Fotherby Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, 2nd November 2015 at St Mary’s Church

Present: Councillor Cotterill –Chairman

Councillors Thompson, Pridgeon, Odlin & Oakes

Cllr David Buckley (ELDC)

ElevenParishioners were present.

Introduction: The Chairman, Cllr Cotterill welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum:

  • Concerns were raised in respect of pot holes in Peppin Lane particularly around the old railway crossing, fissures in the road near The Old Rectoryand street lighting. These had been reported but Mr Hussey asked whether the Parish Council would support these applications by writing to the Highways Department as well. Cllr Cotterill confirmed that the Parish Council would contact the Highways with regard to these matters and asked that the reference numbers they have be passed to the Clerk.
  • Cllr Cotterill referred to a letter received from Mr Mansfield with regard to the problems faced by elderly parishioners when alighting from the bus at the stop near the Old Post Office due to cars parked in the layby and also concerns regarding speed through the village. Mr Mansfield thanked the Parish Council for their continued support of the Keyhole and further discussed the problems faced by parishioners who use the bus. Mr Mansfield asked whether the Parish Council could contact the Highways to see whether a sign could be erected to prevent people parking in the layby nearest the bus stop. Cllr Cotterill confirmed that they would contact the Highways Department to see what options were available.
  • Mr Mansfield discussed further the issue of speeding through the village and several possible solutions were put forward. Cllr Cotterill confirmed that the Parish Council have further 30mph speed signs to display and after further discussion it was agreed to contact the Police to invite them to a meeting to discuss the issue and a reminder in the Keyhole as to the speed limit throughout the village.
  1. Apologies.

Apologies were received from CllrMarfleet.

2. Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 5th October 2015: Cllr Odlin proposed, seconded by Cllr Pridgeon, that the minutes of the Meeting held on 5th October2015 be approved. The proposal was carried unanimously.

3. Matters Arising from the Minutes.

There were no further matters arising that were not included on the Agenda.

4. Accounts

Amounts Received: None.

The following invoices for payment had been received:

Bush Gardening Services Invoice 1994/5Maintenance of Churchyard

Burial Ground(October)£ 360.00

Alison CoxDock maintenance

Allotment 3(October)£ 78.00

Compass PointKeyhole£ 33.60

Ms A Colban Salary plus Travel (October)£ 108.87


Total Payments:£ 607.67

Balance of Accounts as at 2nd November 2015£4,559.32

This month the Parish Council wereunder budgetas no admin costs, no bus shelter cleaning invoice & costs for the Dock and Allotment were less than budgeted for.

Payment of the above invoices was proposed by Cllr Thompson and seconded by Cllr Odlin. The motion was carried unanimously.

Precept: Cllr Cotterill put forward that the Precept may have to be raised and needed to be looked into. After some discussions, it was agreed to defer this to the next meeting and the Clerk was asked to circulate this year’s proposed budged and income received. It was agreed that funding will be required to maintain the bus shelters which will need treatment each year to protect them. There was some discussion in regard to the idea of a Village Plan and Cllr Buckley offered to obtain an estimate of the costs and time involved for the next meeting.

The Clerk informed the Councillors of the minor changes to the Schedule of Assets (assets removed from the list as no longer in existence), and Risk Management & Risk Assessment documents (change of address for the storage of the back-up memory stick) and asked that they be ratified. Cllr Pridgeon, proposed, seconded by Cllr Odlin that these documents be approved. The proposal was carried unanimously.

5. Correspondence

(a)Email from LALC regarding training – Prevent/Emergency Planning Event – Cllr Cotterill is attending.

(b)Email from LCC informing the Parish Council of an extension to the deadline for Rural Shops which was forwarded to Mr Mansfield for the Keyhole.

(c)Email from ELDC regarding information about District Council finances – circulated to all Councillors.

(d)Email from LAZ regarding Funding Workshop Presentations enclosing information as requested, which has duly been circulated.

