St. Michael Mass Schedule and Intentions

Sunday, March 13, 2016 – Fifth Sunday of Lent

Saturday / March 12 / 5:30 PM / Bill Brown & Betty Hawk
Sunday / March 13 / 8:00 AM / Jack Neumann
11:00 AM / Art Senn
Tuesday / March 15 / 8:00 AM / Roy Jones
Wednesday / March 16 / 7:00 PM / No Mass
Thursday / March 17 / 8:00 AM / No Mass
Saturday / March 19 / 5:30 PM / Tony Newton
Sunday / March 20 / 8:00 AM / Gunner Shepherd
11:00 AM / Frank Senn


ST. BERNARD: Sat. 4:00 PM & Sun. 9:30 AM



If North Harrison Schools are on a 2 hour delay or cancelled there will be NO Morning Mass.


Stephanie McCoy, Stanley Zollman, Sherry Fleck, Anna Kaelin & Family, Kenny Jacobi, Irma Barnard, Angela Runkel, Deanna Cardwell, Lenny Alderman, Rose Kiefer, Tony Fenwick, Megan Faith Barr, Martha Jane Wingler, Cyndi Jacobi, Renee Pluginik, Jean Baker, Roy Kruer, Charlie Fessel, Donna Ernst, Shirley Uhl, Shirley Jones

Prayer List Update – Do you have someone to add/remove from the prayer list or the military list? Please call the office at 812-364-6646 or e-mail us at:

Please remember in your prayers our Military Members and their Families.

CPO Johnathan Akers, Danny Baker, SRA Benjamin M. Fouts, Chris Ethridge, Bobby Ethridge, Tyler Hall, Major Scott Schroeder, Zachary Shinkle, Matt Train, Taylor Pendleton, William Gilmer, LCpl Mark Snapp

Parish Service Ministries Meeting

Will be on Tuesday, April 7th at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the Church. Please try to attend this important meeting.

Repose of the Soul

We pray for the repose of the soul of Melvin Gettlefinger, brother of Shirley Jones, who passed away on March 4th. Eternal rest grant to him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.


Weekend of March 19th & 20th, 2016

Sat. 5:30 PM

EM: Joanne Kochert, Linda Smith, Nadine Kaelin, Jesse Waller, Janice Allen

L: Cherie Vickers & Donna Wise

S: Kathy Skaggs

SVRS: Olivia Abner, Rebecca Gleitz

U: Syl Kaelin, Joe Jacobi, Melvin Jacobi, James McGuirk

M: Organ/Cantor Cheryl, Kathy, Vickie, Geralyn

Sun. 8:00 AM

EM: Rosanne Shireman, Marlene Neumann, Pam Waller, Harlan & Jonnie Sue Uhl

L: Mike Shireman & Fred Uhl

SVRS: Julia Campbell & Adriana Roll

U: Ken Beach, Gary Geswein, David Buechler, Wayne Jacobi

M: Men’s Chorus

Sun. 11:00 AM

EM: Cheryl Davidson, Lisa Murner, Roger Harbeson, Pam Martin, John Jacobi

L: Frank Krider & Pam Martin

S: Kim & Jerry Renneker

SVRS: Gillian & Megan Evans

U: Theresa Light, Sally & Bernie Gettlefinger, Mark Davidson

M: All Musicians

Stations of the Cross will be prayed each Friday during Lent at 7PM in the Church.


SUN: : Donut Sunday 9AM

Faith Formation Classes 9:30AM

H.S. Volleyball Game 2PM

Men’s Group 7PM

MON: Bible Study 9:30am

Open Gym 9:30am – 8pm



THUR: Fish Fry Set Up 5:45pm

RCIA Gathering 7:00pm

FRI: Fish Fry 4:30pm

Stations of the Cross 7pm

SAT: Men’s Lenten Breakfast 9AM

Next SUN: Faith Formation Classes 9:30AM

Readings for the Week Ahead

Sunday Isaiah 43:16-21; Philippians 3:8-14; John 8:1-11

Monday: Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; John 8:12-20

Tuesday: Numbers 21:4-9: John 8:21-30

Wednesday: Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; John 8:31-42

Thursday: Genesis 17:3-9; John 8:51-59

Friday: Jeremiah 20:10-13; John 10:31-42

Saturday: Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22

Next Sunday: Isaiah 50:4-7, Philippians 2:6-11; Luke 22:14 - 23:56

Connected in the Spirit

Our cohort group consisting of the core teams from St. Bernard, St. Joseph, and St. Michael met for the second time this past Wednesday to continue discussing our cohort plan. We prayed together and reviewed the “Evangelization and Catechesis” as well as the “Stewardship and Social Justice” results from our parish surveys. We found that areas that we could work together might be Formational Opportunities, Outreach to inactive Catholics, opportunities to address different states in life, and outreach to those in need. Our next meeting is on March 30th and we will cover the area of Effective Administration.

