StrathkelvinGroup Bulletin

March– September 2016


(Unless otherwise stated, all indoor events will be held in Milngavie Lesser Town Hall, 71 Station Road, Milngavie, G62 8BZ)

Thursday, 10 March 2016- 7.30pm-10.00pm:Central Scotland's Native Orchids/Strathkelvin AGM

Roy Sexton, Chairman of the Stirling and Clacks. SWTGroup: Central Scotland is home to 16 species of native orchids; this talk will include them all and will discuss how to recognise them, where to find them, their fascinating biology and what steps are being taken to conserve them.

After the talk there will be a short AGM - we do hope you will stay for this and for refreshments.


(Please note that all finishing times are approximate)

[* denotes joint event with Glasgow Group]

*Cuningar Loop (Glasgow Group) - Saturday, 19 March, 11.00 am–3.00pm

Walk to Cuningar Loop: linear 3-mile walk on prepared paths along the Clyde Walkway, through new community native woodland to Rutherglen; option of a bus back from Rutherglen or train from DalmarnockStation (10 mins from the Loop). Meet at entrance to the People’s Palace. Contact Moira Wadsworth, 0141 339 6066.

*Falls of Clyde Wildlife Reserve (Glasgow Group) –Sunday, 24 April, 10.30am–3.30pm

How well do you know your spring flowers and woodland birdsong? Find out more and spot nesting peregrines at this well-known reserve;good paths.SWT Visitor Centre,New Lanark. Contact Moira Wadsworth 0141 339 6066.

*”Birds,Bluebells Breakfast”SWTCumbernauld Glen Wildlife Reserve – Sunday, 1 May, 4.30am–7.00am Part of International Dawn Chorus Day (IDCD), Friends of Cumbernauld Glen.Birds, flowers and other wildlife. Early morning walk (to coincide with similar events across the world) led by Dr Stewart White through parkland and woodland inCumbernauld Glen/Park[grid ref. N777763].Learn about the different bird calls, habitats and habits, then enjoy breakfast at the end of the walk. Meet at Allotments car park near to Cumbernauld House: follow road signs for Cumbernauld Theatre –once inthe Reserve, ignore right turn to Theatre, continue on and turn left just before the House, down short path and turn right into car park. Suitable for all ages (except very young children);we love dogs, but please leave them at home this time, to avoid disturbing the wildlife. Booking essential (25 max); contact Karen Morrison, 01236 728841/07813 821932.

Ballagan Glen Wildlife Reserve – Wednesday, 1 June, 7.15pm-9.30pm
A guided walk with Dave Garner, Reserve Convener, to look for spring birds and flowers. Note: steep terrain - stoutboots with good grip required. Meet in Strathblane Church car park, Campsie Road, Strathblane.Booking essential.Contact Dave Garner 07443 434 552.

*Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre, Grangemouth - Saturday, 11 June (Glasgow Group),11.00am–2.00pm

Jupiter Ranger-led tour on how this urban wildlife oasis was created, and tips for wildlife gardening.

Meet at entrance to the Visitor Centre. Contact Ann Brackenridge, 0141 339 0890/07811501418.

Loch Ardinning Family Day – Sunday, 19 June,12.00noon–4.15pm A wonderful day for all the family with nature-themed events running all afternoon;guided walks and pond-dipping - come and see what is in and around the loch; drop in any time between 12.00 and 4.15.

Contact David Shenton, 0141 776 5506.

*Luggiebank Woods Wildlife Reserve, Cumbernauld – Wednesday, 22 June, 7.00pm-9.00pm
A leisurely walk through rich woodlands along the Luggie Water. Birds, flowers and other wildlife.
Meet at western end of Greenfaulds railway station car park - look out for signs to Cumbernauld Park and Ride.
Contact David Shenton 0141 776 5506.
*Flanders Moss – Saturday, 16 July, 11.00am-3.00pm
The walk, led by Dave Pickett of SNH, is in two parts:the first part is along the boardwalk to the viewing tower - learn about management carried out on the moss, which is one of the largest raised bogs in Europe; the second part is a walk on an undeveloped area of the bog to see special moss plant and insect life.