(e)Email from LCC regarding School Admissions Consultation – to be added to the Website.

(f)Email from LALC regarding training out of County.

(g)Email from LALC regarding training in Leicester.

(h)Email from Cllr Buckley with regard to Flooding issues – the Clerk has responded accordingly.

(i)Northern Area Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes.

(j)Email from Heritage Lincolnshire regarding Chalk Streams Festival – to be added to Website.

(k)Email from Heritage Lincolnshire regarding Down Your Wold Project – to be added to website.

(l)Email from LALC regarding Natural England drop in sessions – poster & leaflet to be displayed, plus to be added to the Website.

(m)Email from Louth & Horncastle Constituency Commission – to be added to the Website.

(n)Email from NALC requesting nominations for the Smaller Councils’ Committee.

6. Dock

Cllr Cotterill suggested that a further meeting be arranged to discuss the plans for this area due to limited funding now available. After some discussion, it was agreed to defer this matter until January 2016.

7. Traffic Speed Control in the Village

Cllr Cotterill reiterated that instructions had been received but the SID needed tweaking to work properly. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Fairburn (contractor who erected it) to see if he was able to adjust its position slightly to make it more effective. Cllr Cotterill informed the Councillors that the Parish maybe able to obtain another SID free of charge for a period of up to six months and it was agreed to look into this. Cllr Buckley also confirmed that he will look into this matter as well. Cllr Cotterilll explained that due to the difficulties of placing the 30mph signs, they had not yet been positioned. Cllr Pridgeon offered to erect them and the Clerk was asked to pass the necessary information regarding placement and measurements to him.

8. Planning

The Clerk read out a letter received from ELDC confirming that Mr & Mrs Rickett had been informed of the need to make a separate application to the Environment Agency.

The Clerk also confirmed receiving information with regard to who can speak at Planning Applications and this will be added to the Website.

The Clerk confirmed receiving emails from Cllr Buckley in support of the Parish with recent planning applications.

Cllr Cotterill confirmed receiving amended plans for Mr Brader’s application, which had been reduced from 7 to 5 houses. Cllr Cotterill will amend the objections raised and circulate to the Councillors for their input before sending into Planning. Cllr Cotterill also asked Cllr Buckley whether it would be possible to try to obtain TPO’s on the trees shown on the plans to prevent single drives being built and Cllr Buckley suggested contacting Robert Walker, the Conservation Officer.

9. Allotments

Cllr Odlin stated no further contact had been made in respect of Allotment 7 and was asked to chase this matter up as otherwise a decision will need to be made as to clearing and grassing it.

10. Chalk Pit Lane

Cllr Pridgeon again stated an interest in this matter but stated he was able to participate in the discussion with an open mind. No further response has been received and after some discussion it was agreed that Cllr Pridgeon will write to the local MP and the Clerk was asked to chase LCC and Cllr Marfleet.

11. Parish Plan

Cllr Cotterill recapped as to the reasons why the Parish Council did not pursue this further. After further discussion, Cllr Buckley agreed to contact Mr Richard Fry for his advice and look into the costs as well. The Parish Council would be happy to meet with Mr Fry or someone from his office in respect of this matter at their convenience. It was agreed to defer this matter until further information was available.

12. Website

The Clerk confirmed the Website was live apart from one section which was waiting for further documentation and was asked to include the web address in the Minutes. (web address to be added).

12. Other Business

The Clerk read out an email received from Mr Presgrave informing of motorbike disturbance on the permissive bridleway (FUL/PO/020) and incident number (130 of 2/11/15) to use should this re-occur. Mr Presgrave also informed the Parish Council of a long standing request to Lincolnshire Wolds Railway Society for appropriate notices at either end of the permissive bridleway.

The Clerk read out proposed dates for next year’s meetings and was asked to forward these to Mrs Chester for approval by the Church.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm.

The next meeting will be on the 7th December 2015 at St Mary’s Church, Fotherby.

Signed …...... Dated …...... ………………
