Annual Implementation Plan 2013

Findon Primary School


Based on Strategic Plan developed for 2013 - 2015

Endorsement by School Principal / Signed………………………………………. (Principal’s signature)
Name Angelika Ireland
Endorsement by School Council / Signed………………………………………. (School Council President’s signature)
Endorsement by Regional Director or nominee / Signed………………………………………. (Regional Director or nominee’s signature)


Strategic Intent

Goals / Targets / One Year Targets
Student Learning / (1)  To improve student achievement in all VELS domains with particular attention to Maths & English from Prep to 6 / §  80% of students deemed capable to be at or above expected level in all areas of English and Maths, based on VELS teacher judgement.
§  To be at or within the SFO range in all areas of English and Maths.
§  Every child to make one year’s growth after one year of teaching based on VELS teacher judgement.
§  Year 3 to Year 5 NAPLAN matched cohort growth to exceed SFO range and at or above state mean / §  Teacher assessments in English in VELS to show
- Reading – 80%
- Writing – 70%
- Speaking and Listening – 80%
from Prep to Year 6.
§  To be AT the SFO range in all areas of English and Maths.
§  90% of children to make one year’s growth after one year of teaching based on VELS teacher judgement.
§  Year 3 to Year 5 NAPLAN matched cohort growth to be at SFO range and show improvement from previous year.
§  80% of Year 1 students to be reading at Level 15 or above.
Student Engagement and Wellbeing / (1)  To improve student engagement and wellbeing
(2)  To Improve student attendance / §  All elements of Student Attitudes to School survey at or above 50 percentile, with particular focus on classroom behaviour and student safety
§  Staff Opinion Survey responses all to be above 50% with particular focus on student behaviour (school) and student behaviour (classroom)
§  Parent Opinion Survey to show improvement in all elements of Student Engagement and Student Behaviour
§  Absences data to be at or lower than state mean / §  All elements of Student Attitudes to School survey at or above 50 percentile, with particular focus on classroom behaviour and student safety
§  Staff Opinion Survey responses all to be above 50% with particular focus on student behaviour (school) and student behaviour (classroom)
§  Parent Opinion Survey to show improvement in all elements of Student Engagement and Student Behaviour
§  Absences data to be at or lower than state mean
Student Pathways and Transitions / (1)  To continue to refine student transition and pathways from preschool to school, one year level to the next and from primary to post primary. / §  To increase parent opinion survey responses to 80% or better. / §  To have all Parent Opinion Survey results when compared to state primary schools in or better than the 2nd Quartile
(2)  Develop communication processes and strengthen parent/ school partnerships. / §  To increase parent opinion survey responses to 80% or better. / §  To have all Parent Opinion Survey results when compared to state primary schools in or better than the 2nd Quartile


