The Saturday Institute for Lay Ministryoffered through Cardinal Stritch University’s Saint Clare Center for Catholic Life may serve catechists and catechetical program coordinatorsas a resource toward Archdiocese of Milwaukee Religious Education Certification. All Saturday Institute courses are offered on the main campus of Cardinal Stritch University. All courses meet on six dates for 1 hour and 40 minutes each time, for a total of 10 classroom hours per course.

Pathway toward BASIC Religious Education CERTIFICATION:

For a catechist who has no prior training or religious education certification, Basic certification may be attained by completion of FOUR Institute courses -one each in theology, scripture, spirituality, and methods. Courses may be taken a la carte and in any order (or in any Institute cycle) and applied toward BASICreligious education certification. Catechists are encouraged to consulttheir parish coordinator/director of religious education for religious education certification expectations and applications.

Pathway toward INTERMEDIATE Religious Education CERTIFICATION:

For a catechist who already has earned Basic religious education certification, Intermediate certification may be attained by completion of FIVE Institute courses – one each in theology, scripture, spirituality, and methods plus a fifth course in either theology, scripture, spirituality or methods. Courses may be taken a la carte and in any order (or in any Institute cycle) and applied toward INTERMEDIATEreligious education certification. Catechistsare encouraged to consulttheir parish coordinator/director of religious education for religious education certification expectations and applications.

Pathway(s) toward ADVANCED Religious Education CERTIFICATION:

  1. For a catechist (or program coordinator) who has already earned Intermediate religious education certification, completion of SIX Institute courses – one each in theology, scripture, spirituality, and methods plus a fifth and sixth course ineither theology, scripture, spirituality or methods.Courses may be taken a la carte and in any order (or in any of the Institute cycle) and applied toward ADVANCEDreligious education certification. Catechists are encouraged to consult their parish coordinator/director of religious education for religious education certification expectations and applications.
  1. Anyone who completes the full required course of study and formation to earn a CERTIFICATE of COMPLETION in LAY MINISTRY through the Saint Clare Center (160 hours of prescribed core curriculum, ministry formation and retreats) may also apply toward ADVANCED Religious Education Certification (Please consult Saint Clare Center staff for further details).

IMPORTANT NOTE: A given Saturday Institute for Lay Ministry (the Institute) course may only be counted or applied toward any certification requirement once. For Religious Education Certification, courses may be applied in any order. Religious Education Certification attempted through the Institute will require successful completion of course requirements as outlined by each instructor and in accordance with expectations of the Saint Clare Center staff.

The Saint Clare Center staff is happy to assist students who wish to navigate these various certification possibilities and pathways.