Caversham Primary School Pupil Premium Grant

The Pupil Premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. These include pupils who are entitled to free school meals, those Looked After by the Local Authority and adopted children. The intended effect of this funding is to accelerate progress, raise attainment and support the pupils in the participation of activities in the wider curriculum.

As a school we decide how the allocated Pupil Premium Grant should be spent. We assess each child and decide what additional provision should be made for these pupils. We are then required to report on the amount of funding received, how this is being allocated and the impact of any additional support or provision.

For more information on the Pupil Premium, please visit:


  • We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the pupils.
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of identified pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.
  • Pupil Premium funding will be allocated to provide targeted support for classes, groups or individuals.
  • We monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of how we utilise our Pupil Premium Grant expenditure to ensure it has a positive impact on achievement.
  • We acknowledge the desire to eliminate the gap between PPG pupils and Non PPG pupils and strive to accelerate progress.

Our Goals

  • That ALL PPG pupils attain, at least, Age Related Expectations (ARE) in Reading, Writing and Maths.
  • That ALL PPG pupils make, at least, expected progress.
  • That attendance of PPG pupils is >97%.
  • That ALL PPG pupils are regularly involved in Extra Curricular Activities.

What will Caversham Primary School do?

  • Provide Quality First teaching.
  • Provide targeted training (INSET) to improve outcomes for identified pupils.
  • Conduct termly attendance and punctuality checks and act upon issues arising.
  • Identify specific Gaps in Learning (skills, concepts, knowledge)
  • Provide bespoke Interventions to ‘plug’ gaps in learning.
  • Actively seek the engagement and support of parents.
  • Provide financial support for approved trips, enrichment opportunities and School Uniform.
  • Encourage ALL PPG pupils to participate in Extra Curricular activities.
  • The School Leadership Team (SLT) will analyse the achievement (attainment and progress) of PPG children on a termly basis and via Pupil Progress Meetings with class teachers.


Pupil Premium Spending 2012-2013 (14 pupils@ £623 each £8 722)

We have allocated the funds in the following way:

Use of funding / Cost
Residential Visits / £1750
Educational Visits / £370
Level 6 Support / £177.60
ELSA / £533.73
Dance Enrichment / £255.60
Maths and Literacy Booster / £3320.99
TA Support / £1462.29
Breakfast and After School Club / £952
Handwriting / £355
Phonics / £2697.92
Nurture Group / £601.58
Reading Recovery / £3124
SRA Reading / £98.72
SATS Support / £74.04
External Professionals / £450
G&T Maths / £568
TOTAL / £16 791.47

Results for 2012-2013

100% of FSM pupils in Foundation Stage reached and exceeded a good level of development

Year 1 Phonics Screening 100% of FSM pupils passed Phonics Screening test

Reading: Across the school 97% of pupils made expected progress with 95% of FSM pupils making expected progress of over the year (1 pupil did not make expected progress). 100% of FSM pupils are at national benchmark for their age.

Writing: Across the school 92% of pupils made expected progress with 89% of FSM pupils making expected progress of over the year (2 pupils did not make expected progress). 89% of FSM pupils are at national benchmark for their age- 2 pupils are 1 sublevel below expected level.

Maths: Across the school 91% of pupils made expected progress with 79% of FSM pupils making expected progress of over the year (4 pupils did not make expected progress). 95% of FSM pupils are at national benchmark for their age- 1 pupil is 1 sublevel below expected level.1 FSM girl achieved a Grade C at Foundation Tier GCSE Maths in Year 6.

From the KS2 data 2012-2013, all Year 6 pupils made better progress than non-FSM pupils nationally and made better progress than non-FSM pupils is Reading and Writing.

