Certificatein Renewable Energy and the Environment
AT A GLANCE: Course Clusters
Cluster #1: Social Sciences, Humanities, and Business
African and African-American Studies
L90 AFAS 162 Freshman Seminar: Contextualizing Problems in Contemporary Africa
L90 AFAS 2300 Topics in Urban America: Exploring Urban Change
American Culture Studies
L98 AMCS 1012 Introduction to Urban Studies
L98 AMCS 118A Geology of National Parks
L98 AMCS 122 Freshman Seminar: A Sense of Place: Discovering the Environment of St. Louis
L98 AMCS 3190 Engaging the City: St. Louis Outside/In
L98 AMCS 3283 Introduction to Global Health
L98 AMCS 332B Environmental and Energy Issues
L98 AMCS 3612 Culture and Environment
L98 AMCS 343 Two Cultures: Literature and Science
L98 AMCS 4007 American Democracy and the Policy-Making Process
L98 AMCS 442 Oil Wars: America and the Cultural Politics of Global Energy
L98 AMCS 448W Current Macroeconomic Issues
L98 AMCS 454 Environmental Policy
L48 Anthro 100 Earth’s Future: Causes and Consequences of Global Climate Change
L48 Anthro 111 In the Amazon: Peoples and the Politics of Nature
L48 Anthro 167 Global Population Issues
L48 Anthro 3182 Ancient Africa: Social Mosaics and Environmental Challenges
L48 Antrho 3284 Public Health Research and Practice
L48 Anthro 3322 Brave New Crops
L48 Anthro 3472 Global Energy and the American Dream
L48 Anthro 361 Culture and Environment
L48 Anthro 3616 From Deep Ecology to Indigenous Ecological Identity: Environmental Social Movements and Anthropology
L48 Anthro 3616 Ecofeminism: Environmental Social Movements and Anthropology
L48 Anthro 3618 Urban Ecological Anthropology
L48 Anthro 372 Geoarchaeology
L48 Anthro 379 Meltdown: The Archaeology of Climate Change
L48 Anthro 3793 Mississippi River Basin: Past, Present and Future
L48 Anthro 380 Applications in GIS
L48 Anthro 4282 Political Ecology
L48 Anthro 4285 Environmental Archaeology
L48 Anthro 479 Climate, Culture and Human History
L48 Anthro 579 Feast or Famine: Archaeology and Climate Change
L52 ARC 372 Geoarchaeology
L52 ARC 379Meltdown: Archaeology and Climate Change
L52 ARC 3793 Mississippi River Basin: Past, Present and Future
L52 ARC 479 Climate, Culture and Human History
B54 MEC 350X Markets, Business And The Environment
B54 MEC 494 Business and the Environment
B63 MGT 500U Basics of Bio-Entrepreneurship
L11 Econ 309W Microeconomics of Public Policy
L11 Econ 451 Environmental Policy
L12 Educ 4413 Project Design for Math and Science Education
L12 Educ 4521 Teaching Adults in Community Settings
Environmental Studies
L82 EnSt 101 Earth’s Future: Causes and Consequences of Global Climate Change
L82 EnSt 109A Quantitative Reasoning in Environmental Science
L82 EnSt 110 Environmental Issues
L82 EnSt 122 Freshman Seminar- A Sense of Place: Discovering the Environment of St. Louis
L82 EnSt 201 Earth and the Environment
L82 EnSt 221A Human Use of the Earth
L82 EnSt 222 Topics in Japanese Literature and Culture: Environmental Consciousness in Modern Japanese Literature
L82 EnSt 272A Physics and Society
L82 EnSt 290 Sophomore Seminar in Sustainability and the Environment
L82 EnSt 299 Directed Internship
L82 EnSt 310 Ecological Economics
L82 EnSt 323 Biogeochemistry
L82 EnSt 332 Environmental and Energy Issues
L82 EnSt 335F Introduction to Environmental Ethics
L82 EnSt 350W Environmental Issues
L82 EnSt 361 Culture and Environment
L82 EnSt 375 Urban Ecology
L82 EnSt 379 Feast or Famine: Archaeology and Climate Change
L82 EnSt 3793 Mississippi River Basin: Past, Present and Future
L82 EnSt 380 Applications in GIS
L82 EnSt 393 Practical Skills in Environmental Biology
L82 EnSt 405 Sustainability Exchange: Community and University Practicums
