Contractor Questionnaire ………Woodland Pointe Apartments

  1. Why are you interested in this HUD project?
  1. How many projects have you serviced?
  1. How many projects were HUD projects?
  1. What qualities do you think HUD is looking for in a contractor?
  1. Describe your business history.
  1. Have you ever declared bankruptcy or financially reorganized?
  1. Have you ever been debarred or suspended from doing business with the Federal

Government or with the State of Virginia?

  1. List your memberships with professional organizations.
  1. Describe your method of supervision….Site supervision and subcontractors.
  1. How much time do you spend at the site each week?

11. Who supervises project upon your absence?

  1. Are you licensed in the state of Virginia?
  1. Do you carry General Liability Insurance?
  1. Do you carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance?
  1. May we visit completed project(s)?
  1. May we visit projects in progress?
  1. Will you provide the MPNNCSB with written lien waivers?
  1. Who will be in charge of the job once it starts?
  1. Do you pull all the required building permits?
  1. How long has it been since last job completion?
  1. How many projects like Woodland Pointe have you completed in the last year?
  1. How many jobs will be competing against this project, Woodland Pointe?
  1. Have you ever exceeded the scheduled project timeline? If so, why?
  1. Have you ever experienced unexpected costs? If so, what were they and why did these costs accrue?
  1. Bonding is required. What are your bonding limits that you can apply to this project?
  1. What is your experience with Davis Bacon wages?
  1. This project has Section 3 requirements. Are you familiar with Section 3?

28. Have you completed Section 3 reporting? If so, were reports submitted on time?

  1. Are you familiar with the federally funded regulations as outlined in the project


30. Give a brief description of energy and water efficient strategies and green sustainability development that you have used in past projects.

31.Please provide three references with similar projects?