Mowing Season is Coming!

Spring is right around the corner and that means mowing season will begin. Please remove any decorations from family headstones which are not attached. Any item not attached to the headstone will be discarded during mowing. Thank you so much for your help with this!

**UPCOMING PARISH SERVICE MINISTRIES EVENT – German Fest Buffet Dinner and Dance, Friday, April 22nd. Watch for more details coming soon in the bulletin!!

Catechist Corner

In the Creed every Sunday, we say that Jesus was “begotten, not made.” What is the differnce?

It occurred to me as we were praying the creed last Sunday that these two terms are closely related but there is an important difference. The creed uses the expression “begotten” to emphasize that there was never a time when Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, did not exist. If the Son had been “made,” He would have had a beginning at some point in time. As a result, He would not be God. “Begotten” means that the Son exists because the Father and proceeds from Him. The Son has been proceeding from the Father for all eternity. It is helpful for me to think of Jesus as the Word and this Word has been coming forth from God the Father for all time.

If you have a question about our faith that you would like to be answered in the bulletin, e-mail John Jacobi at

Visiting Priest Hospitality

On the weekend of April 2nd & 3rd we will have a visiting priest at St. Michael and St. Bernard. We are in need of someone who might be interested in picking him up at the Louisville Airport, take him to the Masses at St. Bernard and bring him back to St. Michael on Saturday and Sunday, take him out or invite him to your home for dinner Saturday after Mass, or return him to the airport on Sunday. If you are interested in helping out with any of these duties please contact Fr. Joe. Thanks!

Connected in the Spirit Town Hall Meeting

Save the date – April 9th and 10th. Meetings will be held at each cohort parish, St. Bernards, St. Joseph (Marengo), and St. Michael. The purposes of these meetings are to present our Cohort Proposal to our parishes and obtain feedback from our parishes before sending it on to the Reid Group and the Archdiocesan Planning Commission. There will be a facilitator from the Archdiocese at each parish to lead the discussion and help answer any questions or concerns you may have. The schedule is as follows: Saturday, April 9th at 5PM at St. Bernard. Sunday, April 10th at 10:15AM at St. Joseph; 10:30AM at St. Bernard; 12:00PM at St. Michael. A light meal or refreshments will be served at each facility. The structure of the meetings will be the same at each facility so you may attend whichever meeting best suits your schedule. Our teams are looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Please support our Sponsors

Faith Formation Office Hours are: St. Michael Church - Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fridays 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and St. Bernard Church – Fridays 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Faith Formation News:

Upcoming Faith Formation Classes:

March 13 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12

March 20 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12

March 27 No Classes – Easter Sunday

April 3 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12

The Len Fagan Memorial Rosary Club – The rosary club will meet each Sunday that we have Faith Formation Classes, 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. in the Faith Formation Center. We invite children (2nd grade and up), youth, and adults to join us in making rosaries that will be sent to overseas missions. Join us for this fun time as we help others to pray!

Donut Sunday – Our next Donut Sunday will be on this Sunday, March 13th following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. Join us in the parish center for donuts and fellowship. A free will offering will be taken up to cover the cost of the donuts.

Men’s Group – All men of the parish are invited to join us for men’s group on Sunday, March 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Faith Formation Center when we begin our study of the Gospel of John.

Monday Morning Bible Study – The Story of Salvation History - Our Monday Morning Bible Study will meet this Monday, March 14th, at 9:30 a.m. when we will continue our study of the “Tragic and Triumphant Cross. All adults are welcome to join us anytime!

