AIM originally started as a group of scientists gathered by HYDRA. They grew in expertise as creators of weaponry, bioengineering and robotics. When Hydra was defeated by SHIELD, the group rechristened themselves Advanced Idea Mechanics. Posing as a legitimate business, AIM continued their secret agenda for world-domination. Their many creations include the Super-Adaptoid, a containment device for the cosmic cube and MODAK; the genetically engineered psionic killing machine who eventually became the group's leader. Under Modak's iron-handed rule AIM splintered into three warring factions, but after wresting control from their master, they reintigrated into one


Mystique recruited the Greek immigrant for her Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Dominic Petros can create vibrations that allow him to move earth and rock. He can disrupt the ground, throw earthen projectiles or even ride a wave of soil. He oncetried to blackmail California, threatening major earthquakes, but was stopped by the Hulk. Though no longer affiliated with either the Brotherhood or Freedom Force, Avalanche still battles against the X-men.

Taking after her father, Felicia Hardy became a cat burglar; training in martial arts and acrobatics. To re-enforce her unlucky name, Black Cat would rig accidents to make her enemies think she had probability control powers. She fought and was eventually caught by Spider-Man. She later escaped and ended up fighting crime alongside her "Spider." The two became romantically linked but after she was wounded by Doctor Octopus, Spidey forbade her from her crime-fighting career. Black Cat made a deal with the Kingpin to attain true super powers, getting the ability to bring bad luck to anyone she was near. In part to this new power, Spidey and Black Cat ended their relationship.

Hailing from the Negative Zone, Blastaar is the despotic king of Baluur who can fire powerful blasts from his hands. He is the bitter arch-enemy of Annilihus; the two villains are always warring when Blastaar is not trying to invade the positive universe. These attempts to expand his rule have been stopped by the Fantastic Four, Blink of the X-Men and the Silver Surfer.

Natalia "Natasha" Alianovna Romanova started as an agent for the Soviet Union sent to spy on Stark Enterprises. She recruited Hawkeye to fight against Iron Man and the Avengers. She was later brainwashed but broke free and defected to join SHIELD. Natalia teamed up with Daredevil and the two became lovers for a short time and still remain friends. She founded and led two teams: the Champions and the post-Onslaught Avengers.

Working at the circus, Fred Dukes got the nickname the Blob; due to his mutant power over his own fat. As long as he stays on the ground, he is immobileand can absorb the inertia of bullets and blows. Originallycontacted to join the X-men, Blob ended up with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants instead and later with Freedom Force. Blob later went solo, fighting Spider-Man and Black Cat. The villain Onslaught increased his powers to allow him greater control over his body, similar to those of Mr. Fantastic.

When Victor Von Doom's attempt to communicate with his dead mother ended in an explosion, he blamed it on his college roommate: Reed Richards. Hiding his scars behind an iron mask and suit of armor that grants him invulnerability, flight and energy blasts, Doom seeks revenge against Richards and the Fantastic Four who constantly defeat his schemes. Doom trusts no one; often using Doombots as stand-ins and decoys while he plots from his castle in the European nation of Latveria; where he rules with an iron fist. Though Doom is a brilliant scientist and master sorcerer, his arrogance keeps him from achieving his true goal: world domination!

When an experiment in radiation went awry, Dr. Otto Octavius not only became fused with his steel tentacles, but also became a criminal megalomaniac! Doc Ock's crime spree was stopped by Spider-Man who has since become his hated enemy. Ock once saved Spidey's life, just so he could be the one to kill him! Dr. Octopus' arms not only allow him to crush steel and walk high above the ground like stilts but he can also elepathically command them to do his bidding even when they are separated from his body!

Created by the brilliant Doctor Doom, Doombots serve as servants, soldiers
and stand-in for their master. Doombots come in a variety of forms; from the purple Guardian robots to identical replicas of Doom himself. These decoys are programmed so perfectly that many believe they are the true Doom, which ultimately leads to their
destruction at the hands of their master!


After Elektra Natchios quits working for SHIELD, she returned home to the Greek
isles to resume her life as a freelance mercenary. She is contracted by Ione Katamides,
a mysterious heiress who seeks revenge against four men who once wronged her. Just how far will Elektra go to fulfill a contract? Will she resort to torture and murder or does she still possess a greater sense of mercy?

When Thor spurned the romantic advances of theAsgardian magic-user Amora, he made a deadly enemy. Allying herself with the Executioner, she attempted to wrest Asgard from Odin. Her plans were always stopped by Thor and the Avengers. The Executioner, tired of her treatment, left her only to die in battle. The grieving Enchantress turned to Thor and the two started a romantic relationship. She was captured by frost giants but escaped and returned to Asgard. Her powers enable her to fire blasts of magic and create
shields, manipulate the four elements, cross dimensions, teleport, and paralyze with a touch. She can control a man's will with only a kiss.

