
Carterton Scout Group Minutes, Tuesday, 3March 2015


1.The meeting was opened and everyone welcomed at 7.05pm.

In attendance
Bronwyn Pogson- Committee
Wuss Harrie – Secretary
Mark Lark – Finance
Rochelle Williams- Committee

Rik Anderson – GL

John Sage – Scout Leader

Rachael Dell – Communications

(NOTE:John and Mark left a little early due to other commitments)

Sylvia Morgan, Andy Lowe, Hilton Parker,Jeanette Stokes

2.Approval of Previous Minutes (deferred)- The minutes (4th of November 2014) that were deferred from the last meeting were reviewed by the two committeemembers present on 4 November and agreed as a true and accurate record.Previous minutes to SCOUT GROUP meetings can be found on our website

Moved: Rik

Seconded: Rachael

  1. Approval of Minutes - The minutes from 10 Feb 15 were presented as a true and accurate record.

Moved: Rik Seconded: Mark

  1. Matters arising from previous minutes –
  2. Wish list – new gear requirements to be identified by troop leaders so committee can act on them as soon as possible. Action: All Leaders
  1. Formal farewell – Organising the Reeve family farewell. Action: Committee
  1. Kea leadership – currently being managed by John and Bronwyn (discussed further in matters arising. Action: Rik
  1. Joint activities -with Keas, Cubs and Scouts fostering leadership and mentoring:
  2. Older members with younger ones. Ben is keen to organise a joint BBQ (Location TBC) that will foster the GROUP. The idea was fully endorsed by the committee. A date needs to be agreed and communicated. Action: All Leaders
  1. Rosters –Jeanette to be asked to make the roster available for parents to view to give them some warning. Need to develop a roster for the Kea and Cub parents.

Action: Jeanette

  1. Leader/Adult:child ratio for Keas and Cubs to be confirmed.

Action: Committee

  1. Correspondence in/out
  2. Finance

a)As the Treasurer role had not been completely handed over formally – a work in progress, Mark is still receiving necessary info from previous finance officer Marty.

b)Clarification of the signatories - to be addressed when Treasurer handover is complete.

c)Invoicing - to wait until the Online Scout Management (OSM) (discussed in general business) tool is up and running as it will make it a smoother process.

  1. General Business

a)Pay it forward press release – load of firewood delivered to Elizabeth Hubbard in return for donation of 80 loaves of bread from Breadcraft. This has not been completed yet. Discuss with Jill.

Action: Rachael

b)Mail Box - Rik offered 26a Dalefield road as the Scout address, this is an extra letterbox at his place he does not use and it will save paying for aPO box.

Action: Committee

c)OSM (Online Scout Manager) - Rik introduced the new online tool which will be a repository for records of each child ( medical info, contact details etc.) It will have a log in access for Leaders. It will also make the Census easier. Once Rik has completed the basics it will be sent around the Leaders to complete their parts and then be our tool to maintain.

Action: Committee

d)Kea leadership - John will continue till the end of the term. Bronwyn/Jo will commence the process to become Kea Leaders. There has been some interest shown by other parents to take a leadership role this needs to be actively pursued. Action: Rik/John

e)Camps – Discussion around more use of the website to supply specific information for each camp to parents eg pick up/ drop off, parental assistance required, payment, gear list, etc . The bank account number is now currently on the Permission Forms section of the website maybe needs to go elsewhere on the website too.

Action: Rachael/Wuss

Discussions continued around the committee helping facilitate camps so it is one thing the Leaders don’t have to do and they can use their time more valuably. This needs to be discussed more widely with the Leaders.

Action: Committee

f)What needs to go into a patrol box. Task for Leaders to complete items required for patrol box and have it back to Matt (Quarter Master) by the end of March.

Action: Leaders

g)Scarves - We need 15-20 in the next couple of weeks.Rik to approach a localbusiness. Rochelle to ask a person at work and Bronwyn to approach Sew Carterton.

Action: Rik/Bronwyn/Rochelle

h)Fundraising - Discussions around having an aim for fundraising rather than just raising money with no goal other than Gear Replacement & Jamboree. Past fundraising has been reactive rather than planned. A budget could be drawn up by the treasurer so foreseeable expenses can be allowed for particularly the Jamboree.

There was also the thought that we need to have a buffer as well.Suggestions that we canvas parents to ask them how much are they willing to give in terms of time.

The committee will continue to think about what we are going to do.

i)Annual plan, financial plan budget for the year – needs to be addressed, this goes along with completing the Carterton PLAN, similar to last year including plotting key activities and fundraising.

j)Current activities discussion

  1. A&P wood chopping $800 Committee agreedthat the compensation/reward does not justify the time and effort. They need to be advised. Action: Rachel
  1. Wood Delivery - Ben has emailed to ask if parents can come on 15th and 29th March to split wood and deliver I, they will need to bring trailers –we have approx 60 loads to complete. Jill has advised that she has organised for the bulk of the wood to be ringed – Scouts will need to split, deliver and stack only.
  1. Compost- after several varying points of view were raised, it was agreed that this need further/wider/broader discussion before a decision can be made. Action: Committee
  1. Daffodil Day (Middlerun)–The Scouts provide the majority of support to this key community activity, Middlerun/Daffodil day acknowledged as a good community contribution as well as a fundraiser which has three linked but separate components (Rik will co-ordinate this activity for 2015, however – a new Lead will need to be identified for 2016):
  2. Bus ticket sales at Fire Station (3 Adults Six Cubs).
  3. Sausage sizzle at Middlerun (Parents plus Scouts Tp – Max participation), and
  4. Traffic control at Middlerun (4 Adults)
  1. Parental Contribution to fundraising – Canvas parents to ask what is an acceptable amount of time for them to donate to fundraising? Use of phonecalls, emails and deadlines can be useful to give parents time to plan and think about it then a follow up. Comms plan required.

Action: Rachel.

  1. Next Committee meeting: Given the new committee and the requirement to resolve several issues, it was agreed to hold an additional meeting on 31March 2015, 7 PM @ CDC.This will need to be confirmed with CDC.

Action: Wuss

9.Meeting closed–Rik thanked everyone for their time and efforts tonight, and the meeting was closed at 8.45pm

Wuss Harvie (Secretary)