Minutes of the Patient Participation Group meeting held at Forest Medical on Tuesday 12th May 2015 at 2pm
Barbara Kelly(BK) Neil Hill(NH) Fiona Edwards(FE) Jane Read(JR) Frank Ceney(FC) Alison Waring(AW) Dr.Ebtihal Ali(EA) Jackie Brewin(JB)
Nicola Ryan and Charlotte Mellors
Barbara opened the meeting as the chair Kate Allsop had been delayed.
Matters arising from the meeting 03/03/15 .
Terms of Reference amendments There are still to be 7 registered patients present & 3 members from the Practice but the Practice Manager will replace the G.P.
A&E/ PC24 Patients/CCG/Sir Alan Meale M.P.
No new information but FC understands that Sir Alan Meale did not receive our original letter & following a duplicate letter has not been able to give any time to this matter because of the election.
Text reminders update See below.
P.P.G. Community Involvement PM is to ask the Newark Group to give us some ideas.
Self Help groups are being promoted more. (AW) (NH) said there was a need for a Community Board to give patients information of such groups. Information could also be on the Waiting Room Screen. AW is to contact organisers of Mansfield Self Help Groups.
NH is to highlight Community Enrichment in the Summer edition, encouraging volunteering. Streetlife to improve social contacts in the community.
AW gave other suggestions for self-help. Change Point a group for people with obesity problems. Oak Tree Leisure Centre have exercise & weight management programmes partially funded by the local authority. AW will bring details. NH queried if physiotherapy was still available at the Oak Tree Lane Surgery.
MIND The representative was not able to attend.
Practice Manager's update
JR read PM's report in her absence.
1. Congratulations to Kate our new mayor.
2. New chairs for the upstairs waiting room have been provided by the PPG cost £332-33. However, not able to pay until the Chair is present. There is to be a plaque to state that they were provided by the PPG.
3.Complaints Two patients were unhappy with their consultations. These are being resolved by PM & a clinician.
4.Better security maybe needed following 2 incidents i) a patient was bumped by an unruly child & ii)PM's phone was stolen, possibly CCTV is needed.
5 Compliments from patients i) a letter to Dr. Primorac for his expertise in Minor Injury Unit & ii) a thank you gift for Michelle Lawson.
6 Friends & Family 94% of respondents would recommend.
7. Named Accountable G.P. Text messages have been sent to 6,500 patients & 3,500 will be informed by post that Dr. Primorac is to be NAGP. PM stressing this will make no difference to who a patient will see on the day unless an appointment is made in advance. FC queried if the practice is becoming more beurocratic.
8.PM is on a Primary Care Development Centre Practice Managers Vocational Training Scheme hence her absence today.
9.Nurse Katie Pickard is leaving to join Integrated Care Team as a Diabetic Specialist. Another Clinical Practitioner Ian Farnsworth has been appointed. BK queried this role. JR said it was to deal with minor ailments. Dr. Ali said that there were not so many registrars now, a national shortage so Clinical Practitioners will be a help.
A.O.B. FE gave 2 complaints of a lack of courtesy from a receptionist. These are rare occurrences & would be referred to Charlotte Mellors possibly caused by an increased workload.
FC queried Practice policy in dealing with children's health concerns following a newspaper article JR assured him that all children were seen on the day.
Dates of next meeting Tues, 7th July 2015 at 2pm.
Minutes taken by Jackie Brewin
Forest Medical Patient Participation Group
Tuesday 07th July 2015 at 14:00 hrs.
1.Welcome and Introduction 1 Min
2.Apologies 1 Min
3.Minutes of Meeting held 12/05/15 2 Min
4.Matters arising from these minutes 2 Min
5.PPG Community Notice Board 15 Min
6.A&E/PC24 Patients /CCG/Sir Alan Meale 5 Min
7.Security Update/Patients/Children Behaviour 5 Min
8.Laura Tully from United Response 10 Min
9.Complaints/Praise 10 Min
10.Newsletter 5 Min
11.Practice Manager’s report5 Min
12.AOB/Items for next agenda 10 Min
13.Dates of next meetings3 Min