Best People’Management and Leadership Development Programme


This programme has been created to support the development of aspiring managers and leaders working in all professions at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT). It provides a mechanism for self-directed learning through a combination of; e-learning, classroom based sessions, shadowing, formal certificated national and local programmes and modules accessed via the internet. The programme is separated into 3 competency based levels to assist with formal assessments and talent conversations as part of the annual appraisal and personal development review between individuals and line managers. These conversations will identify the ‘readiness’ of individuals to be appointed into a management position. It will also support the organisations succession planning into critical posts.

Personal Development Plan

Your line manager will support and coach you through this development programme and formally discuss progress with you as part of your annual appraisal and personal development review

LEVEL 1 / Entering this level you will probably have limited or no previous supervisory or management experience
Upon completion you should be able to demonstrate a level of skills and competencies as follows:
Equivalent to band 3-4 / Skills and Competencies
■provide and receive complex, sensitive information; barriers to understanding
■undertake a range of procedures and practices, majority non-routine, theoretical knowledge to NVQ4/diploma level equivalent
■follow policies in own role, may be required to comment on others
■works within standard operating procedures, with someone available for reference
■exhibits self-belief and believes in own ability to deliver
■focuses on the achievement of goals for the organisation’s benefit as well as own benefit
■makes effective decisions based on all available information
■prepared to face a challenge and stand up for own professional viewpoint
■driven by the needs of service users
Development Programme / Description / How to access / Time Commitment / Learning Outcome / Evidence of Completion
Leadership Self-Assessment Tool / To help you manage your own learning and development by allowing you to reflect on which areas of the leadership framework you would like to develop further / Link to - Leadership Self-Assessment Tool / At your own pace / Provides valuable insight into your leadership behaviour, which will inform the priority development areas for you to focus on and discuss with you line manager whilst utilising your strengths to reach your goals / Include self-assessment in appraisal and personal development plan
Edward Jenner / This is a free online learning programme designed to give you confidence and competence in your role. Aimed at staff in all roles within healthcare especially aspiring leaders. / Access via Thames Valley & Wessex Leadership Academy
/ A flexible resource: learn in your own time at your own pace / Designed by clinicians working on the frontline of care, it is highly practical and patient-focused – making it a valuable resource for all staff who want to build a more compassionate NHS.
Designed to help you use your own experiences as part of your learning process, self-assessment in key leadership areas and continuing professional development. / ESR/E-Learning record of completion and practice based reflective tools discussed and considered with line manager. At the end of each module you can print your completion certificate
Human Resources (HR) Programmes to include:
  • Appraisal & Personal Development Review
  • Attendance Management
  • How to Prepare Management Cases
  • Managing Planned and Unplanned Leave
  • Managing Staff on Long Term Sick
  • Tips & Techniques for Interviewers
/ Undertake a range of short HR run workshops to develop your understanding of the skills required when managing others / Link to - Human Resources Programmes / 1-2 hours each workshop / These short workshops aim to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to effectively manage staff and monitor attendance / Recorded onto your learning record within ESR(which can be printed)
Communication Using Emotional Intelligence / This interactive and self-discovery course which will enable you to apply the principles of Emotional Intelligence in real situations, whether work or personal. It will show how we can relate to others and communicate more effectively, and achieve greater results from business discussions and meetings / Link to - Communication using emotional intelligence / 1 day programme / You will know and manage your own emotions as well as recognizing and managing the emotions of others. You will also understand the principles of Transactional Analysis and perceptions using the Johari Window / Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)
How to Implement Change / This is a very practical, common sense and interactive course that will give you a range of tools and techniques that you will feel comfortable about using / Link to - How to implement change / 1 day programme / You will gain an appreciation of, and practical techniques & skills for managing and implementing change in the workplace in a confident and proactive way / Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)
Shadow Days – First Line Managers/cross specialty/CSC / An opportunity to shadow an experienced manager and get a better understanding of the role / This will need to be organised by yourself with the support of your line manager or Clinical Service Centre (CSC) management team / 1-5 days / This will widen your depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of a management role ‘in action’ including managing and developing people. It will provide for an opportunity to question/challenge practice and process / Evidence of reflective practice signed by manager shadowed
Attends team brief / Monthly opportunity to get together with staff and senior leaders across the organisation to discuss key targets in relation to quality, performance, finance and workforce. Also allows for networking and sharing good news stories and best practice / Link to - Team Brief dates and venues / 1 hour per session / You will gain an understanding and appreciation of the wider organisational issues and how your role contributes. Also build on networks from across the organisation and within multi-professional staff groups / Feedback team brief to colleagues at team meetings
Access to a number of management developments some of which are NVQ based / Various development which includes customer services, business administration and time management / Management Development / Varies depending on development / This will vary, please see individual development specification using the link / Certificate of completion
Staff Engagement / Access the ‘Staff led change’ toolkit (formally known as Listening into Action)
Hold an effective staff engagement conversation / Link to Staff Led Change toolkit / At your own pace / Able to demonstrate the ability to engage effectively and involve staff in all changes that affect them with positive outcomes / Share feedback and outcomes from conversation held with line manager
Signed off as competent to level 1:
(Line Manager) / Evidence statement:
Complete assessment of ‘readiness’ at the end of this document.