Meet at Scottish Natural Heritage car park,on the west side of B822 approximately 2 miles north of Kippen roundabout on A811. Waterproof boots essential for second half. Bring a packed lunch.
Contact David Shenton 0141 776 5506.

*Baron’s Haugh RSPB Reserve–Sunday, 7 August, 10.00am–1.00pm

Guided walk with Stephen Owen, Reserve Manager, to look for wetland and woodland birds, and bugs and other wildlife (packed lunch optional for those wishing to stay on). Meet in Reserve car park, Manse Road, Motherwell. Contact Fiona on 07789 201997.

*Polkemmet Country Park (Glasgow Group)– Saturday, 20 August, 10.30am
Visit to Scottish Owl Centre and Polkemmet Country Park, Whitburn, West Lothian; walk in the Country Park;

owl flying displays at 11.30, 13.30, 15.30 [included in entry fee of £7.50, concessions £6.50 (£1 reduction if group of 15 or more)]. Café, picnic tables. Meet in the car park.Contact Janet

Livestock present for parts of Loch Ardinning and Ballagan Glen events.
Children must be with an adult for all these events.
Public transport available for Luggiebank, Loch Ardinning and Ballagan Glen events.

Waterproof clothing, stout footwear and binoculars advised for all events.

PRACTICAL CONSERVATION:David Shenton, Reserve Convener for Loch Ardinning, organises a monthly work party at this SWT reserve (meet at the dam at Loch Ardinning on the A81 between Milngavie and Strathblane). These work parties take place on the first Saturday of the month (apart from January when it takes place on the second Saturday); work starts at 10.30am and finishes around 4.00pm but you can stay for as short or long a time as you wish.2016 dates are as follows:5 March, 2 April, 7 May, 4 June, 2 July, 6 August, 3 September.

______Strathkelvin Group:

Welcome to this Bulletin of the Strathkelvin Group - sincere thanks to all of you who have continued to support the Group by attending talks and participating in outdoor events. The Committee have been working hard to put together the programme for 2016 and we hope you will find lots of things that interest you - please do feel free to bring along family and friends who may be interested in any of our activities. We are happy to welcome new ideas, so if you have a particular interest and would like to be involved, please get in touch with any member of the Committee – we will be delighted to hear from you. If you would like more information on anything please contact any of our committee either personally or through the email given below. Our current Committee: David Knox (Chair), David Shenton (Treasurer; Conservation and Planning), Fiona McLean (Secretary), Dorothy Moodie (Minutes), Lorna Hutchison (Programme), Karen Morrison (Bulletin).

Chairman’s Report It's good to send out this newsletter at the start of spring with its lengthening days and, hopefully, good weather - at least compared to the past winter! Guided walks to a wide range of places of varied wildlife interests dominate our Spring/Summer programme of events, along with the regular work parties and annual Family Day at Loch Ardinning Reserve. We also have a street collection/booksale on 12 March so if you would like to help with that please let us know (contact details below). The Strathkelvin SWT group is making good progress in sustaining and growing our Organising Committee and we would be very pleased to discuss our work and future plans with any prospective members.______

Helping you keep in touch with SWT Strathkelvin Group:Many SWT members and friends have provided their e-mail addresses so we can send reminders about forthcoming events organised by the Group, but somemembers’ e-mail addresses are not on our list – if you would like to receive reminders, please o confirm (you can also cancel your request via this address), saying “Please send me reminders” - don’t forget to include your name!

See also the StrathkelvinGroup webpage within the SWT’s main website, - click on ‘Who we are’ and choose ‘Local Groups–Strathkelvin’. [David Shenton 0141 776 5506].