ABC’s of First Grade

(Important Information

for this year)


Ms. Button and Ms. Beaujean

A is for Attendance, Absences, and Allergies

Attendance - A successful school experience is the responsibility of the child, the parents, and the school. Your child's progress, both academically and socially, is influenced to a great extent by daily participation. Regular attendance, without tardiness, is critical.

Absences - Excessive absences hinder a child’s progress. If your child is going to be absent, you must call the school’s front desk. Please plan family trips during our scheduled breaks. If you do miss school due to a family vacation, there is a pre-arranged absence form in the office that you will need to complete.

Allergies - If your child has any allergies please make sure that we are aware of them. We especially need to know about food allergies and insect bite reactions.

B is for Birthdays and Backpacks.

Birthdays - Birthdays are very important to children. If you’d like to send in a special snack, please let us know. Due to allergies only prepackaged snacks can be sent in.

Backpacks - Backpacks help your child carry folders, notes, projects, and books to and from school. Please check your child’s backpack DAILY. Your child will be bringing home a folder each day. Please make sure the folder is back in their backpack for the following day.

C is for Clothing and Classroom Management

Clothing - Please dress your child in comfortable clothing that is appropriate for school. Be sure to be thoughtful about footwear, as we do go out for recess everyday. As cute as sandals and flip-flops are, they may not be the best choice for children who like to climb on the playground equipment. Please make sure your child has sneakers for PE days. Our classroom can also be a bit chilly so please send your child with a sweater, just in case.

Classroom Management – Your child’s behavior will be monitored daily. A call or note may be sent home noting your child’s positive behavior or behaviors that may need to be discussed. Praise your child for good behavior and discuss a plan at home for behavior that needs improvement.

D is for Dismissal

Dismissal – Our dismissal bell rings at 3:20. Car riders will be picked up in the back lot. Bus riders will be taken to the front bus loop. Students who go to Boys and Girls Club will be sent to the cafeteria. Please send a note should your child need alternate transportation. We will not be able to accept “My mom said I was supposed to ride the bus today…” comments from the little ones. The office must also receive a copy of the note in order for any changes to take place. Changes to your child’s dismissal plan must be in note form. The front office will no longer accept emails or phone calls for changes. A handwritten note is required (this is new this year).

E is for Email and Early Dismissal

Email – I check my email several times throughout the day, so it is really the best way to reach me. If you have to get an important message, please call the office and they will notify us directly.

Early Dismissal - Several times a year, Sand Ridge Elementary will have early dismissal days. Be sure to make arrangements and tell your child care providers. Boys and Girls Club is not open on Early Release Days; you will need to send us a note on those days letting us know how your child will be getting home. You will be notified of these days on our classroom newsletter as well as take home announcements.

F is for Field Trips and Fire Drills

Field Trips - Throughout the year, we will schedule field trips to enhance our curriculum. Permission slips and requests for fees will be sent home prior to each trip.

Fire Drills - Fire drills are held on a monthly basis throughout the year. All students will participate and are expected to walk quickly and quietly to our designated exit. We will practice and become familiar with procedures before our first scheduled drill.

G is for Good Behavior The Giving Tree

Good Behavior - Our classroom is a safe and happy place where lots of learning happens. We are a classroom family where teamwork and good relationships are expected. We will spend time learning class procedures and practicing them. Each student is expected to act within our standards of behavior. Problems will be dealt with one on one. If misbehaviors continue, we will contact you for support.

Giving Tree – In our newsletter we will include a list of items that are needed for classroom activities. If you are not able to come into the classroom to donate your time, this is a great way to still help us out! Thank you so much for your generosity.

H is for Homework

Homework – Homework will primarily be Monday through Thursday. This will help you keep track of what the homework is each night. Please take the time to help your child with their homework and see what we are working on in class!

I is for Internet Usage

Internet Usage - Students will have many opportunities to use the internet on our classroom computers and during their computer lab time each week.