Attendance of FSM Pupils Sept 2012-July 2013

Pupils in group / Attendance / Authorised Absence / Unauthorised absence / Late
FSM / 14 (+8) / 95.1% / 4.9% / 0 / 0.6
Non-FSM / 435 / 97.3% / 2.7% / 0 / 0.3


Pupil Premium Spending 2013-2014

(13 pupils FSM, 3 pupils Ever 6 @ £953 £15 248)

At the summer 2013 School Census, almost 3% of the pupils at Caversham Primary were in receipt of Free School Meals.

We have allocated the funds in the following way:

Use of funding / TOTAL
Onsite Play Therapist / £2,400
Subsidise educational visits / £1,244
Teacher Support (1-to-1)
Numbers Count Sessions x3 per week / £936
Teacher Support Booster / £852
Reading Recovery Teacher / £625
SEN Teaching Assistant Support / £719
ELSA Support / £3,170
Breakfast & After School Club costs / £2,184
Sensory Circuits / £2,450
Resources / £700
TOTAL / £15, 280

Results for 2013-2014

EYFS / 100% of FSM pupils in Foundation Stage reached a good level of development
Reading / Across the school (Year 1 to Year 6) for the academic year 2013-2014, 75% of PP pupils made at least expected progress with 58% exceeding expected progress in Reading. 92% of pupils are working at least in line with National expectation with 75% above National expectation for their age. (1 pupil on the SEN register in Y2 is below national average for their age)
Writing / Across the school (Year 1 to Year 6) for the academic year 2013-2014, 83% of PP pupils made at least expected progress with 58% exceeding expected progress in Reading. 83% of pupils are working at least in line with National expectation with 67% above National expectation for their age. (2 pupils on the SEN register in Y2 are below national average for their age)
Maths / Across the school (Year 1 to Year 6) for the academic year 2013-2014, 92% of PP pupils made at least expected progress with 67% exceeding expected progress in Reading. 92% of pupils are working at least in line with National expectation with 75% above National expectation for their age. (1 pupil on the SEN register in Y2 is below national average for their age)

Attendance of FSM Pupils Sept 2013-July 2014

Pupils in group / Attendance / Authorised Absence / Unauthorised absence / Late
FSM / 16 / 96.7 / 3.3 / 0.0 / 0.8
Non-FSM / 439 / 97.8 / 2.0 / 0.2 / 0.3

Caversham Primary School

Pupil Premium Data 2013- 2014

Child / EYFS Reading / KS1 Reading / Year 4 Reading / KS2 Reading / Value Added / EYFS Writing / KS1 Writing / Year 4 Writing / KS2 Writing / Value Added / EYFS
Maths / KS1 Maths / Year 4 Maths / KS2 Maths / Value Added
Child A / Exp / Em / Exp
Child B / Exp / Exp / Exp
Child C / Exp / Exp / Exc
Child D / Exc / Exc / Exc
Child E / Exc / Exp / Exp
Child F / Exp / Exc / Exc
Child G / 2b / 2c / 2a
Child H / 1a / 2c / 1a
Child I / 3c / 3c / 3c
Child J / 3b / 3b / 3b
Child K / 2a / 2c / 2a
Child L / 3b / 4b / 3c / 4b / 3c / 4c
Child M / 2a / 4b / 2c / 3b / 3c / 4b
Child N / 2a / 4b / 2a / 3a / 3c / 4a
Child O / 3c / 4a / 5b / +2 / 2a / 4c / 5c / +3 / 2a / 4c / 5b / +3


Pupil Premium Spending 2014-2015

(24 pupils@ £1 300 £31 200)

Pupil Premium Plus Spending 2014-2015

(2 adopted children @ £1 900 each £3 800)

At the summer 2014 School Census, almost 3% of the pupils at Caversham Primary were in receipt of Free School Meals.

