Civil War And Reconstruction Review Sheet

  1. What was the most significant reason for the “irreconcilable differences” between the North and South in the 1850s & cause for the outbreak of Civil War in 1861?
  1. Name the seven Southernstates that seceded from the Union prior to Fort Sumter.
  1. Who was president of the United States when South Carolina seceded?
  1. Two part question: (a) What event brought the Upper South into the Civil War? (b) Which four states in the Upper South seceded by 1861?
  1. Name two ways the Confederate Constitution differed from the U.S. Constitution
  1. Two part question: Moderate Republicans offered one final compromise to the South after the Deep South seceded (but before Fort Sumter). (a) What was the name of the compromise? (b) What was one provision of the compromise?
  1. Name the 4 border states that had slavery but did not secede with the South during the Civil War:
  1. Name 2 advantages the North had at the outbreak of the Civil War
  1. Name 2 advantages the South had at the outbreak of the Civil War
  1. Northern anti-war Republicans who criticized Lincoln and the Union’s participation in the Civil War were called:
  1. (a) Name the Northern war strategy (designed by Winfield Scott) and (b) Name 3 of the 4 major components of this plan
  1. Name the1stbattle of the Civil War involving the Army of the Potomac the Army of Northern Virginia
  1. Name two reasons Antietam was a “turning point” battle in the Civil War.
  1. Name the two ships that fought the Battle of the Ironheads (1862):
  1. Two part question: Prior to Antietam, Lincoln said the North was fighting the Civil War to “____” but after Antietam, the focus of the North during the Civil War became ___.
  1. According to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, all the slaves living ___ (location) were freed.
  1. All the slaves in the United States were freed upon ratification of the ____.
  1. The only two Civil War battles fought on Northern soil were:
  1. Grant’s army was able to take control of the Mississippi River after the Battle of __
  1. Sherman’s “March to the Sea” was significant because it led to the capture of ___ which helped Lincoln get reelected in the election of 1864.
  1. Lee surrendered to Grant in 1865 at ___ (location) outside of Richmond, VA
  1. Who assassinated Lincoln?
  1. Lincoln Congress disagreed on their reconstruction plans for the South. What was one of the major disagreements?
  1. Lincoln and Congress disagreed on the legality of secession. Lincoln believed that secession was led by ____ while Congress believed that secession was led by _____
  1. Two part question: (a) What was Lincoln’s reconstruction plan called? and (b) What was one provision of this plan?
  1. Two part question: (a) What was Congress’ initial reconstruction plan (the plan Lincoln vetoed) called? and (b) What was one provision of this plan?
  1. Name one provision of Andrew Johnson’s reconstruction plan
  1. Southern governments oppressed freedmen & circumvented reconstruction efforts by creating these discriminatory laws against African-Americans:
  1. Name two forms of assistance the Freedman’s Bureau provided to former slaves
  1. What is the difference between a “carpetbagger” and a “scalawag”?
  1. Name one of the two bills Johnson vetoed that led to Radical Republicans to believe that the 14th Amendments was needed to protect blacks in the South.
  1. What was the purpose of Johnson's “Swing Around the Circle” campaign in 1866?
  1. Name two provisions of Thaddeus Stevens’ “Radical Reconstruction” Plan that went in place in 1867
  1. According to the Constitution, which part of the U.S. government was responsible for impeachment of Andrew Johnson?
  1. To replace slavery after the Civil War, the primary labor system for black farmers in South was
  1. As sharecroppers, poor black farmers did not have enough money to purchase supplies and equipment so they mortgage their future crops. This became know as the ____ system.
  1. Name and describe each of the three “reconstruction amendments”
  1. The most famous Radical Republican in Congress was:
  1. Which party controlled Congress throughout the Civil War and Reconstruction era?
  1. Which demographic group in America was most upset with the passage of the 15th Amendment?

Civil War And Reconstruction Review Sheet

  1. Slavery
  2. South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Florida
  3. James Buchanan
  4. (a) The firing on Fort Sumter, SC (b) Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas
  5. Any two will do: No tariffs, No abolition of slavery, No internal improvements, Preserved states’ rights
  6. (a) Crittenden Compromise (b) Constitutional amendment to protect slavery OR extension of the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific
  7. Maryland, Kentucky, Delaware, and Missouri
  8. Any two will do: larger population, greater industrial production to make weapons, more railroads, more textiles
  9. Any two will do: better military leadership, did not have to invade the North to win (defensive strategy), better relations & possible alliances with England & France, better shooters by soldiers
  10. Copperheads
  11. (a) Anaconda Plan (b) Any 3 will do: naval blockade of the south, take control of the Mississippi River, divide the South & West, take control of Richmond, VA.
  12. Bull Run (Manassas)
  13. Any two will do: Antietam was the bloodiest single day of fighting during the Civil War; The battle gave Lincoln confidence to issue the Emancipation Proclamation; England and France did not provide aid to the Confederacy
  14. “The CSS Virginia (a.k.a. the Merrimack) vs. the USS Monitor
  15. “preserve the Union”…emancipate the slaves
  16. the Confederacy (or the South; or in “rebellious” states)
  17. 13th Amendment
  18. Antietam and Gettysburg
  19. Vicksburg
  20. Atlanta
  21. Appomattox Courthouse
  22. John Wilkes Booth
  23. Lincoln wanted quick reentry for the South while Congress wanted a more strict plan OR Lincoln wanted to use pardons to control reentry while Congress wanted to require new state constitutions for the South
  24. Lincoln believed secession was led by individuals; Congress believed secession was led by states
  25. (a) Ten-Percent Plan (b) States could be re-admitted when 10% of its population swore an oath of US loyalty OR Pardons offered for oath-takers OR States had to recognize the emancipation of slaves
  26. (a) Wade-Davis Bill (b) 50% of state populations had to swear an oath of loyalty OR Confederate leaders were ineligible to vote or participate in state governments OR Did not require black suffrage but did enforce emancipation
  27. Appointed provisional state governors to lead state constitutional conventions OR States must declare secession illegal & ratify the 13th Amendment
  28. Black Codes (not Jim Crow Laws—those describe discriminatory acts after Reconstruction ended)
  29. Any two will do: Provided emergency food, housing, medical supplies; Promised “40 acres & a mule”; Supervised labor contracts; Created new schools & paid teachers
  30. Carpetbaggers are northerners who moved South to assist Reconstruction; Scalawags are Southerners who helped or profited from Reconstruction efforts.
  31. Extension of the Freedman’s Bureau OR the Civil Rights Act of 1866 (Johnson’s argument against the 14th Amendment is OK although it was never vetoed)
  32. Johnson’s tour through the South to convince Southern states NOT to ratify the 14th Amendment
  33. Any two will do: Confiscation & redistribution of planter lands; Allowed quick re-entry for states that supported black suffrage; Ex-Confederates couldn’t vote; Created 5 military zones in the South
  34. The House of Representatives (“Congress” is not specific enough)
  35. Sharecropping
  36. Crop-lien system
  37. 13th Amendment—abolished slavery; 14th Amendment—protected civil rights for Americans; 15th Amendment—offered African-American voters men the right to vote
  38. Thaddeus Stevens
  39. Republican Party
  40. Women because they wanted universal suffrage