton Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of a control panel, antisepticity dosing unit and pumping station unit (Resubmission of planning consent no. 2011/1021/07) / No Objections
24. / 2012/LBC/0304/LCC / Leicestershire County Council / Ashby School, Nottingham Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Listed building consent to rebuild damaged grade II listed boundary wall / No Objections
25. / 2012/REG3Mi/0305?LCC / Leicestershire County Council / Ashby School, Nottingham Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Installation of a timber shelter with polycarbonate roof / No Objections
No. / App. No. / Applicant / Address / Nature of application / Remarks of Committee / Decision of LPA1. / 07/01372 / Gazely and UK Coal Ltd. / Former UK Coal Lounge Disposal Point, Ashby Road. / Erection of rail connected distribution building and associated works. / Object:
This is a greenfield site and has not been allocated for development within the local plan.
It would create serious highways and transport issues around Flagstaff Island and in the town.
Permission was granted for a temporary development of a coal loading plant on condition that the site was restored by UK Coal to countryside at the end of its permission period. This period has now expired and the restoration should be enforced by the County Council. / APPROVED
2. / 11/00594 / Capita Symonds Ltd. / Holywell Spring Farm, Burton Road, Ashby. / Residential development (400 dwellings), formation of vehicular accesses to Burton Rd., A1 shop, D1 medical centre, C2 residential care home, single form entry primary school, pumping station infrastructure and open space provision (outline – access included). / Object:
This is a greenfield site which is an important area of separation between Ashby and Woodville.
The proposed development would create serious highways and transport concerns in and around the town, particularly a lack of available car parking spaces in the town centre.
The need for an additional 400 houses (above those already agreed by the LPA for the Leicester Road and Smisby Road sites) has not been established.
The potential impact on traders on the Westfields estate and in the town centre.
There have been a number of road traffic accidents on Burton Road and the anticipated traffic movements as a result of this proposed development will worsen the position.
Infrastructure within the town is already seriously stretched – doctors, dentists, the secondary school – and will not be able to cope with an additional burden;
Land has been allocated for a medical centre but not to build the centre itself;
Moving the medical centre out of the town would be a major loss to the town centre and would make it very difficult for a large number of people, particularly the elderly, to access the centre.
The current proposed LDF allocates 430 houses for Ashby between now and 2026. NWLDC have recently already approved the building of 473 houses against this target.
This application for another 400 houses will double the allocated number of houses for Ashby far exceeding the facilities of the town.
Ashby should not be asked to make up for the lack of building in Coalville. Ashby has achieved 100% of its target. Coalville has only built 15% of its target. / REFUSED
3. / 12/00081 / Mr A Poynton / Tudor Motors 175 Leicester Road New Packington Ashby de la Zouch / Extension of time limit to implement Planning Permission ref 05/00111/OUT to demolish existing garage, petrol forecourt, service buildings and existing house and erection of dwellings (outline – means of access) / No Objections / APPROVED
4. / 12/00297 / Mr & Mrs Jacques / Hill Farm, Willesley Woodside, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of 1 no.250KW wind turbine and associated infrastructure / The Town Council objects to the erection on the wind turbine for the following reasons:
The ecological impact on wildlife in the area.
The environmental impact of the noise on properties in the surrounding area and on a neighbouring Nature Reserve.
The visual impact on the surrounding area, including the neighbouring Nature Reserve and cycle centre.
Following discussion of amended application:
No Objections and withdraw previous objections / APPROVED
5. / 12/00319 / Mr M Osbourne / The Station, Station Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Proposed change of use from A2 to A3 and provision of two residential apartments (Listed Building Consent) / No Objections / APPROVED
6. / 12/00320 / Mr M Osbourne / The Station, Station Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Proposed change of use from A2 to A3 and provision of two residential apartments (revised scheme) / No Objections / APPROVED
7. / 12/00335 / Mr & Mrs D Sanders / 162 Marlborough Way, Ashby de la Zouch / Change of use of estate amenity land to domestic curtilage and erection of garden fence / No Objections / APPROVED
8. / 12/00408 / Mr S Boase / Thors Cottage, 5 Main Street, Blackfordby / Sub division of dwellings to form 2 no. dwellings / No Objections / APPROVED
9. / 12/00435 / Mr R Jakeman / 5 St Michaels Close, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of first floor front/ side extension and formation of open entrance porch area. / No Objections / APPROVED
10. / 12/00438 / Mr S Revill / 28 Measham Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions and external alterations. / No Objections / APPROVED
11. / 12/00446 / Mr P Vale / 55 Leicester Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of wooden outbuilding. / No Objections / APPROVED
12. / 12/00459 / Mr R Hubbard / 14 Rowena Drive, Ashby de la Zouch / Erection of single storey side and front extensions. / No Objections / APPROVED
13. / 12/00479 / Eivissa / 24a Market Street, Ashby de la Zouch / Change of use from offices to an A1 beauty parlour at first floor level. / No Objections / APPROVED
14. / 12/00489 / St Giles Hospice Shop / Ashby House, 17 Bath Street, Ashby de la Zouch / Provision of 1 no. non-illuminated fascia sign. / No Objections / APPROVED
15. / 12/00518 / Mr J. Stanley / Glenavon, Prior Park Lane, Ashby de la Zouch / Two-storey side extension and single storey side/ front extension. / No Objections / APPROVED
16. / 12/00519 / Mr R Atkins / 37 Cambrian Way, Ashby de la Zouch / Single storey rear extension and provision of raised decking. / No Objections / APPROVED
17 / 12/00521 / Mr K Baker / 81 Nottingham Road, Ashby de la Zouch / Single and two storey extensions to rear of building. / No Objections / APPROVED
18. / 12/00539 / David Wilson Homes East Midlands / Land off Dunbar Way, Ashby de la Zouch / Retrospective application for advertisement consent for 1.no development hoarding sign. / No Objections / APPROVED
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