Name______Period ______

Walker AP World History Ch 22 Reading Study Guide #2 P.

1. Who founded the Ming Dynasty? When? Pg. 503

2. How did he accomplish this? Pg. 503

3. Why do you think the foundation of the Ming Dynasty was accompanied by a Mongol purge? Pg. 503

4. Describe the reinstated civil service exam process. Pg. 503

5. How were corrupt government officials punished in early Ming China? Pg. 503

6. How did Hongwu encourage economic development? Pg. 504

7. How were these efforts undermined by local gentry (landlords)? Pg. 505

(Read Document: Exam Questions as a Mirror of Chinese Values, Pg. 505)

8. What kinds of knowledge are important to the Chinese? (Reading, Pg. 505)

9. What example of extreme school discipline is shared by the authors? Pg. 505

10. How/why did courtesans attain a degree of personal freedom and luxury unattainable aristocratic ladies? Pg. 506

11. How did New World crops impact China’s population? Pg. 506

12. Where were Europeans permitted to trade with China at this time? Pg. 507

13. What products did China export? Pg. 507

14. Describe the activities of Zhenghe (aka Zheng He also Chen Ho- same person). Pg. 508

15. How did his expeditions compare to those of Spain and Portugal 50-100 years later? Pg. 508

16. Why were his expeditions stopped? Pg. 508

17. What limited success were the Jesuits able to attain? Pg. 508

(Read Visualizing the Past, Pg. 509)

18. In what ways would the dragon ships facilitate commerce both within China and overseas? (Reading Pg 509)

19. How did the Manchu (Qing) Dynasty rise in China? Why? Pg. 509

(Read In Depth: Means & Motives for Overseas Expansion- Europe & China Compared, Pg. 510)

20. How did European & Chinese motives for exploration differ? (Reading, Pg. 510)

21. How did European & Chinese military strength differ? (Reading, Pg. 510)

22. Why did European monarchs, elites and religious leaders support exploration & expansion?(Reading, Pg. 510)

23. How did the legendary, mythical Prester John figure in all this? (Reading, Pg. 510)

24. How & when did the Tokugawa Shogunate consolidate power in Japan? Pg. 511

25. What was the initial Japanese reaction to European trade, visits & missionary work? Pg. 513

26. Why were the Europeans expelled? Why did Japan isolate itself? Pg. 514

27. Where did the Japanese allow limited contact with the outside world? Pg. 514