Job Title:Head of Fundraising
Responsible for:Currently three Fundraising Officers, Database Administrator (part-time), external contractors, and volunteers.
Responsible to:Director
Job purpose:To lead Health Poverty Action’s fundraising, considerably increasing its income so that it can do more to help the world’s poorest and most marginalised people improve their health.
Health Poverty Action works to strengthen poor and marginalised people in their struggle for health.
We have a distinct approach, which can be summarised as a combination of three things:
- We emphasise the need for justice rather than charity. We work to tackle not just the symptoms of poor health, but its root causes. In particular, we recognise the profound importance of the social and economic determinants of health – hence our name, Health Poverty Action.
- We prioritise those missed out by others. Development initiatives exhibit a natural tendency to cluster together, the same factors leading numerous organisations to the same areas. This leaves large populations with almost no support at all. They may be living in hard to reach areas, or difficult to support for some other reason.
- We specialise in providing a holistic approach. This is important because the poorest and most marginalised face so many threats to their health. Tackling one in isolation risks doing little more than changing the cause of death, rather than saving lives – whereas tackling all health determinants in a co-ordinated way can bring lasting improvements, and give rise to creative links and innovations.
Health Poverty Action was established in 1984 – and until 2010 was called Health Unlimited. Our first programme was to deliver primary health care in southern Afghanistan during the Soviet war, meeting the needs of people other NGOs for various reasons were not able to serve.
Today, Health Poverty Action works in 13 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, benefiting many millions of people each year. We employ over 500 staff overseas – mostly recruited from within the populations they serve – and around 20 in our international HQ based in London.
Our work falls into four categories:
- In-country development programmes
We work with communities to tackle the things that deny them their health rights. This includes ensuring sufficient food and nutrition, clean water and sanitation, education, shelter, access to a good health service – and being able to raise their voice to influence decisions and practices that affect them. We don’t set up parallel or duplicate systems, but build and strengthen local capacity – so that improvements are not only sustainable, but owned and led by those whose rights they are intended to serve.
- Influencing the policy and practice of others
Driven by our conviction that it is not acceptable for anyone to be denied their health rights, we are committed to the vision of Health for All. We know this is something that can never be realised through acts of charity. It requires major change – including paradigm shifts in social, economic and environmental policy. That is why we lobby and campaign.
- Responding to emergencies
We work with those affected to mobilise all possible resources for urgent response – and do this as an integrated contribution to their ongoing development work.
- Providing consultancy and other contracted services
These services provide important benefits for the poor as well as generating income. All profits are ploughed back into developing our work.
Over time, Health Poverty Action has developed close relationships with communities who have learnt through bitter experience to trust few others. These communities might be marginalised for reasons of ethnicity, culture, gender, geography, politics, economics – or all of these. We have become particularly skilled at working in hard to reach areas, and with populations such as indigenous people and ethnic minorities. While a lot of our work is in remote rural areas, we also work in large cities and urban areas – we know there are marginalised people there too.
We are passionate about the work we do, and know that for individual mothers, fathers, friends and children, it can mean the difference between grief and loss, or lives spent sharing, experiencing and growing old together.
We believe Health Poverty Action’s work is not an act of charity, but a recognition of rights. Sadly not everyone can currently enjoy good health. But every human being on the planet has an equal right to the factors necessary for them to sustain the best level of health they reasonably can. It is unacceptable that these rights are currently available to some but denied to so many.
Health Poverty Action believes improving health is not just a medical challenge, but a fundamental issue of justice and human rights. Health justice and economic justice can both be achieved – and they can only be achieved together.
Role of Head of Fundraising
The work of the Fundraising Department is pivotal to the impact of the whole organisation, raising funds so that millions of poor and marginalised people are able to improve their health. As Head of Fundraisingyou will lead the vital work of this department, as well asassisting the Director in the management of the organisation overall as a member of the Senior Management Team.
The Fundraising Departmentgenerates both unrestricted donations and funds to supportspecific activities, including matching funds from trusts and other sources to secure major government grants from proposals generated by the programmes departments.
Health Poverty Action’s highest priority is to increase the proportion of its income that is unrestricted (or can be used to fund activities that would otherwise draw on unrestricted funds). The strategy includesface-to-face fundraising, a growing direct marketing programme for committed giving,trusts,major donor, e-fundraising, community/events fundraising (including the London marathon) and legacy fundraising. As well as developing these existing streams,it will be important to explore new areas, such as various forms of social enterprise, corporate partnerships, and looking at the potential ofin-country fundraising.
