Project Pipeline Pro-Forma

Reasons for creating a project pipeline:

  • To help ensure that we have projects ‘on the shelf’ when funding becomes available (especially if short notice) e.g. European Structural and Investment Funds.
  • To identify fit with LEP priorities.
  • To have a list of projects which can be discussed with the LEP and other funding partners.
  • To obtain an overview of project proposals / ideas across Devon in order to be able (where appropriate and partners are happy)to:
  • bring proposals together to maximise opportunities and efficiencies
  • identify gaps


The pro-forma below is intended as a simple method of collecting headline information only. It is not an application form and we don’t want details. We recognise that when projects are at an early stage of development, it may not be possible to answer all of these questions. Please just state ‘not known yet’.

Please complete for projects that meet the following criteria:

  • Projects which will help the LNP achieve its three aims / the visions for the seven themes
  • Projects which are>£50,000 in value


In order to get a pipeline ready for potential ESIF bids we would like pro-formas back by the 20th of February. Please email to: and copy in Sarah Jennings at . If this is not going to be possible please let Sarah know.

If you have any questions, please call Sarah on 01392 383871.

Lead Organisation / RSPB
Contact details / Name / Mark Robins
Email /
Phone number / 01392
Outline Project Description -Please describe the activity that you plan to undertake. / Using the 25th ‘anniversary’, as an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of cirl bunting conservation over the past 25 years, to launch the next stage of the projectand secure commitments from key stakeholders to a sustainable futurefor the species. This will involve delivering a programme of activities to leverage action against the themes of work outlined in ‘The cirl bunting – our vision for its conservation security by 2020’(Oct 2013), which set out a sense of purpose for securing a sustainable future for this species. To include using RSPB nature reserves (Labrador Bay and Powderham) and other key sites as best practice examplars.
Geography – Where will activity take place? / Within the coastal zone from south Devon to east Devon, inland in the Teign Valley (current cirl bunting range).
Timing – Over what time period will activity take place? / We propose a window of delivery activity that runs to 2020.
Partners – Who are the potential partners?
Please indicate if partners have been involved in the development of the project to date, or if they have yet to be approached. /
  • Landowners and farmers/managers
  • Natural England
  • National Trust
  • Developers
  • Local communities, eg. Stokenteignhead
  • Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust
  • Clinton Devon Estate
  • Local authorities (Torbay/Exeter/Teignbridge/South Hams/Plymouth & Devon CC)
  • Devon Partnership NHS Trust
  • Local schools
  • S Devon & E Devon AONB
  • Devon Wildlife Trust
  • FWAG
We have worked with all these partners during the duration of the existing cirl bunting project but this programme of activities will help form greater collaboration so we can collectively take action to achieve the vision.
Fit with Natural Devon’s aims / To protect and improve Devon’s natural environment / Primary/secondary/no alignment
To grow Devon’s green economy / Primary/secondary/no alignment
To reconnect Devon’s people with nature / Primary/secondary/no alignment
The cirl bunting project demonstrates it can deliver High Nature Value (HNV) farming, working with landowners and communities to ensure wildlife and the natural environment is protected and healthy for all to share and enjoy.
However to ensure the cirl population and wider farmland biodiversity has a future, a more integrated approach to sustainable land management must bebetter supported, enabling farmers and landowners the opportunity to choose management which maintains wildlife, yet supports a thriving rural economy and encourages communities to be proud of their environmental heritage.
Fit with Natural Devon’s priority themes - Please select the primary theme(s) that your project supports, as well as any themes where the project makes a secondary contribution. If your project does not have a primary theme, please select the appropriate secondary themes. More information can be found at
/ Naturally Healthy / Primary/secondary/no alignment
Green Connections / Primary/secondary/no alignment
Outdoor Learning / Primary/secondary/no alignment
Farming with Nature / Primary/secondary/no alignment
Wood for Good / Primary/secondary/no alignment
Resilient Wetlands / Primary/secondary/no alignment
Sustainable Seas / Primary/secondary/no alignment
This project will support many of Natural Devon’s priority themes. Supporting sustainable/HNV farmingis at the heart of our project to deliver a cirl buntings and wider farmland biodiversity. It will provide opportunities for re-connecting people to the natural environment through collaboration with partners, such as Devon Partnership NHS Trust and bringing local school children closer to nature. The project will also progress work with landowners to get hedges into sustainable management throughharvesting woodfuel.
Fit with HOTSW LEP Strategic Economic Plan Priorities. Appendix 1 provides a summary of the Priorities for Growth. More information can be found:
/ Please describe how your project contributes to the Heart of the SW LEP’s Priorities for Growth (see Appendix A). Please list the priorities where your project could make a direct contribution and explain how it will contribute.
Capitalising on our Distinctive Assets.
Supporting rural businesses: Helping farmers and agricultural contractors access financial support for wildlife-friendly farming.
Wildlife tourism: as a rare species cirl buntings attract visitors from all over the country, who spend their money in the local economy, farm B&Bs etc.
Internships: the cirl bunting project has a track record of taking on interns and developing their skills and knowledge to become more employable.
Financials / What is the estimated total project cost? / £50k pa
What proportion of total project cost are capital costs? / 10%
Have you secured any funding for the project yet? If so, list amounts and sources. / Yes, RSPB supporters
In your view, what are the potential sources of funding for this project? / NE, Landfill Tax
Outcomes - Please describe what you expect the project to achieve in terms of Environmental, Social and Economic Outcomes / Environmental Outcomes:
A healthy, more resilient environment less vulnerable to external forces which influence land management decisions - creating better habitat, more cirl buntings and other declining farmland wildlife, eg. arable plants.
Moving towards a secure, self sustaining cirl bunting population by 2020.
Social Outcomes:
Local communities including farmers become better connected with their local wildlife making them feel valued, proud and develop a sense of ownership that they are part of a successful project and want to engage and commit to the long term success
Highlighting south Devon as an exemplar of high nature value farming, with wider recognition of the pro-wildlife nature of many farmers.
Economic Outcomes:
Farm and agricultural contractor businesses are financially. supported via agri-environment schemes, alongside shorter supply chains/markets which recognise the added value these farmers provide to enable wildlife to thrive.
Local accommodation, shops, food outlets, all benefit from enhanced green tourism.
Quantifiable outputs - Please provide any information you have about quantifiable benefits? Please describe how these have been estimated.
Consultation – What consultation has already occurred is more required?
Statutory Approvals – What statutory approvals will be required for the project? Are these in place?
Risks – What are the main risks associated with this project? /
  • Insufficient resources to complete.
  • Collaborations with partners is key to achieve aims.

