The National Speech and Debate Association
The Ole Towne Rotary 2016 Billy Stanley
East Carteret High School Speech & DebateInvitational
Individual Events Descriptions
Extemporaneous Speaking: Contestants will be given three topics in the general area of current events, choose one, and have 30 minutes to prepare for a speech that is the original work of the student. Maximum time limit for the speech is 7 minutes. Limited notes are permitted from 3X5 note cards. Delivery should be fluent and conversational. Either the judge will keep time and give time signals, usually the form of a countdown, or a timekeeper can be assigned at the judge's request.
Key criteria: The speaker should provide an introduction that minimally includes a verbatim reading of the question chosen, establishes the significance of the issue, takes an unambiguous position on the question, and provides a clear preview of the main points in support of the chosen position. Main points should be independent, but interlocking, reasons to support the chosen position. Each main point should have clear analysis and adequate supporting evidence. The conclusion should summarize the main points, restate the question verbatim, reinforce the argued position and tie back to the opening attention getter.
Impromptu Speaking: an Impromptu speech, serious in nature, with topic selections varied by round, section by section. The students will draw three topics from an envelope and select 1 to speak from – returning the other 2 back into the envelope. Timing begins when the student chooses his or her topic. Students may take up to two minutes to prepare. Once the 2 minuets have elapsed the student now must speak on the chosen topic for a maximum of 5 minutes. Either the judge will keep time and give time signals, usually the form of a countdown, or a timekeeper can be assigned at the judge's request. Giving verbal signals during the 2 minuet prep and a countdown during the speech.
Key Criteria: The speech should be well organized. The speaker should take a clear stance on the topic matter. The main points should be a clear defense of that stance. Examples used should serve to explicate and crystallize main points. Usually, there are two or three main points with several examples each. Delivery should be fluent and conversational.
Original Oratory: An original humorous speech by the student, designed to exhibit sound speech composition, thematic coherence, direct communicative public speaking skills, and good taste. The speech should be either informative or persuasive in nature. Notes are allowed. Maximum time limit is 10 minutes.
Key criteria: The topic should have an inherently serious point that can be carried throughout the speech in a humorous manner. The speech should be well organized and
easy to follow. Multiple sources should be used and cited in the development of the speech. Delivery should be fluent, and very conversational.
Duo Interpretation: This is not an acting event; thus no costumes, props, lighting, etc. are to be used. Notes are allowed and the focus generally should be off stage and not towards each other; no actual touching of one another. Maximum time limit is 10minutes.
Key criteria: The material should have a message that is clear and compelling. The piece, pieces, or cutting used should fit together in such a way that the script flows logically and smoothly from beginning to end. The participation of duo partners should be relatively balanced. Their movement should be integral to communicating the action/emotion/meaning of the text. Characters should be fully developed and clearly distinguishable. Bottom line: Did the literature/performance/performer bring an experience to life that captured your imagination?Notes are allowed.
Dramatic/Humorous Interpretation: A cutting that represents one or more characters from a published work of literary merit. No props or costumes are allowed.
Maximum time limit is 10 minutes.
Key criteria: The material should have a message that is clear and compelling. The piece cutting used should fit together in such a way that the script flows logically and smoothly from beginning to end. Any blocking should be integral to communicating the action/emotion/meaning of the text. Characters should be fully developed and clearly distinguishable. Bottom line: Did the literature/performance/performer bring an experience to life that captured your imagination? Notes are allowed.
Oral Interpretation: The speaker reads a piece or collection of pieces with narrative explanation. The material may be fiction or non-fiction. Should feature adult literature, and may feature prose, poetry, or a combination of both revolving around a common theme. The competitor's feet should remain stationary through the duration on the performance. Use of manuscript in a black book/folder is required. Maximum time limit is 10 minutes, no minimum.
Key criteria: The literature should have a message that is clear and compelling. The story should tap into some universal experience in a unique way. The situation or the main character should undergo significantchange throughthe cutting. Characters should be clearly delineated vocally and physically. The performance should have appropriate builds through emotional peaks rising to the climax of the story. The performer should connect well emotionally with the literature and withthe audience. Bottom line: Did the literature/performance/performer bring an experience to life that captured your imagination?
Radio Announcing: Competitors will prepare radio ‘sessions’ for radio themes depending on the competition round. Competitors may create 'call-ins' andcommercials by changing their vocal attributes to transition between ideas during their session 1.
Radio time limits are STRICT (3 Minutes). Violation of time limits (5 second grace, over AND under) results in competitor cannot make first place ranking. Competitorsmay use a stopwatch to keep track of their own time. The judge should sit back to the student and only judge based on the competitors vocal abilities. Time limit is a strict 3 minutes with a five-second grace period.
Round 1 – The Beach Broadcast
Round 2 – Political Parody
Round 3 - The Dirty Laundry
Round 4 – Post-Apocalyptic Podcast
Key criteria: The radio show should be clear and compelling. If other characters are present; voices should be clearly delineated vocally and physically. The performance should have appropriate builds using humor and material that is appropriate for the radio. The performer should connect well emotionally with the judge. Bottom line: Did the performer bring a radio show to life that you would listen to?
