Department of Chemistry, Tufts University
Thermo Genesys 10S UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Brief Directions
For additional information see the VISIONlite Software Operator Manual, and Genesys 10S UV/Vis User Guide
Turn on the spectrometer before starting the software.
Select the VISIONlite icon to start the control software.
Select the application, Scanfor wavelength scan, Fixed for single or dual wavelength absorbance, Rate for kinetics, Quant for concentration measurement.
Load an existing method with File/Open Method, or enter scan parameters in boxes on left side of screen. Select Peak Pick parameters BEFORE scanning if you want peak values displayed. With no sample in the instrument, select to record a baseline. Insert sample. Note that the light path is back to front. Select . Enter Sample information. Select to start measurement. The spectrum will not appear until the scan is finished, but the progress of the scan will be displayed on the spectrometer display panel. If the rotating sample holder is installed, up to six samples can be loaded and run sequentially.
The default location for saving data under Windows XP is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\VISIONLite\Results.For Windows 7 default location is C:\Prodram Data\VISIONLite\Results. Default locations can be changed with Option/Preferences in menu.
To open a previously acquired spectrum, select File/Load Spectrum from the menu.
To save parameters, select File/Save Method
To print the spectrum, select File/Print from menu. The default Windows printer is always used. To create a .pdf file, select File/Print Preview, then select.
To Export data to .csv file select File/Save Spectrum as…
For further details see the VISIONLite User Manual, and Genesis 10S User Guide.
Load an existing method with File/Open Method, or enter wavelength parameters in boxes on left side of screen. Mode will usually be Wavelengths, enter one or more wavelength values.
Insert Blank (or use empty cell holder), select . Enter Sample information. Select to start measurement. Results will be shown in the spectrum window. To save results as a .csv text file, select File/Export Results…The default location for saving data under Windows XP is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\VISIONLite\Results.For Windows 7 default location is C:\Prodram Data\VISIONLite\Results. Default locations can be changed with Option/Preferences in menu.
Load an existing method with File/Open Method, or enter kinetics parameters in boxes on left side of screen.
Results will be shown in the spectrum window. To save results as a text file, select File/Save data as…,select .csv as data type. The default location for saving data under Windows XP is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\VISIONLite\Results. For Windows 7 default location is C:\Prodram Data\VISIONLite\Results.Default locations can be changed with Option/Preferences in menu.
Load an existing method with File/Open Method, or enter calibration parameters in boxes on left side of screen.
Select to create calibration curve. The cal curve will be displayed in upper window.
When Cal curve is complete, select to measure unknowns. Results will display in lower window. To save results as a text file, select File/Save data as…,select .csv as data type. The default location for saving data under Windows XP is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\VISIONLite\Results. For Windows 7 default location is C:\Prodram Data\VISIONLite\Results. Default locations can be changed with Option/Preferences in menu.
Appendix 1—Installing software
You must have administrative rights on the computer to install software. The application software (VISIONLite), USB driver and documentation are on three different CDs.
- Turn on instrument, attach to computer with USB cable. Found New Hardware wizard should start.
- Insert the USB Driver CD. Choose Install software automatically in the wizard. Ignore warnings about unsigned driver.
- Insert the VisionLite CD. If the CD does not autostart (it probably won’t), navigate to D:\VISIONLite/VISIONLite and execute setup.exe.
3A. NEW DRIVER DISK AS OF AUG 2013- This CD is locally burned from emailed drivers, not a commercial product. Follow directions in readme.txt file.
- When the install wizard asks for a COM Port, choose the one that is labeled “Spectrometer” (probably COM 4).
- Follow on screen directions to complete installation.
- If the spectrometer is connected to a different USB port, you may need to reinstall the driver.
Appendix 2 -- Scan times
Unfortunately there is no indication of progress during a scan, except on the instrument display panel,when using the VISIONlite software. The table below shows approximate scan times, including data transfer and display. Slower scans will improve signal to noise ratio.
Genesis 10S Scan Times (sec) using VISIONlite SoftwareScan Speed / Fast / Medium / Slow
Interval / 400-500nm / 190-1100nm / 400-500nm / 190-1100nm / 400-500nm / 190-1100nm
5 / 6 / 25 / 7 / 35 / 9 / 53
2 / 7 / 45 / 10 / 65 / 14 / 105
1 / 7 / 70 / 15 / 115 / 22 / 200
0.5 / 12 / 23 / 40
0.2 / 23 / 55 / 90
0.1 / 35 / 100 / 180
Revised 9/24/2014D. Wilbur Page 1 of 3