Weekly Update (9.15.2016)
TEA Information
2016-2017 STAAR A Updates
Please review the “To The Administrator Addressed Letter” dated 9/6/16. Pay particular attention to the second section “ADDITIONAL FLEXIBILITY AVAILABLE IN ONLINE ADMINISTRATIONS TO BEGIN IN MARCH 2017.” Starting in December 2016 we will no longer have STAAR A as a separate assessment, but rather a new “enhanced online version of STAAR.”
September 14, 2016 Student Assessment Communication
SUBJECT: STAAR Online Administrations Beginning in March 2017
To the District Coordinator Addressed:
The purpose of this email is to provide additional information and guidance related to the changes to the STAAR Online Testing Platform. As explained in TEA’s letter to districts dated September 6, 2016, the STAAR Online Testing Platform will include embedded accommodations and other accessibility features beginning with the March 2017 administrations. These enhancements have eliminated the need for separate STAAR A and STAAR L test forms. Therefore, STAAR A and STAAR L will be administered for the last time in December 2016.
The three types of embedded accommodations (i.e., text-to-speech (TTS), language and vocabulary supports, and content supports) as well as the accessibility features (e.g., color overlay, zoom/magnification) in the online version of the STAAR will be comparable to the features included in STAAR A. The online version of the STAAR with language and vocabulary supports and TTS will be comparable to the linguistic accommodations that are included in STAAR L. The enhanced online version of the STAAR, however, is capable of being better tailored to a student’s individualized needs. The enhanced STAAR Online Testing Platform will allow the student to receive only the specific embedded accommodations that he or she requires during testing in addition to any of the various built-in accessibility features and preferences that the student chooses to use.
In the case of a student with a disability whose ARD or Section 504 committees selected one or more STAAR A assessments for Spring 2017, the committee will need to update the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan so that it reflects each assessment the student will take and describes the specific embedded accommodations and non-embedded accommodations (i.e., supports that are not part of the technology platform) that the student requires during testing. The accessibility features that are available to all students who take the online version of the STAAR need not be listed in a student’s IEP or Section 504 plan, unless the student’s ARD or Section 504 committee wants to ensure that the student uses a certain feature. A district must determine on a case-by-case basis whether a student’s IEP should be revised in an ARD committee meeting or through an agreement to amend the student’s IEP.
As in previous years, language proficiency assessment committees (LPACs) will continue to make assessment decisions for English language learners in the spring. The 2017 LPAC Decision Making Guide for State Assessments will be available in December 2016 and will reflect changes associated with the online testing system.
The TEA has a Special Education Assessment TETN scheduled for Friday, September 23, 2016.
Region 4 Session ID# 1266773Title: STAAR Accommodations Update
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (CDT)
Audience: Open to ESCs and districts / Region 4 Session ID# 1266774
Title: STAAR Alternate 2 Updates
Time: 1:00-3:00 PM (CDT)
Audience: Open to ESCs and districts
Region 4 Special Education Assessment Updates Sessions
November 2, 2016 Session ID 1231994 or December 2, 2016 1231999
Contact: Kirsten Omelan, Ph.D. at or 713-744-6361 or Cynthia Barrett, Ph.D. at or 713-744-6343
Region 4 Upcoming Professional Development
Use of the Psychoeducational Profile, Third Edition (PEP-3) – Assessing Skills and Behaviors of Young Children with ASD and Communication Deficits
The Psychoeducational Profile: TEACCH Individualized Psychoeducational Assessment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Third Edition (PEP-3) was developed for evaluating the uneven learning strengths and weaknesses characterizing the autism spectrum and related developmental disabilities. This workshop covers the use, administration, scoring and interpretation of this instrument as well as demonstrating applications for educational planning and clinical decision making. Using a developmental approach, the PEP-3 allows testing of children in the autism spectrum who had once been considered untestable. It is embraced by educators who believed these children are testable and is considered to be extremely useful for planning IEPs.
Session ID: 1254839
Date: September 20, 2016
Time: 8:30a.m. – 11:30a.m.
Location: Crowne Plaza Northwest-Brookhollow
Fee $30
Contact: Kara Zwolinski at or 713-744-6562
An Introduction to the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)
The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) is an extended interview designed to elicit information needed to produce a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. This workshop will serve as an introduction to the measure including its development and psychometric properties. Through this workshop, the development and history of the ADI to its current edition, the ADI-R, as well as a basic understanding of the principles for administering and scoring the ADI-R will be presented.
Session ID: 1254841
Date: September 20, 2016
Time: 1:00p.m. – 4:00p.m.