Key Improvement Strategies
and Significant Projects / What
the activities and programs required to progress the key improvement strategies / How
the budget, equipment, IT, learning time, learning space / Who
the individuals or teams responsible for implementation / When
the date, week, month or term for completion / Achievement milestones
the changes in practice or behaviours
Develop a coherent whole school approach focusing on building high levels of teacher knowledge of content and pedagogy in Literacy and Numeracy & Curiosity in line with the NMR Powerful Learning Strategy / §  Consistent rigorous classroom practice to include Writer’s Notebook, Write to Read and Guided Reading instruction / §  10 hours of English per week as a first priority (2 hr literacy block where possible)
§  Flexible groupings across learning teams utilising the open classrooms and 21st century learning spaces
§  Budget allocation to meet specific areas of need / §  All staff
§  Leading Teacher / Literacy Co-ordinator
§  English Action Team / §  Ongoing / §  10 hours of English teaching evident in all weekly programs
§  Writer’s Notebook, Write To Read evident in all weekly programs and classrooms
§  Guided Reading Planners evident in all classrooms Prep – Year 5
§  Learning Intentions and Success Criteria to be evident in classrooms and planners
§  English planning at Learning Team level / §  Align timetable to shared planning and teaching
§  Teams to be released for Term planning and Leading Teacher to be available as support / §  Learning team leaders
§  Leading Teacher
§  Learning Teams
§  Timetable person / §  Ongoing / §  Rich English term planners developed at planning days and used by all in Learning Team.
§  Consistent learning focuses in all classrooms within Learning Teams
§  Weekly planners to reflect Term planning
§  Targeted coaching at P-6 to improve literacy teaching practice / §  Leading Teaching to provide English coaching with a focus on the Write To Read Spelling Program, Writer’s Notebook and Language Conventions / §  All staff
§  Leading Teacher / §  Ongoing / §  Coaching plans developed and maintained
§  Regular and effective use of ICT in literacy block / §  Computers, netbooks, interactive whiteboards, TV screens, data projectors in rooms to facilitate English learning
§  Budget allocation to meet specific areas of need
§  New interactive English programs purchased to support teachers, especially with a Grammar focus / §  All staff
§  Leading Teacher / Literacy Co-ordinator
§  English Action Team
§  ICT leading Teacher / Action Team / §  Ongoing / §  Use of ICT in Literacy block evident in planners
§  New resources purchased to support ICT in English
§  Targeted Professional Learning in all aspects of Literacy as required, to build content and pedagogical knowledge / §  Through regular professional learning, professional reading and peer observation / §  All staff
§  Leading Teacher
§  English Action Team / §  Ongoing / §  Time in Professional Learning Schedule allocated for English PL
§  Evidence of new learning in classrooms
§  Investigate the use of the AUSVels Scope and Sequence and ensure Findon Scope and Sequence and planning documents are in line / §  PL and utilise action teams to audit documentation / §  All staff
§  Leading Teacher / Literacy Co-ordinator
§  English Action Team / §  Ongoing / §  Development of new AUSVel’s based Findon term planners, scope and sequences and planning documents
§  Running Records, CARS and VELS checklists to establish Guided Reading Groups and inform personalised instruction / §  Team teachers to combine data in order to fluidly group students across classrooms
§  Use of STARS and other comprehension resources such as Springboard into Comprehension and Making Connections, to support the explicit teaching of comprehension skills
§  PL to support teachers in grouping students into like needs based groups at the team level / §  All staff
§  Leading Teacher / Literacy Co-ordinator
§  English Action Team / §  Ongoing / §  Data used to fluidly group students and teach at point of need.
§  Fluid grouping evident in weekly planners
§  Use of data (including SPA) in PLTs and PL to ensure teaching to point of need and the use of triangulated data sources to inform explicit teaching practice / §  PL to support teachers in accessing SPA data, explain Zone of Proximal Development and how to use data to group students and track growth
§  Fluid grouping of students
§  Continue tracking of student achievement and analyse data in PLT prior to planning / §  All staff
§  Leading Teacher / Literacy Co-ordinator
§  English Action Team
§  Data manager / §  Ongoing / §  Data used to fluidly group students and teach at point of need.
§  Fluid grouping evident in weekly planners
§  Regular moderation at and across team levels / §  Regular scheduled moderation as part of learning team meetings
§  Time allocated for moderation within and across Learning Teams within Meeting schedule
§  Development of moderation documents to assist in making consistent judgements / §  All staff
§  Leading Teacher / Literacy Co-ordinator
§  English Action Team / §  Ongoing / §  Team and whole school moderation time allocated in PL term schedule
§  English support through intervention such as Corrective Reading and the SELL program / §  Continue offering intervention - Corrective Reading and SELL programs as well as the Language Support Program.
§  Investigate opportunities for extension programs in English, in particular Writing / §  Leading Teacher