Progress to level 2 (optional)
LEVEL 2 / Entering this level you will already have management experience
Upon completion you should be able to demonstrate a level of skills and competencies as follows:
Equivalent to band 5-6 / Skills and Competencies
■provide and receive complex information, developed negotiating, motivational and persuasive skills
■specialist knowledge across a range of procedures to degree level plus specialist/management knowledge and experience
■responsible for policy implementation and for discrete policy or service development for a service or more than one area of activity
■significant discretion to work within a set of defined parameters
■takes ownership and prepared to be held accountable
■role models ethical behaviours
■makes the most of current opportunities to make improvements
■develops and communicates standards and expected levels of performance
■delegates effectively and develops team members
■supports the evaluation of KPIs in own delivery area
Development Programme / Description / How to access / Time Commitment / Learning Outcome / Evidence of Completion
National Leadership Academy – Mary Seacole (Leading Care I)
Fully accredited leading to a Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership / This programme will transform your natural empathy and resilience into an inspiring, practical and resourceful leadership style – and make you a prime candidate for your first recognised leadership role.
You will boost the skills needed to be a great leader, including inspiring others, making informed decisions and focusing even more on the patients, service users, carers and families you support, while learning how to make the NHS values even more central to your daily role and working environment. / Link to - Mary Seacole (Leading Care I) / 12 month programme
12-14 hours tutor-supported study a week
Valuable accreditation for everyone regardless of role or background / You will be able to look at how it feels for you to be a leader in healthcare, and the challenges that you face.
Review the patient experience, and how this can be improved and evaluated
Lead teams and improve performance
Identify how your leadership of processes and systems can improve outcomes, safety and the experience of care
Understand, judge and navigate the organisation and its politics
Engage with the human aspects of delivering compassionate care / Successful completion certificate from the National Leadership Academy
Leadership Behaviours / Access and consider the ‘leadership behaviours’ and demonstrate evidence against the positive indicators / Appraisal & Performance Review / At your own pace / To gain an understanding of expectations of leaders working at PHT and be able to demonstrate application of them and they positive impact on staff / Through annual performance review and appraisal
Frontline nursing and midwifery programme / Because you care – the NHS Leadership Academy is looking to support frontline nurses and midwives and help you do the job that you love, even better and have a greater influence on the way care is delivered. / Frontline nursing and midwifery programme
Must be nominated following a talent management discussion (Appraisal) with line manager / Online, 1/2 day induction, 2 x workshops over 6 months / The programme will help you reflect on your strengths, your role and your ability to do what you came in to the profession to do – make a difference to people’s lives. / Certificate of completion
Conflicts and How to Resolve them / A programme designed to offer tools and techniques when faced with conflict and challenging people issues / Link to - Conflicts and how to resolve them / 1 day programme / This programme will help you understand and deal with the behaviours that trigger conflict. You will learn some communication techniques that will help you manage specific situations and deal with those difficult people / Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)
Project Management / This course is valuable for anyone who is already responsible for managing projects and /or someone who has been given a new project to manage and needs a practical understanding of the key elements of planning a successful project / Link to - Project Management / 1 day programme / This programme will allow you to identify the critical success factors of a project, describe the key elements and complete a project planning document based on a real workplace scenario. Recognise and manage risks and engage with key stakeholders / Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)
Budget management/procurement / This programme is still in development and will be made available shortly, in the meantime you can arrange for one to one training by contacting the finance department directly / To be confirmed / To be confirmed / To be confirmed / Recorded onto your learning record within ESR (which can be printed)
Wessex Mentoring Development Programme / Develop skills that can be used in everyday working life – for those who wish to be a mentor or develop mentoring skills / Link to - Wessex Mentoring Development / 4 days plus preparation / This programme will help you develop skills than can be used to mentor individuals – mentoring is a learning relationship which helps people take charge of their own development, to release their potential and achieve results which they value / Certificate of completion
Shadow Days to include:
  • Senior Operational Managers/Business Manager
  • Cross CSC/specialty
  • Clinical Shadowing