L82 EnSt 406 Urban Ecosystems Principles Integration
L82 EnSt 413 Introduction to Soil Science
L82 EnSt 444 Environmental Geochemistry
L82 EnSt 451 Environmental Policy
L82 EnSt 479 Climate, Culture and Human History
L82 EnSt 539 Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic
L22 History 3032 Problems in U.S. Environmental History
L22 History 3068 The Human History of Climate Change
L22 History 3194 Environment and Empire
L22 History 49BV Climate Change: An Environmental History
Legal Studies
L84 Lw St 235F Introduction to Environmental Ethics
L84 Lw St 332B Environmental and Energy Issues
L30 Phil 235F Introduction to Environmental Ethics
L30 Phil 239 Topics in Philosophy and Environment
L30 Phil 321G Philosophy of Science
L31 Physics 219 Energy and the Environment
L31 Physics 344 Energy and Environmental Physics
L31 Physics 444 Energy and Environmental Physics
Political Science
L32 Pol Sci 2010 Introduction to Environmental Policy
L32 Pol Sci 3171 Topics in Politics: The Politics of Environmental Regulation
L32 Pol Sci 332B Environmental and Energy Issues
L32 Pol Sci 333 Topics in Politics: International Environmental Politics
L32 Pol Sci 340 Topics in Politics: Environmental Justice
L32 Pol Sci 3752 Topics in American Politics: Globalization, Urbanization, & the Environment
L33 Psych 347 Environmental Psychology
Social Work
S60 Social Work 5040 Understanding and Intervening with Environment and Climate Vulnerable Populations
University College*
U69 Anthro 361 Culture and Environment
U44 Bus 367 Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability
U44 Bus 375 Contemporary Organization Development: Creativity, Innovation, Sustainability
U07 Econ 355 Environmental Economics
U08 Educ 6008 Science Inquiry for Educators
U08 Educ 6009Hands-on Science K-8: Matter and Energy
U13 EPSc 121 Introduction to Global Climate Change
U13 EPSc 201B Earth and the Environment
U85 IA 420 Using GIS in International Affairs
U85 IA 5142 Sustainable Development and Conservation: Madagascar
U85 IA 5403 Climate Change and the Global Climate Debate
U85 IA 5421 International Environmental Issues
U43 IS 364 Global Sustainability
U22 Phil 2352 Introduction to Environmental Ethics
U25 Pol Sci 3312 Environmental and Energy Issues
U25 PolSci 3322 Sustainability Policy
U19 Sust 107 Environmental Geology and Energy
U19 Sust 200 Introduction to GIS
U19 Sust 209 Introduction to Environmental Studies
U19 Sust 2352 Environmental Ethics
U19 Sust 313 Nature and the American Literary Imagination
U19 Sust 315 Introduction to Historical Preservation
U19 Sust 319 Planning Sustainable Communities
U19 Sust 328 Environmental Law: Applications Toward Sustainability
U19 Sust 3312 Environmental and Energy Issues
U19 Sust 3322 Sustainability Policy
U19 Sust 343 Managing LEED Certification
U19 Sust 344 International Development and Sustainability
U19 Sust 355 Environmental Economics
U19 Sust 362 Practical Applications of Sustainable Design I
U19 Sust 363 Practical Applications of Sustainable Design II
U19 Sust 364 Global Sustainability
U19 Sust 366 Historic Preservation, Planning, and Sustainability
U19 Sust 375 Contemporary Organization Development: Creativity, Innovation, Sustainability
U 19 Sust 413 Environmental Science: Regional & Global Perspectives
Urban Studies
L18 URST 360 Culture and Environment
L18 URST 379 Meltdown: Archaeology and Climate Change
L18 URST 380 Applications in GIS
L18 URST 3472 Global Energy and the American Dream
L18 URST 4512 Environmental Policy
Cluster #2: Art & Architecture
A46 ARCH 275 Service Learning Course: Environmental Issues
A46 ARCH 336A Sustainability FL2010
A46 ARCH 336B Designing Sustainable Environments
