BetsiCadwaladrUniversity Health Board Therapies & Clinical Support CPG

North Wales Medical Physics

All Wales Summer Meeting 9-10 June 2011

Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering

Provisional Scientific Programme

OpTIC Glyndwr

Ffordd William Morgan, St Asaph Business Park, LL17 0JD

Friday 10th June 2011

Timings within the day to be confirmed

8:45 – 9:15am: Coffee and Registration
Keynote Address:
Healthcare science: current status and future developments / Dr Chris Gibson / Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals
Invited Talk:
Can Computer Graphics bring added value to Medical Physics? / Prof Nigel John / BangorUniversity
Invited Talk:
Functional MR spectroscopy / Dr Paul Mullins / BangorUniversity
Comparison of the function and performance of CT AEC systems in South East Wales / Emily Field / Cardiff & Vale
Testing CT AEC systems with a purpose built test object / Lynn Bateman / BCU
Optimisation of paediatric CT scanning parameters / Erin Ross / BCU
A pilot study in pelvic nodal radiotherapy / Ceri Jones / Velindre
An audit of patient positioning and the resulting impact on safety margins for prostate cancer radiotherapy treatment / Stephen Gregory / ABM
Monte Carlo approach to evaluate the risk of secondary cancer in the contra-lateral breast / Maria Piliero / ABM
Accuracy of Varian Eclipse implementation of the macro Monte Carlo algorithm for electron dose calculation / Francesco Cosentino / BCU
A computerised radiopharmacy dispensing and record keeping system / Mike Robinson / Cardiff & Vale
Patient specific dose assessment in targeted radionuclide therapy / Sara Marcatili / CardiffUniversity
Evidence Based Maintenance (EBM) / David Attree / BCU
Visit to Yirga Alem HospitalEthiopia / Geraint Williams / BCU
Getting the point: the importance of calculations in IV therapy / Paul Lee / ABM
Pulse Oximetery Data Analysis Software (PODS) / Azzam Taktak / Liverpool
Development of outcome measures and performance indicators and their impact upon service improvement in the Cardiff REU Special Seating Service 2002-11 / Colin Gibson / Cardiff & Vale
A Framework for outcome measures in Assistive Technology / Gareth Adkins / ABM
The use of digital seating technologies in combination with pressure mapping to inform the optimum 3D contours for seating shapes / Lorna Tasker / ABM
Probable Exhibitor Presentations during the day (5 mins each)
Nucletron UK Ltd / [Mark Charity] / Sponsor
Varian UK Ltd / [Andrew Grocott, David Scott] / Sponsor
VertecUK / Michael Davis / Mike Holroyd / Sponsor
Xstrahl Ltd / [Ali Smith] / Sponsor
4:00 pm Close of Conference


  1. This Provisional Programme outlines the scientific content of the meeting, and should help those who need to make a case for study leave. The Programme is subject to change, and in some cases attendance for proffered papers is to be confirmed.
  2. Presenters for Proffered Papers have been asked to speak for 10 minutes, with a further 2 minutes for questions. The Keynote Address and the Invited Talks will be longer.
  3. A confirmed Programme, including indicative timings, will be circulated nearer the date.

Inquiries?Contact Patrick Hill: tel 01745 445108
Provisional List of Exhibitors

(Subject to confirmation)

We are very grateful to all companies who have agreed to Exhibit, and to be Sponsors for the All Wales Summer Meeting 2011 in St Asaph. Their support makes a very big contribution to the success of the event.



Fukuda Denshi

Imaging Equipment (IEL)

Medi Scientific Ltd

Nucletron UK Ltd

Oncology Systems Limited (OSL)

Phillips Medical



Siemens Healthcare




Xstrahl Ltd

AWSM Provisional Programme 20 Apr 2011 Page 1 of 3