THMU 1310 Weekly Assignments – FALL 08

8/21Intro to the class- in DMC 103 Scarey Stuff,Tonicization Pattern, (p. 1), Assignment of Small Group Singing. The Major scale. Introduction to MacGAMUT

8/26Intro to Small Group Sing. Major Mode. Primary Chords from 1-7 Line Chart. Scarey Stuff, Harmonic Exercises #1-2 and 3-4, (pp. 1 and 2), Preliminary exercises A-C (p. 4), Basic Interval exercises #1, 6-7 (pp. 5, 6); Ottman: ch. 2 treble clef melodies 2.1-2.15. MacGAMUT : Begin scale mastery through level 8 (DUE 9/4 BEFORE CLASS).

8/28Continuation of above.

9/2Small Group Sing in DMC 121. Add secondaries from 1-7 Line Chart. Scarey Stuff: analyze Harmonic ex. #5 (p. 2), Preliminary exercise D, (p. 4), Basic Interval ex. #2-3 (p. 5);Ottman: ch. 2 treble clef melodies 2.1-2.15.

9/4Horvit: seconds (p. 1) and sevenths (p. 13). Begin MacGAMUT interval mastery through level 19 (DUE 9/11, 9/18, 9/25).MacGAMUT scale mastery DUE.

9/9Small Group Sing in DMC 121. Review Major Mode, Primaries and secondaries from 1-7 chart, Scarey Stuff: Sing Harmonic exercise #5 (p. 2), Basic Interval ex. #4-5 (p. 5), Polka-Dot Song #1 in Key of G major (p. 7); Ottman: ch. 2 bass clef melodies 2.18-2.31.

9/11Horvit: thirds (p. 3) and sixths (p. 11) MacGAMUT interval mastery through level 7 DUE

9/16Small Group Sing in DMC 121. Review Major Mode. All chords in major, add ii7 and V7. Scarey Stuff: Harmonic exercise #5 (p. 2) complete, Polka-Dot Song #2 in key of D major (p. 7);Ottman: ch. 2 bass clef melodies 2.18-2.31.

9/18Horvit: fourths (p. 5), fifths (p. 7) and octaves (p. 9) MacGAMUT interval mastery through level 14 DUE

9/23Small Group Sing in DMC 121. Scarey Stuff: Octave Displacement exercise #1 (p. 10), Polka-Dot Song #3 in Eb major (p. 8), Major Melodies from memory (p. 11-12): Ottman: ch. 3, Melodies 3.1-3.22.

9/25TEST #1 All IntervalsMacGAMUT interval mastery through level 19 DUE.

9/30Small Group Sing in DMC 121. Scarey Stuff: Octave Displacement exercise #2 (p. 10), Polka-Dot Song #3 (p. 8), con’t. Major melodies from memory. Begin MacGAMUT Chord mastery to level 4 (DUE 10/9). Ottman: ch. 3, Melodies 3.23-3.49.

10/2Basic Harmonic Dictation Horvitt: Unit 4 p. 73-88, Basic Melodic Dictation Unit 2 p. 32-40

10/7Small Group Sing in DMC 121. Scarey Stuff: Polka-Dot Song #3 (p. 8) in G major, more major melodies from memory. Ottman: ch. 4, Melodies 4.24-4.37.

10/9MacGAMUT chord mastery to level 4 DUE. Continuation of Horvit: p. 74-88, 31-40.

10/14Small Group Sing in DMC 121. Scarey Stuff: Basic Interval Exercises in Harmonic minor (p. 5), sing 3 minor scale forms, Polka-Dot Song #4 (p. 9) in D harmonic minor, 1-7 Line Chart in minor. Begin MacGAMUT Rhthmic mastery to level 10 (DUE 10/21 (Yes, 10/21), 10/30). Ottman: ch. 4, Melodies 4.38-3.54.

10/16 Fall Break, no classes

10/21Small Group Sing in DMC 121. More in minor: add “sub” category. Scarey Stuff: Repeat Polka-Dot Song #4 in D Harmonic minor, Harmonic exercise #6-7 (p. 2) with and without use of “Sub.”;Ottman: chapter 5 minor melodies. MacGAMUT Rhthmic mastery to level 5 DUE

10/23Horvit: Unit 4 melodies, continuation of Unit 4 harmonic dictation

10/28Small Group Sing in DMC 121. Review all minor chord vocab. Scarey Stuff: Polka-Dot Song #4 (p. 9) in D Melodic minor, Review harmonic exercise 6-7 (p. 2), Complete Ottman ch. 5 minor melodies.

10/30TEST #2 Melodic and Harmonic Dictation. MacGAMUT rhythmic mastery to level 10 DUE.

11/4Small Group Sing in DMC 121. Review all diatonic chord vocabulary on the chart, Scarey Stuff: harmonic exercises #8 and 9 (p. 3), Ottman: melodies from ch. 6. Begin MacGAMUT Melodic mastery to level 9 (DUE 11/13, 11/20, 12/4).

Dictation Homework: p. 109 #13-16

11/6Horvit: Unit 5 melodies, p. 98, #1-3 (optional), Harmonic Dict. P. 110, #14-16

11/11Back to meeting together in DMC 103! Melodic Dictation p. 99 #7-8, Harmonic Dictation p. 112-113 #7-10;

Dictation Homework: Harmonic Dictation p. 111-112, #5-9

11/13Dictate a hymn for your head as requested. Melodic Dictation. p. 100 #10, Harmonic Dictation p. 115, quiz #3.MacGAMUT Melodic mastery to level 3 DUE

Dictation Homework Harmonic Dictation p. 114 Quiz #1

11/18Melodic Dictation Unit 5 Quiz #1 p. 102, Harmonic Dictation p. 136 #7, p. 137 #10, p. 138 #13 and 15;

11/20Melodic Dictation p. 100 #12, Harmonic Dictation p. 139 #2, 4; p. 140, #8; MacGAMUT Melodic mastery to level 6 DUE

11/25Melodic Dictation unit 5 Quiz 2 #1-2, Harmonic Dictation p. 144 #5,



12/4TEST #3 Melodic and Harmonic Dictation,MacGAMUT Melodic mastery to level 9 DUE.

12/9-12Individual Singing Exams, sign-up list will be posted