Page 3 Town of Plymouth Minutes from the May 8, 2017 Select Board Meeting

Town of Plymouth

Select Board Meeting Minutes

Plymouth Town Hall

Plymouth, NH 03264

May 8, 2017

Members Present: Mr. John Randlett, Chair, Mr. Neil McIver, Mr. Bill Bolton, Mr. Mike Ahern

Members Absent: Mr. Bryan Dutille

Others Present: Mr. Paul Freitas, Ms. Kathryn Lowe

6:00 pm. Mr. John Randlett called the meeting to order and Mr. Mike Ahern led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approve Minutes:

·  BOS W/S April 10, 2017

·  BOS Non-Public April 10, 2017

·  BOS minutes April 10, 2017

**Approval of the aforementioned meeting minutes was postponed due to lack of a quorum of those who were present at the April 10, 2017 meeting.

·  BOS W/S April 24, 2017: Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. Ahern to approve these minutes. All in favor.

·  BOS Non-public April 24, 2017: Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver to approve these minutes. All in favor.

·  BOS minutes April 24, 2017: Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. Ahern to approve these minutes. All in favor.


o  The Select Board will meet on the following dates:

Regular meetings – 6:00PM: Monday, May 22nd and June 12th 2017.

·  Work review sessions prior to the regular meeting will start at 5:00PM.

All of the above meetings will be held in the Town Hall, unless otherwise posted

·  Citizens wishing to be listed on the Select Board’s Agenda should notify the Town Hall before 12:00 PM the Friday before the scheduled meeting.

·  Town offices will be closed on Monday, May 29, 2017 in observance of Memorial Day. The Plymouth Memorial Day parade will be held at 10:30 a.m. (line-up begins at 10:00a.m. at the armory)

Chairman’s Comments:

·  LSSA Agreement – Mr. Randlett read a prepared statement (attached)

·  Town Hall visits – Mr. Randlett wanted to remind the public that the Town Hall staff is often very busy. Please keep your business to the point.



·  James Brunt – Director Steve Temperino introduced Officer Brunt and gave the Board some background information. Mr. Randlett and the rest of the Board welcomed him.

·  Freeman Plummer – Re-appointment to Zoning Board as an Alternate: Mr. Randlett read a letter of intent (attached). Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver to appoint Mr. Plummer, as Zoning Board Alternate. All in favor.

·  Gisela Estes - Re-appointment to Conservation Commission: Mr. Randlett read a letter of intent (attached). Mr. McIver made a motion; seconded by Mr. Bolton to re-appoint Mrs. Estes to the Conservation Commission. All in favor.

·  Paul Rogalus – Re-appointment to the Plymouth Parks & Recreation Commission: Mr. Randlett read a letter of intent (attached). Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. Ahern to re-appoint Mr. Rogalus, to the Plymouth Parks & Recreation Commission: All in favor.

·  Kevin Malm - Re-appointment to the Plymouth Parks & Recreation Commission: Mr. Randlett read a letter of intent (attached). Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver to re-appoint Mr. Malm to the Plymouth Parks & Recreation Commission. All in favor.

·  Tom McGlaughlin – Appointment as fully seated member of the Zoning Board: Mr. Randlett read a letter of intent (attached). Mr. McIver made a motion; seconded by Mr. Bolton to appoint Mr. McGlaughlin to the Zoning Board. All in favor.

·  Alan Merrifield - Re-appointment to the Plymouth Parks & Recreation Commission: Mr. Randlett read a letter of intent (attached). Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. Bolton to re-appoint Mr. Merrifield to the Plymouth Parks & Recreation Commission. All in favor.

New Purchase Orders:

·  Paul Freitas for Joe Fagnant – Scribe Right, LLC; Roofing progress payment: $9,500.00. Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver, to approve this purchase order. All in favor.

·  Casino Clogston – R & D Paving Inc; Repair/repave Fire Station parking lot: $30,578.00. Four bids were received. R&D was the lowest bid. Mr. Ahern thanked him for the tour of the station. Mr. McIver plans a tour in the near future. Anyone is welcome to take a tour of the Fire Department. Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver, to approve this purchase order. All in favor.

New/Other Business:

Committee Reports:

·  Mr. Ahern attended a business after hours meeting at the 6 Burner Bistro. This event was cohosted by 6 Burner Bistro and the Rotary Club. The restaurant was showcased, focusing on the upstairs renovations. It looks great and it was very well attended. The Chamber seems very active. There are new members and they are looking for more. The next event will be the Chamber’s annual golf tournament at Owl’s Nest Country Club, on May 24, 2017.

·  Mr. Bolton attended a PRLAC (Pemigewasset River Local Advisory Committee) meeting. He was voted Chairman. He succeeds Max Stamp who has been Chairman for about 15 years. Mr. Bolton also attended an Energy Commission meeting. Two power purchasing agreements are being considered. There will be a follow up meeting on May 10, 2017, to discuss these proposals. The next regularly scheduled meeting will take place May 17th at the library.

·  Mr. Randlett, Mr. Fagnant and Mr. Bolton will meet with the Bridgewater Select Board on Thursday, for a discussion on solutions to the Hunt Rd. East culvert replacement. The culvert is owned by both towns and needs to be replaced.

·  PSU graduation is May 12, 2017. Vehicles need to be removed from the parking garage by 5:00AM on that day.

·  Mr. McIver met with PSU faculty members to discuss the development of collaboration with the University on Clusters projects and marketing the Town. He will meet with people from the Department of Resources and Economic Development next week.

Public Comments: None

Mr. Randlett asked for a motion to go into non-public.

6:25PM: Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver to go into Non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II(a thru i). All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Roach