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Contracting Authority: CSIR/SANBio

BioFISA II Programme

Capacity Building Technical Proposal Template

Reference: V6LFD02/2017/TG-04

Deadline for submission of Proposals:

3November 2017


This template must be used for the BioFISA II Programme Capacity Building Technical Proposals.

Completed proposals and supporting documentation to be submitted to by 3 November 2017. Queries and clarifications must be emailed to before 27October 2017.

Applicants should please adhere to the following:

  1. Application must be complete with all requested information submitted including supporting documents.
  2. Please remove all areas or instructions in the form highlighted in yellow and fill in own responses and information.
  3. Proposal format is Arial 10 characters, single line spacing with 1.5 cm margins.
  4. Proposal must have complete and full RELEVANT information and responses are as comprehensive as possible as the evaluation will be based solely on the information provided.
  5. Refer to the evaluation matrix in Section 6 of the TOR to ensure that all the relevant criteria are addressed in the technical and financial proposal.
  6. Application is drafted as clearly as possible to facilitate an objective evaluation process.
  7. Ensure that the checklist is checked and completed in the technical proposal.
  8. The technical proposal should include all information requested in section 4.1 of the TOR.
  9. The financial proposal should include all information requested in section 4.1 and 5.4 of the TOR.


Applicant’s contact details
Organisation Name:
Registration Number (For private institution/companies. For statutory institutions, provide the Act number):
Postal address:
Street address:
Contact person for this project:
Designation in the organisation:
Telephone number: (fixed and/ mobile) Country code + city code + number
Contact person’s email:
Website of the organisation:


2.1 Motivation for investment in training
Thematic area (Please provide one or two areas):
Details of training/ Training overview:
Motivation for course and relevance to target audience
Define the target audience for training / (Please indicate the target audience the training is aimed at- maximum 100 words)
Why is this course important to the identified target audience in SANBio member states? / (Please state why this course is important to strengthen these target groups, what skills set would be enhanced and why is there a need for this type of training – maximum 200 words)
What are the expected outcomes of the training intervention? / (Please indicate the expected outcomes from the training? –maximum 100 words)
What is the estimated regional demand for the training? / (Please indicate assessment of regional demand for the course-–please note that SANBio/ BioFISA II will only consider applicants who have demonstrated that they have reached out to prospective regional participants-maximum 150 words)
Justification: / (Why do you think this training will contribute towards the objectives of the SANBio/ BioFISA II mandate for strengthening capacity building and contribution towards sustainable Bioscience expertise in the region- maximum 100 words)
Participant profile/Target group: / (What is your plan for sourcing participants and screening applicants?) How will you target women? –maximum 150 words)
Participant number: / (How many participants do you estimate will attend the training?)


Is this a new course or has this been delivered previously by the organisation? (Tick applicable one): / New course to be designed based on previous related course material / Established course delivered previously
Details for NEW course development
Course relevance and tailoring the course for participant needs: / (Please provide information as to how you will assess the relevance of the training material and ensure that the course will address the needs of defined target audience. Can the course be modified to meet specific industry needs for a specific sector?-maximum 150 words)
Please indicate the level of the training course: / (Provide details to indicate whether the course is aimed at introductory, intermediate or advanced level. If specific technical background is required- please state minimum requirements for course applicants.)
If a new course is being proposed, how will you ensure that future delivery of the course is secure? / (Please indicate plans to ensure sustainability- what measures are being taken by the organisation to ensure that the future delivery WILL take place? This is to ensure that the investment in development of the course does deliver a return in the long term- maximum 100 words)
Is the course modular, and do you have plans to build on participants prior experience? / (What measures are being taken to ensure that regional partners may be able to replicate or deliver the training in their own institutions other similar organisations in their own countries? – This is to ensure that the training may be accessible to a wider audience in the future - maximum 100 words)
Details of course previously delivered:
When was the course delivered (Please provide dates of delivery, audience, location, number of participants)[1]
Format of delivery (Please choose one option or multiple options if a blended course is delivered)
Face to face delivery/ onsite practical course:
Online course/ followed by face to face theory and practical:
Face to face – theory and practical, combined with on-site demonstration and participant project or assignment:
Course delivery
Course content: / (Please provide brief details of the course content)[2]
Briefly indicate the type of on-site facilities available for the training in your organisation?
Can the course be delivered in another country if the facilities are available?
What type of follow on support will be provided to participants post training?
How do you intend to assess implementation of skills by participants (at least three months after training?)


Location of Trainer: / (Is the trainer/ course presenter or team of presenters[3] employed by the organisation- if not please complete the second section but if employed by the organisation, please only provide the CV)
Name of Trainer’s Organisation:
Company name:
Company address:
Company Registration number:
Trainer 1 details, CV and experience:
Email address:
Telephone/Mobile (with dialling code):
What is the trainer’s relevant experience in the thematic area–e.g. years of experience and highest qualification[4]
Trainer 2 details:
Email address:
Telephone/Mobile (with dialling code):
What is the trainer’s relevant experience in the thematic area –e.g. years of experience and highest qualification
Logistic support for organisation: / (Please provide supporting information which details the in house capability for the organisation to organise the training- preparation of course material and delivery of training, logistics for venue and liaison with participants)


Name and Surname / Functional role / Gender (M/F) / Milestones / Accountability
(Provide activity as indicated in implementation plan) / Qualification


Please include a GANTT chart as a separate attachment with the proposed timeline for:
a)Course development – training manuals and course material
b)Sourcing and advertising of participants
c)Pre-engagement survey
d)Course logistic arrangements
e)Course delivery
f)Course evaluation
h)Post implementation evaluation


Document / File name /Reference / Checked by applicant / Verified by BPU
  1. Technical Proposal

  1. Financial Proposal

  1. Strategy for sourcing participants

  1. Pre-engagement questionnaire (optional)

  1. Reports on previous delivery incl. references

  1. Draft course programme outline/overview

  1. Trainer/s CVs

  1. Draft implementation plan (GANTT chart)


We certify that the information shared in this application is true and correct:[5]
Signature of lead applicant: / Date:
Signature of lead trainer: / Date:
Signature of Head of Department: / Date:
Signature of Head of Research contracts office6 / Date:

BioFISA II Capacity Building Technical Proposal -November 2017

[1]Additional supporting reports with evaluation and participant feedback need to be attached to the application.Contact information of hosts or recipients of course/ references need to be included.

[2]Provide a detailed programme of the course to be delivered.

[3]If there is a larger team than 2 trainers available, please provide all their details in a separate attachment and include all Short Format CVs.

[4]Please include Short CV of the trainer

[5]Please append digital signature. Unsigned applications will not be considered.

6 Please ensure that the research and contracts office of your institution has reviewed the proposal to ensure that the proposal has been reviewed and approved by the organisational entity responsible for contracts.