NICK FURY (Unique)
During WWII and the Korean war,Nick Fury was the leader of the Howling Commandoes. He lost his eye while spyingfor the CIA during Viet-Nam and eventually became an agent of the international espionage organization S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury fought
against the plans of HYDRA and Zodiac, teaming up with many of Earth's heroes like Captain America and Black Widow to save the world countless times. Fury served as director of S.H.I.E.L.D for many years until handing the reigns over to agent Sharon Carter and returning to his roots as a field operative performing undercover work.

Inspired by Iron Man, circus archer Clint Bartonbecame Hawkeye to fight crime but was mistaken for a thief. Iron Man learned of his true nature and sponsored him for an Avengers membership. Hawkeye later led the West Coast team. Though 80 percent deaf, Hawkeye is an expert marksman who shoots trick arrows that can create electrical blasts, swing lines and explosives! He was married to fellow Avenger Mockingbird and after her death he became the leader of the Thunderbolts. Hawkeye has recently been working with SHIELD.

HULK as Mr. Fixit (Unique)
The Hulk finds himself in another dimension. After striking a deal with a wizard to rid himself of his alter-ego Bruce Banner, he returns to Earth and seeks employment in Las Vegas. Assuming the name "Joe Fixit," he is hired by casino owner Michael Berengetti as a legbreaker. He even manages to convince his associates that his gray skin is a racial characteristic. After clashes with the Absorbing Man, Spider-Man and demons from hell, Berengetti fires Mr. Fixit for being more trouble than he's worth.

After being bombarded by cosmic rays Johnny Storm discovered he could burst into flame and fly. Taking the name the Human Torch, he agrees to become a member of the Fantastic Four. By shouting "Flame On!" the Human Torch blazes into action; throwing fireballs and exploding his powerful nova blast. When not tormenting Spider-Man or the Thing, Johnny is charming the ladies. He hasdated Crystal, Galactus' herald Nova, Namorita and even unwittingly married a Skrull named Lyja.

Susan Storm found she could turn herself invisible when she was exposed to cosmic rays. She later learned to generate force fields which she can manipulate into a variety of forms. Along with her fiance Reed, brother Johnny and friend Ben, she founded the adventuring team, the Fantastic Four. Namor tried to win her hand, but she and Reed eventually married. Over the years Sue has matured in both power and character, eventually re-naming herself Invisible Woman. When not saving the universe, she lives in the Baxter Building with her husband and her two children; Franklin and Valeria.

Manufactured by Stane International, the Mandroid armor is worn by SHIELD
agents against super human opponents. They were field-tested against the Avengers in preparation for SHIELD's involvement in the Kree-Skrull war. Mandroids have been used against both the Defenders and the X-men. Both Major Glen Talbot and the Hulkbusters wore modified versions of the armor against the Hulk.

MEDUSA (Unique)
Medusalith Amaquelin is the Queen of the Inhumans and wife to Black Bolt. Her strange power to control her long tresses of tentacle-like hair was first seen used against the Fantastic Four. Suffering from amnesia, Medusa was drafted by the Wizard into becoming a member of the Frightful Four. Regaining her memory, she rejoined her people. She has only left the Inhuman's base of Attalin a few times, resulting in a fight against Spider-Man and to take Invisible Girl's place on the Fantastic Four for a few months.

Hoping to travel to hyperspace in a spacecraft of his own design, Reed Richards assembled a crew consisting of his fiance, her brother and his friend. The four were bombarded by cosmic rays and crashed back to Earth. Cosmic radiation gave Reed the power to stretch to great lengths and transform in a variety of shapes. Using these new powers for good, he formed the Fantastic Four. For all his power, Reed's greatest asset is his brilliant mind, which he uses to create inventions to aid him in his adventures against foes like Dr. Doom, Annilihus and the Puppet Master.

MOJO (Unique)
There is an alternate dimension governed by a power structure resembling Earth's movie industry. The ruling class, called the Spineless Ones,created humanoid slaves to perform. One slave, known as Longshot, rebelled and fled to Earth. Mojo, the ruler of this dimension, sent Spiral and other hired guns after him. Failing, Mojo himself went after Longshot. He was stopped by the X-Men who had befriended the ex-slave. Realizing their bankable potential, he kidnapped X-Men Psylocke and Phoenix in attempts to "raise his ratings." Even though Mojo had psychic abilities, could hypnotize victims or even manipulate their cellular matter, he was eventually killed by Longshot.