We have allocated the funds in the following way:

Use of funding / TOTAL
On site Play Therapist / £ 3 600
Subsidise educational visits / £970
Teacher Support (1-to-1)
Teacher Support Booster / £5 896
Reading Recovery Support / £16 094
SEN Teaching Assistant Support / £11 865
ELSA Support / £3 234
Breakfast & After School Club costs / £668
Sensory Circuits / £4 074
TOTAL / £46 401

Results for 2014-2015

EYFS / 66% of PP pupils (2 out of 3) in Foundation Stage reached a good level of development
Reading / Across the school (Year 1 to Year 6) for the academic year 2014-2015, 82% of PP pupils
(9 out of 11) are meeting age related expectations in reading with 45% working above age related expectation.
All pupils in Year 2 and 6 made at least expected progress.
Writing / Across the school (Year 1 to Year 6) for the academic year 2014-2015, 54% of PP pupils
(6 out of 11) are meeting age related expectations in writing with 45% working above age related expectation.
All pupils in Year 2 and 6 made at least expected progress
Maths / Across the school (Year 1 to Year 6) for the academic year 2014-2015, 73% of PP pupils
(8 out of 11) are meeting age related expectations in maths with 36% working above age related expectation.
All pupils in Year 2 and 6 made at least expected progress

Attendance of FSM Pupils Sept 2014-July 2015

Pupils in group / Attendance / Authorised Absence / Unauthorised absence / Late
Pupil Premium / 24 / 96.97% / 3% / 0.01% / 0.7%
FSM / 16 / 96.8% / 3.2% / 0% / 0.6%
Not Pupil Premium / 432 / 97.76% / 1.95% / 0.3% / 0.33%

Caversham Primary School

Pupil Premium Data 2014- 2015

Child / EYFS Reading / KS1 Reading / Year 4 Reading / KS2 Reading / Value Added / EYFS Writing / KS1 Writing / Year 4 Writing / KS2 Writing / Value Added / EYFS
Maths / KS1 Maths / Year 4 Maths / KS2 Maths / Value Added
Child A / Exp / Em / Exp
Child B / Exp / Exp / Exp
Child C / Exp / Exp / Exc
Child D / Exc / 3c / Exc / 3c / Exc / 3c
Child E / Exc / 2a / Exp / 2a / Exp / 2a
Child F / Exp / Exc / Exc
Child G / 2b / 2c / 2a
Child H / 1a / 2c / 1a
Child I / 3c / 3c / 3c
Child J / 3b / Working above / 3b / Working above / 3b / Working above
Child K / 2a / Working towards / 2c / Working towards / 2a / Working towards
Child L / 3b / 4b / 3c / 4b / 3c / 4c
Child M / 2a / 4b / 5 / 2c / 3b / 4 / 3c / 4b / 5
Child N / 2a / 4b / left / 2a / 3a / left / 3c / 4a / left
Child O / 3c / 4a / 5b / +2 / 2a / 4c / 5c / +3 / 2a / 4c / 5b / +3


Pupil Premium Spending 2015-2016

(February 2016 19 pupils @ £1320, July 2016 14 pupils @ £1320)

£12 540 + £9 240 = £21 780

Pupil Premium Plus Spending 2015-2016

(February 2016 5 pupils @ £1900, July 2016 4 pupils @ £1900)

£4 750 + £3 800 = £8 550

Total Pupil Premium Funding £30 330


FSM Pupils / Total Pupils
Summer 2014 / 13 / 448 / 2.9%
Summer 2015 / 14 / 447 / 3.1%
Summer 2016 / 14 / 450 / 3.1%

We have allocated the funds in the following way:

Use of funding / TOTAL
On site Play Therapist / £5 100
Subsidise educational visits
Teacher Support (1-to-1) / £780 + £1920
Teacher Support Booster
Reading Recovery Support / £19 755
SEN Teaching Assistant Support / £16 884
ELSA Support / £3 848
Breakfast & After School Club costs / £672
Sensory Circuits / £4 115
Enrichment activities / £1024
TOTAL / £54 097

The school organises an annual Secondary School Roadshow involving 14 feeder secondary schools- state, grammar and independent. This enables parents to consider all the options for secondary school education.

