Little Petals Day Nursery

142 Derbyshire Lane, Stretford

Manchester, M32 8DU

Telephone: 0161-865-7575

Little Petals Childcare is a family run business and has been created to focus around the real needs of both children and their parents/carers. We aim to provide a family run ‘home from home’ atmosphere.

We strongly believe that all children are exciting, intelligent, interesting, strong minded, independent thinkers who all need the opportunity to question the world around them. We encourage free thinking, discussion and ask children to solve problems and dilemmas themselves. No two children are the same and none will be treated as such at Little Petals. We aim to firstly ensure that children feel safe and comfortable at Little Petals – happy children will feel excited about the Learning Journey ahead of them.

The setting is registered for 78 children. The nursery takes babies from 3 months until they leave to go to full time school, and many of them stay on in our out of school club which has a breakfast club, afterschool club and a holiday club. Pre-school and Out of School Club are in a separate building behind the outdoor play area; the Out of School club is available to children who have been in the nursery or have a sibling in the nursery.

Sessions are from 800am – 6.00pm with an Early Bird Session from 730am – 8am.

Stretford, South Manchester is a great location for Little Petals. We are in prime location of the Metrolink and main routes into Manchester and the Trafford Centre from Sale and Altrincham. We are also within easy reach of Mediacity.

The building is a beautifully presented period style Victorian house with ample parking space and has four levels.

Ø  Baby Unit containing 2 separate rooms

Ø  Toddler Unit – Sunflower room

Ø  Pre-School Unit

Ø  Out of school club

Ø  Staff Room/Store Rooms

Ø  Large Partially-Covered Outdoor Area

Ø  Small outside area for growing vegetables

Owner Deborah and managers Rebecca & Rachel are all parents themselves and appreciate the anxiety parents and carers have when leaving their children in the care of others. They are very proactive in the Nursery and like to get to know the children who attend. Rebecca has also achieved Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) which is a Level 6 qualification; she offers continuous support and mentoring to the staff team to ensure only the highest levels of practice throughout.

Our Nursery Team have been chosen for their ability to provide best care for your children based on the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Even at this early age we ensure that we work to help your child achieve each of the 5 outcomes of Every Child Matters. Every child deserves the best possible start in life and Little Petals wants to give them this. Your child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances and we hope to provide the foundation for your children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow.

We will ensure that each child is encouraged to reach their full potential by offering an Enabling Environment , combining high educational standards with quality care. Through child initiated play and adult led activities each child will be allowed to develop as a Unique Child at their own pace as they begin their Learning and Development.

Little Petals will continuously work to form Positive Relationships with parents/carers by sharing information your child’s development and consultation evenings will be arranged where parents/carers will be invited to attend the setting to discuss with key workers and room leaders your child’s development. We also work hard to develop relationships with other agencies and professionals to help provide all round care for your child.

Our Staff

All staff at Little Petals are qualified to a minimum of Level 2 and most are working towards attaining higher childcare qualifications.

Photographs of all staff and a description of their associated role are displayed in the entrance.

All children are assigned a Key Worker who will be your first point of call should you need to discuss anything about your child’s development. They will also be responsible to ensuring all of your child’s basic needs are met, so that they feel comfortable and safe each day.


We treat all our children as individuals so we do not have a set age at which they move into different rooms. However please see below as a guide:

Babies 0-15 mths - Little Daises

·  Sample activities – sensory play with jelly, hand painting, play with musical instruments , story time with lift the flap books, baby song

15– 24 months – Rosebuds

·  Sample activities – sensory play with cooked and dry pasta, painting with large brushes, play dough, sand play, Baby Dance

24 months onwards – Sunflowers

·  Sample activities – sensory play with Gloop*, nature trail searching for Mini Beasts, colour tables.

Pre-school age

·  Sample activities - growing carrots, watching chicks hatch from eggs in Spring time, Letters and Sounds phonics work

*Mix cornflour with a little water in a tray and watch the children’s delight as the mixture breaks and reforms again!

If there is a particular area of your child’s development that you are concerned about please discuss this with your child’s Key Worker any time.

ECaT – Every Child’s a Talker

Little Petals was fortunate enough to be involved in the national ECaT project in 2010/2011 which means that we focus very closely on the language development of our children. We believe very strongly in the importance of children being around books from birth and spend a large portion of our day using books and storytelling.

Below is some brief information about our key policies:


If any children attending Little Petals have any additional or Special Educational Needs, our SENCO Co-Ordinator Rebecca Doherty will be able to discuss these with parents before your child starts with us. We will ensure that we work with parents and any other health professionals to ensure that each child is able to achieve their potential.

Gradual Admission

Little Petals recommend that new children are settled in to nursery gradually, starting their first short session with a parent or carer with them, then moving gradually at their own pace. Children are welcome to bring a comfort item or favourite toy with them into Nursery during their settling in period. All children will have their own coat peg and storage bag.


The safeguarding of all children in our care is of paramount importance to us. Rebecca and Rachel are our safeguarding officers and all our practitioners are advised at induction of our safeguarding policy, a copy of which will be available to all parents on registration.

Equal Opportunities / Anti Discrimination

Little Petals ensures our Nursery is accessible to all the community and that no individual or group is denied access or discriminated against on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, caring responsibilities, religious beliefs, age, social class, political beliefs, employment status, union membership, place of residence or whether they are HIV positive. We respect everyone using the Nursery equally and believe that everyone has a valued contribution to make. Our practitioners are aware of anti-discriminatory practice and work hard to ensure that all our staff and children are encouraged to achieve their potential. We are also aware that some children may need more time and attention from us in order that they have an equal opportunity to develop as their peers.


Little Petals is an inclusive setting which means that we will celebrate a wide variety of cultural and religious festivals.