Open Gym – We will have open gym this Monday, March 14th for anyone who would like to use it to walk, play basketball, etc. The gym will be open 9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Lenten Fish Fry - Those Youth who will be participating in our summer mission trip as well as the OBOC liturgical conference will host our last Fish Fry of lent on this Friday, March 18th, 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. The buffet will include: hand breaded fried fish, baked fish, Shrimp, cheese pizza, Hushpuppies and great sides! The cost is $9.00 for adults and $4.50 for children 11 and under. Carry outs will be available. All proceeds from our fish fries will go to help fund our youth summer mission trip to Appalachia and to send youth to the One Bread, One Cup liturgical conference. Join us and help us spread the word!

Men’s Lenten Breakfast – All men of the parish are invited to join us for breakfast on Saturday, March 19th at 9:00 a.m. in the parish center. We will share breakfast and then Dr. Mark Ginter from St. Joseph/Holy Family will lead us through a reflection on how men can grow in their relationship with Jesus this lent. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex of the church or call the Faith Formation Office if you would like to attend so we know how many to plan for breakfast.

Catholicism Series – All Adults and high school youth are invited to join us on Monday evenings at St. Bernard in Frenchtown as we journey through the Catholicism series by Bishop Robert Barron. Our next study will be on Monday, March 21st, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Come to the sessions that you are able. This is an excellent study of our faith that would be perfect for all in this Year of Mercy.

Easter Egg Hunt – We will host an Easter Egg Hunt for children age Pre-School – Grade 5 of St. Bernard and St. Michael churches on Saturday, March 26th at 11:30 a.m. at St. Bernard in Frenchtown. We will have the Easter Egg Hunt and then all are invited to join us for a hot dog and snacks!

Senior Gathering – We will have our next senior gathering on Wednesday, March 30th. We will gather at Noon for Mass and then everyone is invited to bring something to share for lunch. Our featured main dish for March will be Baked Pasta.

Confirmation Gathering – Our next Confirmation gathering will be on Sunday, April 3rd at 6:00 p.m. in the lower level of the church. Candidates should bring their sponsor with them as we will be practicing for the Confirmation Liturgy. If a sponsor cannot attend we ask a parent attend in their absence.

First Communion Retreat – We invite our First Communion class and their parents to our class retreat on Saturday, April 2nd, 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. We will talk about how special this sacrament is to us as people of faith, make bread, and spend time in prayer. A light breakfast will be served. Join us!

Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl – Hungering to Grow a New Tomorrow - This week’s CRS Rice Bowl country is the island nation of Madagascar, where we’re reminded of the important role farmers play in caring for God’s creation. As we prepare our meals throughout the week, let us reflect on where our food comes from— and what role we can play in caring for our environment. Visit for more information. Parents: We ask that you please return your rice bowl to your child’s catechist by March 20th. Thanks!

Stay Connected with the Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Programs – The Faith Formation Office will occasionally send out reminders or weather related information via emails or texts. To subscribe to receive these messages text the message @stmichaelf (for faith formation messages) or @stmichaely (for youth ministry messages) to 812-750-4083. This is a safe way for us to keep in touch with our families. Also, the Faith Formation will send out informational email messages on Fridays to our Faith Formation families. To receive these messages make sure we have your email address on file. These are just a couple of ways to stay connected.

Youth Ministry News: for prayer and rest. Pilgrims will arrive at the Archabbey Church at Saint Meinrad for Vespers at 5:00 (CDT), followed by a cookout with members of both men’s and women’s monastic communities.

High School Co-ed Volleyball Team – Come out and enjoy the games! Our last game of the season will be this Sunday, March 13th, VS St. Mary of the Knobs at. St. Anthony Clarksville at 2:00 p.m.

Rev Bernard Koopman and Joel Van Bree Memorial Scholarship applications are now available in the Faith Formation Office. Any high school senior from St. Michael may apply for these scholarships.

Appalachian Wolfe Pack Mission Trip – All youth in grade s 9-12 are invited to join us for our summer mission trip on June 22nd – 27th. Each day we will do service work in and around the town of Campton. We will live simply in community and work with Sr. Sharon Marie at Good Shepherd Parish. There will also be time to learn about the Appalachian culture. The cost of the trip is $325.00, however if you work the fish fries your only cot will be the $100.00 deposit. Registration brochures are available in the Faith Formation Office and the deadline to submit your deposit is April 29th while spots last.