Improvisational Duet Acting: Each student will randomly select a choice from three scenarios. No costumes and use of props shall be limited to shifting desks in the room. Students will have two minutes to prepare. Students may look at and physically interact with each other. Maximum time limit is 5 minutes. Time signals should be given in the form of hand signals.
Key Criteria: Creativity, character development, arrangement of material, and conflict resolution will be rewarded. The participation of duo partners should be relatively balanced. Their movement should be integral to communicating the prompt. Characters should be fully developed and clearly distinguishable. Bottom line: Did the performance/performers bring an experience to life that captured your imagination?
Event / Time-LimitExtemporaneous Speaking / 7 Minute Maximum
Impromptu Speaking / 2 Min Prep/5 Min Maximum
Original Oratory / 5-10 Minutes
Duo Interpretation / 5-10 Minutes
Dramatic/Humorous Interpretation / 5-10 Minutes
Oral Interpretation / 5-10 Minutes
Radio Announcing / 3 Minute STRICT
Improvisational Duet Acting / 1 Min Prep/5 Min Maximum
Declamation / 5-10 Minutes
All individual events except Radio Announcing are permitted to a 30 second grace period beyond time limits. Radio Announcing time limits are VERY STRICT with a five-second grace.
Time signals should be given in Extemporaneous, Impromptu, and Improvisational Duet Acting.
Public Forum Debate: Public Forum Debate involves opposing teams of two, debating a topic concerning a current event. Proceeding a coin toss, the winners choose which side to debate (PRO or CON) or which speaker position they prefer (1st or 2nd), and the other team receives the remaining option. Students present cases, engage in rebuttal and refutation, and also participate in a “crossfire” (similar to a cross- examination) with the opportunity to question the opposing team. This style of debate is meant to be understood by the general public.
Current PFD Resolution: Resolved: The United States should withdraw its military presence from Okinawa.
Students should present a clear case for their side of the resolution. Each case should include 1-3 contentions (main points). Within each contention the teams should provide explanation, support, and the impact. Students not only have to support their own case throughout the debate but also must refute the points of the opposing team. Students have 2 minutes of prep that can be split in any way and is used between any speeches.
PFD Time Limits
SpeechTeam A Speaker 1 - Constructive Team B Speaker 1 - Constructive
Team A Speaker 2 - Rebuttal Team B Speaker 2 - Rebuttal
Team A Speaker 1 - Summary Team B Speaker 1 - Summary
Grand Crossfire Team A Speaker 2 - Final Focus Team B Speaker 2 - Final Focus / Time
4 min
4 min
4 min
3 min
2 min
2 min
2 min / Responsibility of Debater
Present the team’s case Present the team’s case
Speaker 1 from Team A & B alternate asking and answering questions
Refute the opposing side’s arguments Refute the opposing side’s arguments
Speaker 2 from Team A & B alternate asking and answering questions
Begin crystallizing the main issues in the round
Begin crystallizing the main issues in the round All four debaters involved ina crossfire at once Explain reasons that you win the round
Explain reasons that you win the round
Congressional Debate: Participants are given pieces of legislation to debate during two 2 ½ hour sessions of congress. Individual participants in Congress then prepare and debate this legislation. Speeches are a maximum of 3 minutes in length and speakers will be subject to a 1 minuet cross-examination following their speech.
Lincoln Douglas Debate: In this one-on-one format, students debate a topic provided by the National Speech & Debate Association. Topics range from individual freedom versus the collective good to economic development versus environmental protection. Students may consult evidence gathered prior to the debate but may not use the Internet in round. An entire debate is roughly 45 minutes and consists of constructive speeches, rebuttals, and cross-examination.
Current LD topic: Resolved: The United States ought to promote democracy in the Middle East.
Students should present a clear case for their side of the resolution. Each case should include 1-3 contentions (main points). Within each contention the teams should provide explanation, support, and the impact. Students not only have to support their own case throughout the debate but also must refute the points of the opposing team. Students have 4 minutes of prep that can be split in any way and is used between any speeches.
SpeechAffirmative Constructive Negative Cross-Examination
Negative Constructive/Negative Rebuttal Affirmative Cross-Examination First Affirmative Rebuttal
2nd Negative Rebuttal
2nd Affirmative Rebuttal / Time
6 min
3 min
7 min
6 min
3 min / Responsibility of Debater
Present the affirmative case
Negative asks questions of the affirmative
Present the negative case and refute the affirmative case Affirmative asks questions of the negative
Refute the negative case and rebuild the affirmative case Refute the affirmative case, rebuild the negative case, and offer reasons that negative should win the round, commonly referred to as voting issues.
Address negative voting issues and offer crystallization for why the affirmative should win.
Round 1 – The Beach Broadcast Round 2 – Political Parody Round 3 –