The school organises a Year 5 and Year 6 careers fair annually with over 20 guest speakers from many walks of life- STEM careers, vets, lawyers, Police etc. This exposes all pupils to the many options and possibilities for future career paths.

All pupils in Year 4 have access to free music tuition in the In2 Music Programme with Berkshire Maestros. This enables all pupils access to music tuition and opportunity.

Attendance of FSM Pupils Sept 2015-July 2016

Pupils in group / Attendance / Authorised Absence / Unauthorised absence / Late
Pupil Premium / 22 / 96.57% / 2.5% / 0.93% / 0.9%
FSM / 15 / 95.86% / 2.58% / 1.36% / 0.04%
Not Pupil Premium / 431 / 97.83% / 1.83% / 0.34% / 0.27%

Pupil Premium Data – End of Key Stage 2

Attainment / National / All Pupils / Children in Receipt of PPG*
1 child
Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard
Reading / 66% / 19% / 91% / 49% / 100% / 0%
Writing / 74% / 15% / 96% / 45% / 100% / 0%
Maths / 70% / 17% / 82% / 27% / 100% / 0%
SPAG / 72% / 23% / 76% / 27% / 100% / 0%
Reading, Writing and Maths / 53% / 5% / 78% / 22% / 100% / 0%
Progress / National / All Pupils / Children in Receipt of PPG*
1 child
Standard / Average Progress / Average progress / Average progress
Reading / 102.6 / 108.6 / 109
Writing / 102.6 / 100.4
Maths / 102.6 / 105.5 / 109


These results demonstrate the 1 child in receipt of the PPG exceeded the national average across the board. In particular, the PPG child is 47% above the national in R/W/M combined. The PPG child exceeds the rest of the cohort in all areas. Furthermore, this child exceeded the national average for all pupils in all areas.

Pupil Premium Data – End of Key Stage 1

Attainment / National / All Pupils
Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard
Reading / 74% / 24% / 90% / 35%
Writing / 66% / 13% / 80% / 18%
Maths / 73% / 18% / 83% / 37%
R/W/M / 60% / 9% / 78% / 12%
Attainment / PPG National / Children in Receipt of PPG (2 children)
Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard
Reading / 84% / 13% / 100% / 0%
Writing / 79% / 7% / 100% / 0%
Maths / 87% / 10% / 100% / 0%
R/W/M / 47% / 4% / 100% / 0%


These results demonstrate the 2 children in receipt of the PPG exceeded the national average across the board. In particular, the PPG children are 53% above the national in R/W/M combined. The PPG children exceed the rest of the cohort in all areas. Furthermore, these PPG children exceeded the national average for all pupils in all areas.

Pupil Premium Data – Phonics Screening Y1

National Average
All Pupils / School
All Pupils / Pupil Premium National Average / Pupil Premium
(5 children)*
Boys 77% Girls 84% / 88%
Boys 89% Girls 88% / 64% / 100%


PPG children performed better than all pupils and considerably better than national average for PPG and for all pupils.

EYFS Data – Good Level of Development

National Average / School / Pupil Premium
(1 child)
69% / 80%
Boys 74% Girls 90% / 0%


Pupil Premium Spending 2016-2017

(November 2016 17 pupils @ £1,320, August 2017 18 pupils @ £1,320)

£11,220 + £11,880= £23,100

Pupil Premium Plus Spending 2016-2017

(November 2016 4 pupils @ £1,900, August 2017 5 pupils @ £1,900)

£3,800 + £4,750= £8,550

Total Pupil Premium Funding £31,650


FSM Pupils / Total Pupils
Summer 2014 / 13 / 448 / 2.9%
Summer 2015 / 14 / 447 / 3.1%
Summer 2016 / 12 / 449 / 2.7%
Summer 2017 / 8 / 455 / 1.8%

We have allocated the funds in the following way:

Use of funding / TOTAL
On site Play Therapist / £5,475
Subsidise educational visits / £2,083
Teacher Support (1-to-1) / £2,441
Teacher Support Booster
Reading Recovery Support / £20,316
SEN Teaching Assistant Support
ELSA Support / £4,003
Breakfast & After School Club costs / £1,285
Sensory Circuits / £4,503
Enrichment activities
TOTAL / £40,105

The school organises an annual Secondary School Roadshow involving 14 feeder secondary schools- state, grammar and independent. This enables parents to consider all the options for secondary school education.

