Weather Research Project 2015

  • Your group will produce a PowerPoint presentation for your classmates.
  • No more than 5 minutes!
  • No more than 8-10 informational slides, plus one cover and one sources slide.
  • Highlight 3 points you feel are most important (use different color font) as your classmates will take these three notes.
  • Please ask for help if you need it!
  • Choose one of the following topic:

Winds / Ozone layer
Clouds / Precipitation
Air Masses (fronts) / Thunderstorms
Tornadoes / Hurricanes


/ *Weather Forecasting
Weather Maps / *Climate
*Global Warming/Climate Change / *Ice Ages
Weather Instruments / Air pollution
*Weather Folklore (weatherwizkids) / Temperature (see weatherwizkids)

If you come up with a more interesting topic, please see your teacher.

  • A good start for this project will be:
  • Media center books
  • Let me know when you find good sites that we can share with the other classes.

Research PowerPoint Rubric

Name ______Date ______Period ______

6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
X2 / A keeper, could use to teach lesson / Better than most, went past just the main points / Covered the main points / Could do better/ missing some main points / Too short, need more information / Way too many errors, too short
PowerPoint mechanics / Excellent: graphics really explained content, looks professional / Looks good, smooth presentation, ample graphics, helped learning / Average work / Some distractions/
slides hard to read/backgrounds / Distractions started to dominate the PP/ caused confusion / Made at breakfast table!
behavior / Meshed perfectly, would want to be partners always / Obviously enjoyed working together, usually on-task / Worked without problems, sometimes off task / Did not work well together,
often off task
Distracted the learning of others / Often found on opposite sides of room. Mr. Brown has to intervene at times / Mr. Brown had to constantly intervene/had to do separate project
Ease of understanding
X2 / Even my 5th grade sibling could understand it! / We can now explain it to our parents! / Pretty much like the textbook / More like a high school presentation/ a bit over our heads/confusing / Not sure Mr. Brown could figure it out/way over our heads/really confusing / We are now totally confused about the topic/the opposite of learning!
delivery / Amazing, we were mesmerized! / We enjoyed your presentation / We listened respectfully / Acted silly. Did not take seriously. / Acted really silly. / Wake me when it is over! Had to stop presentation.
Current event
Bonus points / One really good one
Three highlighted points / Three really good ones / Had three or two really good ones / Had two, or one really good one. / Had one. / Ooopsie! Forgot!
Sources (no search engines!)
One internet, book, news report/current event / One of each, correctly cited / One of each / Had two out of three / Had one of the three / Search engine only / Sources? What sources???



PP mechanics


Ease of understanding