Currently, the department consists of two Fundraising Officerswho generate income from trusts and foundations, and anotherwho concentrates on community/events fundraising. There is also a shared Administrator and frequent volunteers.
Health Poverty Action’s work overall is divided into five departments: Fundraising; Asia and Latin America Programmes; Africa Programmes; Policy and Campaigns; and Finance and Administration.
The Fundraising Department interfaceswith Programmes to develop robustand attractive funding packages, to meet match funding commitments, and to ensure Health Poverty Action’s fundraising is supported by compelling evidence, case studies and engaging personal stories. Policy & Campaigns work closely with Fundraising to increase Health Poverty Action’s public profile and supporter base, and these two departments work with the Director to oversee organisational communications. The Finance department provides support and oversight to help analyse profitability, monitor income/expenditure against targets, and develop future projections.
A key part of the Head of Fundraising’s role is identifying and developing new business opportunities. It calls for someone who is able to ensure core income is reliably delivered, and someone who also possesses an entrepreneurial spirit, with the drive, determination and practical vision to identify exciting new ideas and opportunities, and turn them into reality. It’s a challenging role! However it is one in which the right person will be able to make a profoundly powerful contribution to the cause of the poor.
- To lead, manage and develop the work of Health Poverty Action’s Fundraising Department.
- To increase Health Poverty Action’s income, particularly unrestricted income.
- To lead the development and implementation of Health Poverty Action’s fundraising strategy.
- To ensure effective delivery of all fundraising activities.
- To identify and develop profitable new income streams.
- To assist the Director in the management and strategic development of Health Poverty Action as a member of the Senior Management Team.
The Head of Fundraising is a seniorposition in the organisation.
In the continually changing environment in which we operate it is not possible to have fixed responsibilities. The following outline provides a view of the scope of the work, within which strategies and priorities will be agreed working closely with the Director.
Health Poverty Action takes staff support and development seriously, and allows for responsibilities attached to posts to be reviewed and adjusted in consultation with the post holder, taking into account the developing needs of the organisation.
1Strategic planning, implementation and reporting
a)Lead the development and implementation of Health Poverty Action’s fundraising strategy. Draw up plans and income projections. Set and monitor targets.
b)Manage the work of the Fundraising Department, encouraging growth and the exploration of new areas while ensuring the successful delivery of existing areas of work.
c)Take personal responsibility for the delivery of key areas of work as appropriate (which currently includes face-to-face fundraising, and new direct marketing initiatives).
d)Report on progress to the Director, agreeing key decisions and priorities.
e)Participate in the preparation and delivery of organisational reports and publications as appropriate.
f)Attend Board meetings and make presentations as required.
g)Along with other members of the Senior Management Team, assist the Director in the management and development of Health Poverty Action’s work overall.
2Pioneer new income streams and substantially grow Health Poverty Action’s income
a)Seek ways of developing and expanding Health Poverty Action’s fundraising activities.
b)Develop profitable new income streams.
c)Increase income from existing streams.
3Manage the Fundraising Department
a)General responsibilities:
i)Inspire and facilitate good team working. Create and sustain a supportive environment, in which all are valued, recognised and strengthened to give of their best. When volunteers are used, involve them as valued members of the team.
ii)Provide regular support, coaching and supervision, and conduct annual appraisals of paid staff, ensuring that volunteers are also supervised, supported and appraised as appropriate.
iii)Identify training and personal development needs with staff, and seek to ensure these are met.
iv)Ensure that efficient administrative systems are in place, demonstratinggoodgeneral administration both personally and within the department.
v)Involve the Director and/or other staff in major initiatives and key aspects of the Department’s work as appropriate.
b)Specific areas of work:
i)Trust fundraising: Two dedicated Trust Fundraising Officers are currently responsible for Health Poverty Action’s fundraising relationships with trusts. The Head of Fundraising will:
-Provide the managerial leadership and support necessary to ensure they successfully deliver ontargets and workplans.
-Oversee planning and monitor progress.
-Help them find ways of increasing income.