/ An opportunity to shadow an experienced manager/clinician and get a better understanding of their role and the services they impact upon / This will need to be organised by yourself with the support of your line manager or Clinical Service Centre (CSC) management team / 1-5 days / This will widen your depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of a management role ‘in action’ including managing and developing people. It will provide for an opportunity to question/challenge practice and process / Evidence of reflective practice signed by manager/ clinician shadowed
Myers Briggs / The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions / Contact the L&MD inbox to register an interest / A questionnaire to be completed – feedback will be provided by a skilled MBTI practitioner / This will allow you to discover your personality type and leadership style. The model of personality tells you about some of those similarities and differences. By raising awareness of yourself and others, it can improve your relationships. It can also help you make better decisions about your future, your career, and your development / A report describing your personality type
360 degree feedback / A feedback tool most often collated from subordinates, peers and supervisors as well as a self-evaluation which will help individuals develop themselves, their teams and the organisations / Contact the L&MD inbox to register an interest / A questionnaire to be completed – feedback will be provided by a skilled practitioner / The results from a 360-degree evaluation are often used by the person receiving the feedback to plan and map specific paths in their development. It will help you better understand your leadership capability and development through consideration of direct feedback from your peers / A report will be provided
Signed off as competent to level 1:
(Line Manager) / Evidence statement:
Complete assessment of ‘readiness’ at the end of this document.
Progress to level 3 (optional)
LEVEL 3 / Entering this level you will already have management experience
Upon completion you should be able to demonstrate a level of skills and competencies as follows:
Equivalent to band 7-8 / Skills and Competencies
■provide and receive highly complex, sensitive or contentious information,
■highly developed specialist knowledge across a range of procedures to masters level
■responsible for policy implementation and for discrete policy or service development for a service or more than one area of activity.
■Is guided by general health, organisational or broad occupational policies, establishes the way in which these
■should be interpreted
■establishes a culture of team work and cooperation
■able to influence and persuade with own team and senior people
■able to work comfortably in a complex work environment
■is able to spot and encourage potential
■creates a climate of support but holds people to account
■sets stretching and challenging goals in area of responsibility and drives the evaluation of KPIs
Development Programme / Description / How to access / Time Commitment / Learning Outcome / Evidence of Completion
Leadership Self-Assessment Tool (re-assessment) / To help you manage your own learning and development by allowing you to reflect on which areas of the leadership framework you would like to develop further / Leadership Self-Assessment Tool / At your own pace / Provides valuable insight into your leadership behaviour, which will inform the priority development areas for you to focus on and discuss with you line manager whilst utilising your strengths to reach your goals / Include self-assessment in appraisal and personal development plan
Frontline nursing and midwifery programme / Because you care – the NHS Leadership Academy is looking to support frontline nurses and midwives and help you do the job that you love, even better and have a greater influence on the way care is delivered. / Frontline nursing and midwifery programme
Must be nominated following a talent management discussion (Appraisal) with line manager / Online, 1/2 day induction, 2 x workshops over 6 months / The programme will help you reflect on your strengths, your role and your ability to do what you came in to the profession to do – make a difference to people’s lives. / Certificate of completion
National Leadership Academy – Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (Leading Care II)
Fully accredited leading to a Masters in Healthcare Leadership and an NHS Leadership Academy award in Senior Healthcare Leadership
(Completion of the Mary Seacole – Leading Care I programme, will give credits that exempt you from the first 7 months of this programme) / The programme structure is based around a number of set themes which support the development of self, teams, and organisations: / Link to - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (Leading Care II) / 24 months to complete
Up to 15 hours a week study / This intensive programme will give you the skills to drive and sustain real change – building a culture of patient-focused care at a wider departmental or functional level
Designed to give you high-level people management skills and world-class business acumen to prepare you for the demands of senior leadership in today’s NHS. / Certificate of completion
Senior Operational Leaders Programme / This programme is open to nursing and midwifery staff operating at AfC Band 8. For example, senior clinicians who wish to enhance their current leadership skills; nurse commissioners, or for people who are aspiring to a nurse director role / Link to – Senior Operational Leaders Programme