The school organises a Year 5 and Year 6 careers fair annually with over 20 guest speakers from many walks of life- STEM careers, vets, lawyers, Police etc. This exposes all pupils to the many options and possibilities for future career paths.

All pupils in Year 4 have access to free music tuition in the In2 Music Programme with Berkshire Maestros. This enables all pupils to access to music tuition and opportunity.

Attendance of Pupil Premium/ FSM Pupils Sept 2016-July 2017

Pupils in group / Attendance / Authorised Absence / Unauthorised absence / Late
before / Late
Pupil Premium / 24 / 97.48 / 2.44 / 0.09 / 0.61 / 0.02
(FSM) / 10 / 97.84 / 2.04 / 0.11 / 0.23 / 0
Not Pupil Premium / 433 / 97.75 / 1.82 / 0.43 / 0.26 / 0

Pupil Premium Data – End of Key Stage 2

Attainment / National / All Pupils / Children in Receipt of PPG*
3 children
Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard
Reading / 71% / 25% / 95% / 59% / 100% / 33%
Writing / 76% / 18% / 85% / 36% / 67% / 33%
Maths / 75% / 23% / 95% / 52% / 100% / 67%
GP&S / 77% / 31% / 92% / 52% / 67% / 33%
Reading, Writing and Maths / 61% / 11% / 85% / 33% / 67% / 33%
Progress / National / All Pupils / Children in Receipt of PPG*
3 children
Standard / Progress Measure
(using provisional national figure) / Progress Measure
(using provisional national figure) / Progress Measure
(using provisional national figure)
Reading / Not currently available / 1.5 / 0.6
Writing / -1.5 / -3.5
Maths / 0.2 / 0.6


These results demonstrate that all three pupils in receipt of pupil premium met age related expectations in Maths and Reading with 2 of the pupils reaching the higher standard in maths and 1 pupil reaching the higher standard in Reading. In Writing and GPS, 2 pupils met age related expectations with one pupil meeting the higher standard. Two of the pupils in receipt of PPG reached age related expectations across the board, with one pupil exceeding in all areas. The percentage of Children in receipt of PPG reaching age related expectations is significantly higher than the national average in Reading, Maths and R/W/M combined and those meeting he higher standard surpassed the national average across the board.

Pupil Premium Data – End of Key Stage 1

Attainment / National / All Pupils
Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard
Reading / 76% / 25% / 87% / 43%
Writing / 68% / 16% / 72% / 27%
Maths / 75% / 20% / 85% / 38%
R/W/M / 64% / 11% / 70% / 20%
Attainment / PPG National / Children in Receipt of PPG (6 children)
Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard / At Standard / Higher Standard
Reading / 63% / 14% / 67% / 0%
Writing / 54% / 8% / 50% / 0%
Maths / 62% / 11% / 67% / 0%
R/W/M / 49% / 5% / 50% / 0%


These results demonstrate that 4 pupils in receipt of pupil premium met age related expectations in Maths and Reading. In Writing, 3 pupils met age related expectations. Three of the pupils in receipt of PPG reached age related expectations in R/W/M combined.

Pupil Premium Data – Phonics Screening Y1

National Average
All Pupils / School
All Pupils / Pupil Premium National Average / Pupil Premium
(0 Pupils)*
81% / 83% / - / -


There were no PPG children in Year 1.

EYFS Data – Good Level of Development

National Average / School / Pupil Premium
(2 children)
69% / 81%
(Girls 100%, Boys 62%) / 100%