J is for Joyful Learning

Joyful Learning - Children learn best when they are feeling loved and encouraged to try new things. Our classroom builds a feeling of mutual respect, being risk-takers, and supporting each other even when we make mistakes. Happy faces are so important!

K is for Kindness

Kindness - Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class, as well as others in society, with kindness and respect. Bothering others, bullying, and interrupting learning will not be permitted.

L is for Library

Library - We have a scheduled library time every week when students will check out books and listen to a story. Be sure to help your child remember to bring their book back each week.

M is for Ms. Button and Ms. Beaujean

Ms. Button and Ms. Beaujean – We are so excited to be teaching your child this year!

N is for Newsletters and Nightly Reading

Newsletters - A monthly first grade newsletter will be sent home each month. It will contain information about our thematic units, classroom activities, announcements, and upcoming school events.

Nightly Reading – Nightly reading is essential for future success. All students at Sand Ridge Elementary are expected to read nightly. In class, we will work on many verbal and written comprehension strategies and we will share those with you to practice at home as well.

O is for Open Communication

Open Lines of Communication - Please let us know if you have ANY concerns or questions regarding your child throughout the year. We feel that it is our job to work together as partners to help your child have a successful first grade year.

P is for Parent Involvement and Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent Involvement - We love Parent Involvement! Please be involved in your child’s school year as much as you can. Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school! We are always happy to have your help for special activities in the classroom. We will try to let you know at least one week ahead of time if we need help. We hope that you can come and join in the fun!

Parent/Teacher Conferences – Sand Ridge Elementary schedules fall parent-teacher conferences. At these conferences, we will discuss your child’s accomplishments, strengths, and overall progress. If you feel the need to have a conference other than at this time, please call the school, send a note, or email us to make arrangements.

Q is for Questions

Questions - Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s education. We will make every effort to meet with you and discuss your concerns. Please feel free to call us at school to leave us a message or email us anytime.

R is for Report Cards and Restrooms

Report Cards – Report cards will be sent home every nine weeks. Progress reports are sent halfway through each nine weeks.

Restrooms – Children are allowed to use the restrooms as needed, although not encouraged during a directed instruction time. Unfortunately, accidents could still happen so please send in an extra set of clothes in case of an accident.

S is for Safety and Snacks

Safety - Your child’s safety is top priority. We take every precaution when your child is in our care. Please be sure the office always has your updated emergency contact numbers (work, cell, and home) and the numbers of your emergency contacts in an event you cannot be reached.

Snacks - We will take a quick snack break each day. You are asked to donate one large box of something on the first of each month. Please send healthy snacks. Some examples are: Goldfish, animal crackers, pretzels, and snack bars. If you provide a snack that requires a spoon, please supply that as well.

T is for Tardies and Toys

Tardies - Students late to school are considered tardy. The school keeps a record of these tardies and they will be documented on your child’s report card. Excessive tardies are disruptive to the class as well as your child’s learning. Be sure to walk your child into the office and sign them in if they are arriving after 8:20. They will need to receive a pass before coming to the classroom.

Toys - No toys are to be brought to school.

U is for Unique

Unique - Each child in our class is unique and wonderful. In first grade, we learn about how we are unique and special, and we celebrate our differences and similarities. We also learn about the different cultures within our class.

V is for Visitors

Visitors - ALL GUESTS (including familiar faces) are required to check in at the school office and wear a visitor’s pass. It is important to remember that while this may seem inconvenient to frequent visitors, it is the goal and responsibility of the school to create a safe learning environment.

W is for Water

Water Bottles - Please do not send water bottles to school. Students may get drinks as needed from the water fountain in the classroom.

X is for Extra Special

Extra Special – Your child is extra special to us. We will treat each child as we would our own.

Y is for You, the Parent

You, the Parent – You are just as important in your child’s educational experience as we are. We need to work together to make this year in first grade an extra special one for your child.

Z is for Zzzzzs

Zzzzs – Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep each night. We will be working hard each day and a proper night of sleep will help your child be the best that he or she can be each day!