Title of Paper is Calibri 28

using TitleCase – Non-Bold


Author – Calibri 24 – Non Bold

(centered in Page vertically and horizontally)



Name/s of Author

Organization Name - Calibri-10

Microsoft Word is the preferred file format.


Font: Calibri 12p Italic

First level heading: Flush left, bold and upper and lower case.

Spacing: Leave one line of space

Next Line: Align left, being typing body text

Recommend: One paragraph with a maximum length of one page

First Level Headings

Font: Calibri 12p

Flush left, bold and upper and lower case. If the heading exceeds one line, single-space subsequent lines flush left. (In headings of more than one line, the second line is ordinarily longer than the first.)

Body of paper: Calibri 12p. All lines are to be single spaced with 0pt spacing before and after the line. In addition there should be 2 spaces after every period or end punctuation.

Second Level Headings

Font: Calibri 12p

Flush left, bold, italic, and upper and lower case.

Body of paper: Calibri 12p. All lines are to be single spaced with 0pt spacing before and after the line. In addition there should be 2 spaces after every period or end punctuation.

Third Level Headings.

Font: Same as second level headings, but with a period at the end. Text is run in (that is, it continues in the same paragraph).

Body of paper: Calibri 12p. All lines are to be single spaced with 0pt spacing before and after the line. In addition there should be 2 spaces after every period or end punctuation.

Symbols: When symbols need to be used, use the symbol font.

Margins and Page Numbers

Left, right, and top margins are 2.54cm (1 inch). Bottom margin is 3.81cm (1¼ inches) to allow for the footer. The publisher will add Page numbers. Paper size in Asia-Pacific is A4.


To format bulleted lists, please do the following:

§  For lists of short items, single-space each item with no space between items.

§  Align text inside bullets.

§  Use filled-in bullets.

To format numbered lists of short items, please do the following:

1.  Single-space each item, with no spaces between items.

2.  Type and align periods after the numerals.

3.  Align text inside the numerals.

To format bulleted and numbered lists with longer items, please do the following:

§  For lists with longer items, single-space each item and put one line of space between each item. See References section for another example.

§  This is an example of how bulleted and numbered lists with long items should look. We are making this item longer so you can see how it should look. End all bulleted lines with a period.


Use style “equation” to format equations. Indent from left margin. Use 1 ½ line spacing. Insert equation number in parenthesis on right margin.

FBdB = QBavg B/ QBoB (1)

FBrB = QBr B/ QBoB (2)

FBcB = FBd B* FBrB (3)

FBfB = 1 – (a + b (FEGT – StBoxB))/ c (4)


Figures and Tables may be placed within the text when appropriate or at the end of your paper following the references.

More than one figure may be placed on a page.

The figure caption should be placed two spaces below the figure.

Leave at least four lines of space between figures if you include more than one per page.

If there is only one figure per page, it should be centered horizontally and vertically.

Please use colored figures where color significantly enhances the information (e.g. photos, complex charts, and figures). However, if you can create the same effect in a gray scale figure, please do so.

Please remember when planning your colored images that some colors are difficult to see against certain background colors and should be avoided (yellow is the main colour to avoid with a white background).

Figure 1

Figure Title using Title Case

Note: Figures should be submitted in an electronic form if possible. The resolution quality of the figure should be at least 300 dpi.

Figure 2

Figure Title using Title Case


Tables are centered horizontally but not vertically.

They should be placed in-line with the table numbers and titles above the table.

Place the table number and the table titles on separate lines (in separate rows).

Allow adequate spacing between tables.

Type the table title with initial caps.

Use borders between table rows and columns only as necessary for clarity.

The sample tables, below, illustrate table formats.

They also identify recommended media and applications.

Table 1

Removable Media Formats

Computer / Operating System / Removable Media
IBM-compatible PC's / Windows / CD
USB Flash Drive

Table 2

Recommended Software Applications

Application Type / IBM-compatible
Word Processing / Microsoft Word
Illustration / Various
Graphics / Various
Spreadsheet / Microsoft Excel
Presentation / Microsoft PowerPoint


Acknowledgements follow the last line of text and appear under a first level heading as shown above. This section is not required.


Entries in reference lists are numbered to correspond to text citations.

They precede punctuation and may be typed as superscripts or within parenthesis- for example P8P, or (8). Superscripts are preferred. Place a blank line between each entry.

Titles of books and/or papers should be in italics and in quotation marks. DO NOT USE FORMATING STYLES (unless otherwise indicated) OR ENDNOTES; this causes problems during the final merge with the whole proceedings. Samples follow.

1.  U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. “Statistical Abstract of the United States”, 1990. 110PthP ed. Washington, D.C.; Government Printing Office, 1997.

2.  Robert Jastrow, William Nirenberg, and Fredrick Seitz, “Scientific Perspectives in the Greenhouse Problem”. Ottawa, Illinois: Marshall Press, 1990, pp. 71-98.

3.  “The Push for Advanced Batteries.” Customer Systems Division Report, EPRI Journal, April/May 1991, p. 36.

4.  “Feedwater Heater Survey”. Palo Alto, Calif.: Electric Power Research Institute, August 1991. GS-7417.

5.  B.S. Phull, T.S. Lee, N.H. Martin, and B.C. Syrett, “Corrosions Inhibitors for FGD Systems”, Paper No. 252, presented at the NACE Annual Conference Corrosion 187, San Francisco, CA (March 1987).

6.  B.S. Phull, T.S. Lee, N.H. Martin, and B.C. Syrett, “Corrosions Inhibitors for FGD Systems”, Materials Performance. Vol. 27, No. 2, p.12 (1988).


Please include a brief biography for each author that includes:

Full name


Description of current responsibilities in the first paragraph

Educational background in the last paragraph

Note: This will be used by the Chairman to introduce you to the audience when presenting.


Commander James T. Kirk is Director of Deep Space Encounters at Star Fleet Command in San Francisco, California. This agency is responsible for prevention of nasty weird stuff on the frontiers of space exploration.

Before assuming this command, Commander Kirk was captain of the starship Enterprise. His assignment was to boldly go where no man had gone before. Needless to say, he encountered and confronted a lot of nasty weird stuff.

Commander Kirk earned a B.S. degree in Weapons Systems from Star Fleet Academy.

Proceedings of TechCon® Aus – NZ 2017 Page 3 of 7