Honors World History
Teacher:Mr. Marcus Hamilton
Phone:336-357-2920 ext. 7542
Planning:2nd Period
Course Description
World History at the ninth grade level is a survey course that gives students the opportunity to explore recurring themes of human experience common to civilizations around the globe from ancient to contemporary times. A historical approach will be at the center of the course. The application of the themes of geography and an analysis of the cultural traits of civilizations will help students understand how people shape their world and how their world shapes them. As students examine the historical roots of significant events, ideas, movements, and phenomena, they encounter the contributions and patterns of living in civilizations around the world. Students broaden their historical perspectives as they explore ways societies have dealt with continuity and change, exemplified by issues such as war and peace, internal stability and strife, and the development of institutions. To become informed citizens, students require knowledge of the civilizations that have shaped the development of the United States. World History provides the foundation that enables students to acquire this knowledge which will be used in the study of Civics and Economics and United States History.
Honors World Historyprovides the opportunity for advanced work, rigorous study, and systematic study of major ideas and concepts found in the study of global history. The course is challenging and requires students to take greater responsibility for their learning by participating in problem-seeking, problem-solving, scholarly and creative processes, critical analysis and application, and reflective thinking. Although the goals and objectives are the same as those found in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCS), the material is taught with greater complexity and reflects a differentiated curriculum.
Class Rules and Expectations
Students will adhere to CDHS rules and procedures on student conduct. Expectations for my classroom include:
- Follow directions from the teacher.
- Be respectful of teacher and fellow students.
- Be prepared for class (seated with all materials, clear and focused minds).
- Be on time!
- No food or drinks in the classroom. Water is acceptable but only in a bottle.
- Cell phones are prohibited in class unless instructed by teacher.
Failure to follow class rules and procedures will lead to disciplinary action.
Other expectations…
- Come in class, be seated and ready. If you are not in the classroom AND seated, you are considered tardy.
- The bell does not dismiss you, I do. When I say “Peace”, you may leave.
- Please raise your hands if you need anything (pencil, paper, bathroom, etc.).
- If you use any materials in class, put it back where you got it from. Leave the classroom in the condition in which you came in.
Required Class Materials
- Three Ring Binder
- Dividers
- Notebook Paper
- Pen or pencils
- Highlighter
Grading Scale / Assignment Descriptions
Grades will be calculated based on a 10 point scale:
Major (tests, projects, presentations, etc.):60%
Minor (Unit Packets, Vocab Quizzes):30%
Weekly Participation/Homework:10%
- The final exam will be counted as 20% of your final grade.
Test: Will consists of 50 multiple choice questions and 2 to 3 constructed response questions. The multiple choice question will be taken from the notes, activities in class, or from videos shown.
Starting with unit 2 there will be 20 multiple choice and 2 constructed response questions from previous unit test. For example, Unit 2 test will have 30 MC questions from unit 2 and 20 from unit 1. It will also have constructed response from both units. This will require you to keep information fresh on your mind so you do not forget things used at the beginning of the semester.
The Unit 8 test will have questions from Unit 8 and 20 from units 1-7. It will have constructed responses from unit 8 and from units 1-7.
For each test we will do test corrections. You will write the questions and the answer. It is important that you learn the correct answer because it may show up on the next test. Corrections will give you half credit back on the test and will be an all or nothing grade. If you complete only half of what is required, you get no points back. These are key to passing this course.
In-Class Projects: we will complete an in-class project for each unit this semester. This will require you to work with a partner to create various products. Projects can help bring up grades of poor test takers. They are graded on rubrics so as long as you have the required information you will do well. You should not have to do any part of the project at home except for printing pictures. I will select the first groups. Getting to pick your own partner will be earned through meeting expectations in class. If you fail to work well with others in a group you will not be allowed to have a partner.
One goal of these projects is to allow you time to talk to your classmates. It is important to learn how to keep yourself on task to complete the projects on time. Working together correctly improves the learning of all parties involved.
Vocabulary Quizzes: each unit will have 20-35 vocabulary words. You will complete a matching quiz the day before each unit test. This will not be difficult if you take the time to learn the words. Sometimes I will switch definitions out for pictures or cartoons. If you understand the words this will be easy, if you memorize this will not.
Unit Packet: will be given at the beginning of each unit. This packet will include the notes, vocabulary words, readings, video sheets, project rubrics, and anything else we will complete for that unit. These will make up 40% of your grade in class. You will be required to keep up with the unit packet and to be sure it is completed when you turn it in. I will only print a limited amount of extra copies. If you lose your packet I will email it to you, or you can retrieve it from my page on the school website.
CNN Student News: we will be watching this every day. This will take the place of daily warm ups out of the book. It will help keep us up to date on recent news from around the world, and help tie current events to historical events. If we do not pay attention to student news we will do warm ups out of the book.
Weekly Participation: along with homework (which will not be assigned every day), I will keep a roll sheet and grade students based on participation each week. Everyone starts at 100. Points can be deducted for not participating in review games and saying “I don’t know” to answer a question. Sleeping in class is the most egregious offense, and hold a loss of 20 points. You will have the opportunity to gain points back by asking smart questions and assisting fellow classmates.
Policies of Note...
- If you miss a test, you will take it the day you come back regardless of how long you been out.
- Cheating results in a ZERO and you are written up, loss of eligibility to be in the honor society, and is placed on your permanent record. If someone copies your paper you are responsible for allowing them to cheat. Talking before, during, and after a test is cheating.
- Late work counts off a letter grade each day it’s late.
- Good behavior will be rewarded by picking your own partner in group work, increased amount of group work, cheat sheet test, etc.
World History Hollywood Movies
In World History we will be watching select clips from Hollywood movies such as 300, Troy, and Saving Private Ryan. These movies illustrate some of the concepts we are covering in World History this year, and also do a great job at grabbing the attention of students. We will not watch more than 15 minutes of a video a day, and will always have an accompanying viewing guide. Videos are used as a teaching tool, not as a way to waste time. Some of the clips may include violence and mild language, but will give an excellent portrayal of the topics of Spartan culture, the Greek phalanx, and the Trojan War etc.
I assure you the clips will be tasteful, however, as a precaution, I ask your permission to allow your son/daughter to view these carefully selected clips. If this paper is not returned I will assume your son/daughter does not have your permission and they will be placed next door during this portion of the class and given an alternate assignment.
Hollywood video clips used in class may include:
-300 (R)- Flyboys
-Troy (R)- Saving Private Ryan – Beach Scene (R)
-A Knight’s Tale- Band of Brothers
This list may become larger or smaller based on time constraints for each class.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
I will allow my child to watch clips from ‘R’ rated movies in Mr. Hamilton’s class that are highly applicable to the topic of World History.
Parent Contact Information
In order for me to properly keep you in the loop with the failures and successes of your student please complete the following form:
Student name: ______Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent phone number: ______
Parent Email: ______
*Email is the best way for me to communicate with parents and if you provide one that you use often I will be able to keep you up to date on your child’s grades/behavior. I would likely only use a phone number in the case of excessive absences or a discipline matter.
If you would like to email me my email is:
*I will try to send out an email to each parent towards the beginning of the semester to let you know I have received your email and it works properly.