A46 ARCH 336C Biomimicry: Towards a Sustainable Design
A46 ARCH 336D Biomimicry: A Biokinetic Approach to Sustain(Able) Design
A46 ARCH 350 Service Learning Course: Environmental Issues
A46 ARCH 403 Sustainable Design
A46 ARCH 404 Advanced Integrated Sustainability
A46 ARCH 434R Decoding Sustainability
A46 ARCH 435E Furnish It, With Pieces
A46 ARCH 438 Environmental Systems I
A46 ARCH 439 Environmental Systems II
A46 ARCH 462H Information Modeling for Sustainable Design
A46 ARCH 462K Productive Systems: Ecological Articulations in Architecture
A46 ARCH 472 Sustainable Development
A46 ARCH 490 Architecture Service Learning Practicum
A46 ARCH 564J Sustainability in the Built Environment: Infrastructure, Landscapes and Buildings
A46 ARCH 657 Contemporary Practices of Sustainable Urbanism
Art (Elective Studio Courses)
F20 ART 124G-624G Special Topics in Fashion Design: Sustainable Textile Design
F20 ART 196-696 Design, Artisanship & Sustainability As A Cultural Catalyst
Cluster #3: Natural Sciences & Engineering
L41 Biol 1260 The Secret Lives of Plants
L41 Biol 2010 The Science of Biotechnology
L41 Biol 2950 Introduction to Environmental Biology
L41 Biol 2951 Environmental Debates
L41 Biol 381 Introduction to Ecology
L41 Biol 393 Practical Skills in Environmental Biology Research
L41 Biol 3010 Biotechnology Project
L41 Biol 3041 Plant Biology and Genetic Engineering
L41 Biol 419 Community Ecology
L41 Biol 4193 Experimental Ecology Laboratory
L41 Biol 4830 Bioenergy
L41 Biol 4831 01 Green Machines: Plant Physiology, Growth & Bioenergy
L41 Biol 4832 Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis and Respiration
L07 Chem 182 Current Challenges in Energy and the Environment
L07 Chem 475 Chemical Biology
L07 Chem 481 General Biochemistry I
L07 Chem 482 General Biochemistry II
L07 Chem 542 Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry: The Chemistry of Energy Storage
Earth & Planetary Sciences
L19 EPSc 109A Quantitative Reasoning in Environmental Science
L19 EPSc 111 Introduction To Global Climate Change In the 21st Century
L19 EPSc 112 Freshman Seminar: Engineering the Climate
L19 EPSc 116A Resources of the Earth
L19 EPSc 140 Freshman Seminar: Geology and Human Health
L19 EPSc 201 Earth and the Environment
L19 EPSc 219 Energy and the Environment
L19 EPSc 221A Human Use of the Earth
L19 EPSc 308 Topics in Environmental Sustainability
L19 EPSc 323 Biogeochemistry
L19 EPSc 408 Earth’s Atmosphere and Global Climate
L19 EPSc 428 Hydrology
L19 EPSc 429 Environmental Hydrogeology
L19 EPSc 430 Environmental Mineralogy
L19 EPSc 444 Environmental Geochemistry
L19 EPSc 454 Exploration and Environmental Geophysics
Electrical and Systems Engineering
E35 ESE 437 Sustainable Energy Systems
Energy,Environmental & Chemical Engineering
E44 EECE 101 Introduction to Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
E44 EECE 112 Earth’s Future: Causes and Consequences of Global Climate Change
E44 EECE 311 Green Engineering
E44 EECE 412 Sustainability Exchange: Community and University Practicums
E44 EECE 425 Environmental Engineering Laboratory
E44 EECE 495D Biomass Energy Systems and Engineering
E44 EECE 551 Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology
E44 EECE 571 Industrial and Environmental Catalysis
E44 EECE 590 Energy and Environmental Economic Decision-Making
E44 EECE 591 Energy and Buildings
E33 EECE 210 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
E33 EECE 311 Green Engineering
E33 EECE 380A Sustainable Technologies for the Global Community
E33 EECE 401 International Experience in Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