-Participate personally in key activities and major approaches as appropriate.
ii)Community and events fundraising: A dedicated Fundraising Officer currently works on events (particularly the London marathon), and a variety of community fundraising initiatives. The role involves promotion of legacy giving.
-Provide the managerial leadership and support necessary to ensure s/he successfully delivers on her/his targets and workplans.
-Oversee planning and monitor progress.
-Help him/her find ways of increasing income and growing in her/his role.
-Participate personally in key activities and major initiatives as appropriate.
iii)Face-to-face, direct marketing and major donor fundraising: The Head of Fundraising currently leads these key areas of work personally.
-This includes arranging face-to-face campaigns and developing new areas of direct marketing, such as inserts and exploring new areas of income.
-It includes managing the relationships with Professional Fundraising Organisations, monitoring our face-to-face and direct marketing programmes, and arranging donor acquisition and development programmes.
-The latter includes telephone upgrade campaigns, regular appeals and communications, and on-line fundraising.
-Oversee the use of Health Poverty Action’s database (Raiser’s Edge), ensuring the development and implementation of an effective strategy for audience recruitment and development.
-Develop and maintain strong income-generating relationships with major donors and high net worth individuals.
iv)Overseas fundraising:
-Work withHealth Poverty Action’s programmes departments and in-country staff to develop income generating activities overseas (which might include innovative forms of social enterprise).
4Branding, communications and audience development
a)Ensure a high quality and cost-effective programme of fundraising communications (including web, email, social media, print, mail, display materials and both specialist and mainstream print/broadcast media).
b)Work with colleagues to gather powerful case studies, stories, images and evidence for communications purposes.
c)Work with the Director, Head of Policy & Campaigns and other senior colleagues to oversee Health Poverty Action’s communications (including brand and corporate identity).
a)Ensure Health Poverty Action’s fundraising activities are consistent with our values and policy positions.
b)Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of (and contribute to) new developments and the latest thinking in fundraising.
c)Develop and maintain valuable contacts withexternal people, organisations and networks.
d)Advise the Director and colleagues on changes in Charity Law and other legislation as it relates to fundraising.
e)Chair, convene and participate in staff meetings as appropriate.
f)Travel occasionally within the UK and internationally (providing personal circumstances allow).
- Any other reasonable duty that might be requested
A proven and successful fundraising track record
Able to innovate, generate new possibilities, and see them through to completion
Knowledge of fundraising and marketing techniques over a range of disciplines
Excellent communication skills with ability to inspire donors both in writing and in person
Able to turn new ideas and opportunities into reality
Working style
Motivating,warm and inspiring personality
Able to inspire, encourage and enable staff to achieve great things
Able to work fast, handle pressure,and create a friendly and supportive environment of energy, enthusiasm and success
An approachable, empathetic and supportive management style
Valuable and positive team player, supporting and encouraging colleagues
Able to work flexibly, adapting to rapidly changing demands and opportunities while retaining a clear strategic focus
Able to think and communicate strategically
Able to develop and articulate a vision, win support and see it through to completion
Able to prepare and manage budgets and income/expenditure projections
Able to meet and monitor deadlines and targets
Entrepreneurial drive with the creativity to see and grasp opportunities
Excellent negotiation skills and ability to network at senior levels
Strong attention to detail, with good financial and general administrative skills
A good general education to degree level
Passionate commitment to Health Poverty Action’s aims and values, and able to inspire this in others
Knowledge of development issues
Able to work unsocial hours when the need demands it
Able to travel nationally and internationally
Terms and conditions
£45,368 rising in length of service increments to £50,641 (plus cost of living increases applied to this scale over time).
35 hours per week.
Evening and weekend work will sometimes be required, for which time off in lieu can be taken.
Health Poverty Action believes in supporting flexible working as much as it reasonably can.
25 days per year, plus the time between Christmas and New Year, plus English public holidays.
An additional day leave is added for each two years completed service, up to a maximum of 3 days.
Staff can choose to join Health Poverty Action’s pension scheme. Health Poverty Action will match their own contributions up to a maximum of 5% of gross salary (and subject to a minimum contribution of 2.5%).
The post is based at Health Poverty Action’s offices in Vauxhall (central London). Candidates will therefore need to either have or be able to acquire the right to work in the UK. The post may involve some international travel.
Closing date for applications:
Monday 2 July 2012
Interview date:
Wednesday 18 July 2012
Thank you for considering working with Health Poverty Action