Location: Crowne Plaza Northwest-Brookhollow
Fee $30
Contact: Kara Zwolinski at or 713-744-6562
Woodcock Johnson IV Update
Attend this session to review changes and revisions to the Fourth Edition of the Woodcock Johnson. The Fourth Edition will provide three independent and co-normed batteries: WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities WJ IV Tests of Oral Language - NEW! WJ IV Tests of Achievement The three batteries can be used independently or in any combination. Based on the evolution of CHC theory, new tests and interpretive clusters place emphasis on the most important and diagnostically useful measures of academic achievement, oral language, and cognitive abilities. The WJ IV’s focus on evaluation of relative strengths and weaknesses will help assessment professionals identify and describe patterns of performance across achievement, language, and cognitive domains that are key to diagnosing learning problems and developing targeted interventions for individual needs.
Session ID: 1238872
Date: September 23, 2016
Time: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m.
Location: Region 4 ESC
Fee $35
Contact: Kara Zwolinski at or 713-744-6562
An Introduction to the WJ IV Early Cognitive and Academic Development (ECAD)
This presentation will highlight the WJ IV Early Cognitive and Academic Development (ECAD). Using a battery of ten tests, examiners can measure general intellectual ability, early academic skills, and oral expression in children ages 2:6 - 7:11, and intellectually disabled children age 9:11 and younger using content adapted from the trusted WJ IV tests as well as unique new material. The presenters will introduce the WJ IV ECAD and discuss using the battery as part of comprehensive evaluations for Intellectual Disability and Autism. Additionally, unique features around obtaining information related to cognition, early achievement, and expressive language will be highlighted. PROMO CODE: R4DirectorECAD for one (1) free registration per district.
Session ID: 1240322
Date: September 28, 2016
Time: 9:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.
Location: Region 4 ESC
Fee $30
Contact: Kara Zwolinski at or 713-744-6562
KTEA-3 and WISC-V Update
Attend this session to become familiar with the updated Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA-3) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition (WISC-V), newly published in 2014.
- KTEA-3: This training will highlight the new features including four additional subtests, revised Oral Expression, parent intervention suggestions, digital administration, and the Intervention tool available in the scoring software. Administration, scoring, and interpretation will be covered.
- WISC-V: Particular emphasis will be placed on the changes from the WISC-IV to the WISC-V, including the revision goals, new subtests and test content, enhanced measurement of fluid reasoning and learning ability, and the revised factor structure. This workshop will also provide a look into how touch-screen digital technology can be used for test administration with the WISC-V. Administration, scoring, and interpretation will be discussed. Also, we will examine how the WISC-V can be used for CHC cross-battery assessment.
The session will end with case studies to span both tests. PROMO CODE: R4DirectorWISCV for one (1) free registration per district.
Session ID: 1233214
Date: October 7, 2016
Time: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m.
Location: Region 4 ESC
Fee $35
Contact: Kara Zwolinski at or 713-744-6562
ADOS 2 Training
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) improves an instrument already viewed as "the gold standard" for observational assessment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This is a 2-day workshop that teaches you how to use the ADOS-2 to assess and diagnose autism. An experienced workshop leader will describe the ADOS-2 and demonstrate administration and scoring, operationalizing diagnostic criteria for ASD. The workshop focuses primarily on Modules 1 through 4.
Session ID: 1231648
Date: October 25-26, 2016
Time: 9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.
Location: Region 4 ESC
Fee $90
Contact: Kara Zwolinski at or 713-744-6562
ELLs in Texas: What Administrators Need to Know
Region 4 is excited to bring back by popular demand John Seidlitz to present ELLs In Texas: What Administrators Need to Know. The session will – October 4, 2016 at Region 4 from 8:30-3:30. The fee is $125 and you may register at using session #1248507. The fee includes a copy of the book.
In this session:
Participants will be provided with a convenient and accessible resource that integrates the voluminous amounts of information in their books and manuals into one easy to read resource. ELLs in Texas: What Administrators Need to Know responds to this need with an understanding of the overwhelming tasks required of administrators on a daily basis. This training will help ensure that bilingual/ESL programs for ELLs are compliant and effective and address the legal, programmatic, and instructional issues that administrators and other leaders face in the scope of this work.Participants will receive a copy of the Seidlitz Education publication—ELLs in Texas: What Administrators Need to Know (2014).
This session will take place Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at Region 4 from 8:30-3:30. The fee is $125, please register at using session #1248507.
Remember each participant will receive a copyof ELLs in Texas: What Administrators Need to Know.
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity, we look forward to seeing you!!!