§  Intervention Staff / §  Ongoing / §  Students to successful complete the corrective reading program.
§  Students which participate in English intervention to show improvement in reading
Develop a coherent whole school approach focusing on building high levels of teacher knowledge of content and pedagogy in Literacy and Numeracy & Curiosity in line with the NMR Powerful Learning Strategy / §  Targeted Mathematical PL to build content and pedagogical knowledge and begin to investigate the Theories of Action in line with the school direction / §  Through regular professional learning, professional reading and peer observations
§  Use network schools to support PL and investigate an ‘expert’ to deliver PL / §  Leading Teacher
§  Action Team
§  Team leaders
§  All staff
§  Experts from local school network / §  Ongoing / §  Evidence of Theories of Action being used in classrooms in line with whole school practice
§  Professional learning provided and increased dialogue around mathematical pedagogy across teams
§  Evidence of new learning in classrooms by students and teachers
§  Professional Learning around differentiated learning / §  Through PLTs, allocate time to investigate and discuss differentiated learning / §  Leading Teacher
§  Action Team
§  Team leaders
§  All staff / §  Ongoing / §  Evidence of differentiated learning in work programs
§  Professional learning provided and increased dialogue around differentiated learning
§  Introduce a common approach to teaching academic mathematical language eg: Robert Marzano ‘Academic Vocabulary in Mathematics’ / §  Develop a consistent practice for teaching mathematical language across all learning teams
§  Update the ‘Mathematical Vocabulary’ link on the Maths Planners / §  Leading Teacher
§  Action Team
§  Team leaders
§  All staff / §  Ongoing / §  Evidence of teams planning
§  Teaching mathematical language with a whole school understanding of process used
§  Familiarise staff with and investigate the use of the AUSVels and ensure Findon Scope and Sequence and planning documents are in line / §  PL and utilise action teams to audit documentation / §  All staff
§  Leading Teacher / Maths Co-ordinator
§  Maths Action Team / §  Ongoing / §  Development of new AUSVel’s based Findon term planners, scope and sequences and planning documents
§  Delivery of a balanced mathematics program including explicit teaching, open ended task, problem solving and mathematics related to real life situations / §  Explicit teaching of Maths
§  Learning Intentions and Success Criteria developed for every lesson
§  RATS and CATS developed and used by Learning Teams
§  Open ended tasks and problem solving incorporated into Term planners and weekly planning
§  Real life experiences/ situations used when appropriate in the teaching of Mathematics / §  All staff
§  Learning Team leaders
§  Leading Teacher
§  Maths Action Team / §  Ongoing / §  Learning Intentions and Success Criteria evident in classrooms
§  Problem solving and open ended tasks evident in all weekly programs and classrooms
§  Learning Intentions and Success Criteria to be evident in classrooms and planners
§  RATS and CATS developed and used in Learning Teams
§  Focus on working mathematically within maths sessions with an overview to investigate a range of rich tasks to engage students in working mathematically / §  Familiarise staff with the working mathematically strand through professional learning, peer observations, team planning and shared practice
§  Use of rich assessment tasks and moderation across learning teams
§  Fluid grouping of students based on Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years- LAF scores / §  All staff
§  Learning Team leaders
§  Leading Teacher
§  Maths Action Team / §  Ongoing / §  Challenging, investigative tasks presented to students, that provide students the opportunity to work mathematically and be involved in all elements of e5 including Scaffolding Numeracy
§  Revise the assessment schedule with a focus on CATS, SNMY and pre/post assessments / §  Through PLTs, allocate time to investigate and discuss assessment schedule and conduct PL around differentiated learning / §  Leading Teacher / Maths co-ordinator
§  Action Team
§  Team leaders
§  All staff / §  Ongoing / §  Professional learning implemented in key areas of the assessment schedule
§  Assessment schedule under continual review
§  Professional learning around Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years / §  Through regular professional learning, professional reading and peer observations
§  Use network schools to support PL and investigate an ‘expert’ to deliver PL / §  Leading Teacher
§  Action Team
§  Team leaders
§  All staff
§  Experts from local school network / §  Ongoing / §  Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years data collected in Years 4-6
§  Fluid grouping across teams during term 2/3 in Years 4-6
§  Continued tracking of student data and the development of a whole school assessment overview for mathematics / §  Continue tracking of student process with emphasis on providing specific diagnostic and whole picture information to teams / §  Leading Teacher / Maths co-ordinator
§  Action Team
§  Team leaders
§  PLTs / §  Ongoing / §  The use of data to inform teaching and learning programs
§  Use of data (including SPA or Kmetrics) in PLTs and PL prior to teaching to ensure teaching to point of need practice in mathematics / §  Continue tracking of student process with emphasis on providing specific diagnostic and whole picture information to teams