Creating the Conditions for Growth - Improving our infrastructure and services to underpin growth / Maximising Productivity and Employment Opportunities - stimulating jobs and growth across the whole economy / Capitalising on our Distinctive Assets - Utilising our distinctive assets to create opportunities for business growth and better jobs
Place / Infrastructure for growth:
  • Transport and accessibility
  • Digital infrastructure
  • Sustainable solutions for flood management
  • Energy Infrastructure
/ The infrastructure and facilities to create more and better employment:
  • Enterprise infrastructure
  • Strategic employment sites
  • Unlocking housing growth
/ The infrastructure and facilities needed to support higher value growth:
  • Specialist marine sites
  • Science/Innovation infrastructure
  • Maximising our environmental assets

Business / Creating a favourable business environment
  • A simpler, more accessible, business support system, tailored to our needs
  • Improving access to finance
  • Stimulating enterprise and growth
/ Achieving more sustainable and broadly based business growth:
  • Reaching new markets (on-line, supply chains, public sector)
  • Globalisation (exports and inward investment)
/ Supporting higher value growth:
  • Innovation through Smart Specialisation
  • Building our capacity for innovation

People / Creating a responsive environment, where businesses and individuals can reach their potential:
  • Skills infrastructure and facilities
  • Accessibility to education/employment (transport, careers advice and digital inclusion)
  • Employer engagement and ownership
/ Increasing employment, progression and workforce skills.
  • Moving people into employment
  • Supporting people to progress to better jobs
  • Improving workforce skills
/ Creating a world class workforce to support higher value growth:
  • Enterprise and business skills
  • Technical and higher level skills development and retention
  • Maximising the skills and employment opportunities aligned to our transformational opportunities.

Appendix 1: Heart of the SW LEP Priorities for Growth