As a child, Heather Douglas survived an attack by Thanos and was rescued by the Eternals of Titan. She developed mind powers as well as athletic and scientific prowess; gaining control over the cosmic entity; the "Dragon of the Moon." When Titan was destroyed, she fled back to Earth. As "Madame MacEvil" she tested heroes to recruit in her campaign against Thanos and eventually defeated him with her fellow Avengers. She left the team and joined the Defenders, becoming a mentor to Hellcat. When Moondragon became corrupted by the Dragon, she was destroyed but was ressurected as a clone. Moondragon gathered the Earth's heroes to oppose Thanos when he gained the Infinity Gems and eventually became the Mind Gem's protector. She can read thoughts, project bolts of pure psionic force, manipulate objects telekinetically, levitate and fly using only her mind.

Raised in the circus, mutant Kurt Wagner is an expert acrobat and fencer who can teleport in a "Bampf" of smoke and brimstone. Though he resembles a fearsome demon (or a fuzzy elf) he is actually a kind and romantic soul. Rescued by Professor X from a hysterical crowd, he joined the X-men where he stayed on as a member for many years. When Kurt was injured and witnessed what he thought was the death of the X-men, he joined Excaliber, eventually becoming the team's leader. After studying to become a Catholic priest, Kurt has rejoined the X-men. He also discovered that he may be the child of his enemy, Mystique.

RED SKULL (Unique)
Adolf Hitler berates his staff at a Berlin hotel, saying "This bellboy could be a better Nazi than you!" Taking lowly bellboy Johann Schmidt under his wing, Hitler molded him into the perfect agent: The Red Skull. Armed with weapons like the mind controlling Nullatron and his "dust of death," which turns a victim's face into a shriveled skull, the Red Skull master-minded plots against the allies; commanding a "wolf pack" of submarines and supervising the construction of Sleeper robots. He was thwarted by his arch-enemy, Captain America. When he battled Cap on Exile Island at the end of WWII, the Red Skull ended up trapped in suspended animation.

William Baker aka Flint Marko was a criminal on the lam. Unfortunately, he chose to hide at a beachside nuclear test site when an experimental reactor exploded. Baker was exposed to radiation which merged him with the beach's sand, allowing him to transform into any shape. Using his new talent he fought Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four as a member of the Frightful Four. He joined the Sinister Six and met Hydroman whom he accidentally merged with into a mud creature! They were cured and Sandman reformed, becoming a member of Silver Sable's Wild Pack and the Avengers. He hasn't been seen since being seriously injured by Venom.

When lawyer Jennifer Walters was shot by a gangster, her cousin, Bruce Banner, gave her an emergency transfusion. His gamma-irradiated blood transformed her into the She-Hulk. Although Jen's skin turned green and she gained super strength and invulnerability like the Hulk, she retained her intelligence and could transform at will. Preferring to be the She-Hulk, she joined the Avengers. After the Secret Wars, she joined the Fantastic Four while the Thing stayed on the Beyonder's planet. When the Thing returned, She-Hulk left the team, helping the Avengers on an on-again, off-again basis against menaces like the Sentinels and Onslaught.

SHIELD (Team) - Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-Enforcement Division is the premiere agency battling global terrorism and alien invasion. Led by temporary director Sharon Carter, Shield agents travel in their mammoth helicarrier as they battle against HYDRA, AIM and rogue superheroes. Shield's most famous agent is Nick Fury, an ex-CIA operative who for several years was the supreme field commander and led the group through countless crises.

When the Fantastic Four first started their career,Skrull commandos impersonates them, hoping to discredit and ruin their effectiveness as defenders of Earth. The Skrulls were defeated and hypnotized by Mr. Fantastic into believing they were docile cows! Years later, the fake cows were slaughtered and their meat eaten, giving unwitting earthlings strange Skrull-like powers!!

SPIDER-MAN (Unique) - From Amazing Spider-Man #100-102. Peter Parker creates a formula to "cure" himself of the radiation in his blood that makes him Spider-Man. He experiences hallucinations of his worst foes including Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus and the Vulture. When he wakes, he discovers he has grown four more arms! Peter seeks help from Doctor Curt Connors but meets Morbius the living vampire instead! When Connors turns into the Lizard, the two monsters battle for the privilege to kill Spidey! Eventually, Connors reverts back to human form and creates a cure to return Spider-Man back to the two-armed wall-crawler we know and love!

SPIRAL(Unique) - Ricochet Rita was a stuntwoman in the Mojoverse, "gifted" with cybernetic enhancements by Mojo. She has hardened skin and six arms which she uses to wield both swords and magic. Her magic allows her to teleport, control energy and turn invisible. When her lover, Longshot fled the Mojoverse, Spiral was sent after him but failed to capture him. Staying on Earth, Spiral became a member of Freedom Force, battling the X-Men and Excaliber. She also set up the body altering "Body Shoppe" responsible for Psylocke and Lady Deathstrike's cybernetic enhancements.