E33 EECE 412 Sustainability Exchange: Community and University Practicums
E33 EECE 413 Energy Conversion and Storage
E33 EECE 428 Sustainability Exchange: Community and University Practicums
E33 EECE 439 Advanced Energy Lab
E33 EECE 448 Environmental Organic Chemistry
E33 EECE 459D Biomass Energy Systems and Engineering
E33EECE 495 Special Topics: Energy and Buildings
E33 EECE 514 Atmospheric Science and Climate
E33 EECE 531 Environmental Organic Chemistry
E33 EECE 533 Physical and Chemical Processes for Water Treatment
E33 EECE 534 Environmental Nanochemistry
E33 EECE 547 Atmospheric Science and Climate
E33 EECE 552 Biomass Energy Systems and Engineering
E33 EECE 556 Bioenergy
E33 EECE 548 Environmental Organic Chemistry
E33 EECE 588 Physical and Chemical Processes for Water Treatment
E33 EECE 590 Special Topics: Energy and Environmental Economics and Risk Management Decision-Making
E33 EECE 591 Energy and Buildings
E33 EECE 594 Special Topics: Advanced Renewable Energy
E33 EECE 595 Special Topics: Energy and Buildings
E35 EECE 437 Sustainable Energy Systems
E63 ChE 146A Introduction to Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
E63 ChE 262 Intro to Environmental Engineering
E63 ChE 344 Air Pollution
E63 ChE 345 Pollution Abatement and Waste Minimization
E63 ChE 408A Environmental Engineering Lab
E63 ChE 438 Environmental Risk Assessment and Toxicology
E63 ChE 443 Environmental Chemistry
E63 ChE 449 Sustainable Air Quality
E63 ChE 4830 Bioenergy
E63 ChE 510A Dynamics of Air Pollution
E63 ChE 523 Biological Treatment Processes
E63 ChE 542 Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic
E63 ChE 549 Sustainable Air Quality
Environmental Studies
L82 EnSt 101 Earth’s Future: Causes and Consequences of Global Climate Change
L82 EnSt 110 Environmental Issues
L82 EnSt 122 A Sense of Place: Discovering the Environment of St. Louis
L82 EnSt 201 Earth and the Environment
L82 EnSt 272A Physics and Society
L82 EnSt 290 Sophomore Seminar in Sustainability and the Environment
L82 EnSt 299 Directed Internship
L82 EnSt 310 Ecological Economics
L82 EnSt 350W Environmental Issues
L82 EnSt 380 Applications in GIS
L82 EnSt 390 Independent Study
L82 EnSt 405 Sustainability Exchange: Community and University Practicums
L82 EnSt 406 Urban Ecosystems Principles Integration
L82 EnSt 413 Introduction to Soil Science
L82 EnSt 539 Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
E37 MEMS 5422 Solar Energy Thermal Processes
E37 MEMS 5423 Sustainable Environmental Building Systems
E37 MEMS 5424 Thermo-Fluid Modeling of Renewable Energy Systems
E37 MEMS 5705 Wind Energy Systems
Pathfinder: Program in Environmental Sustainability
Please contact us regarding L54 EPSC XXX courses that you would like to apply to the certificate. See information about Pathfinder.
University College*
U29 Bio 209 Introduction to Environmental Studies
U29 Bio 364 Introduction to Global Sustainability
U29 Bio 406 Introduction to Biochemistry
U29 Bio 413 Environmental Science: Regional & Global Perspectives
U29 Bio 4631 Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems
U29 Bio 490 Plants, People, Culture
U29 Bio 523 Plants and People
U29 Bio 5925 Matter and Energy Transformations
U13 EPSc 105 Environmental Geology
U13 EPSc 107 Environmental Geology and Energy
U13 EPSc 121 Introduction To Global Climate Change
U13 EPSc 111 Introduction to Global Climate Change
U13 EPSc 2011 Earth and the Environment
*Note regarding University College courses:Full-time Washington University undergraduates may only take a total of eight (8) University College courses, or one course per semester over four years. Please contact your advisor or University College( with any questions.