The School District of Glades County, Florida

Student Progression Plan



Jenny Allen

Patricia Pearce

Michael Pressley

Janet Storey

Jeri Wilson

Scott Bass, Superintendent

Revised and School Board Approved: May 11, 2017




Introduction...... 1

Allocation of Resources...... 1

Promotion...... 1

Florida State Standards...... 3

Assessment and Remediation...... 3

General Procedures for Pupil Progression and Grade Placement...... 5

Disclosure of School Registration………...……………………………………………..6

Accelerated Promotion for K-8 Students...... 6

Student Records...... 6

Annual Report of Schools...... 6

Annual Reports to Parents………………………………………………………………6

Reading Deficiency and Parental Notification...... 7

K- 8 Parent Notification of Students At-Risk...... 8

High School Parent Notification of Students with At-Risk GPA...... 8

High School Parent Notification of Students at Grade 10...... 8

High School Parent Notification of Graduation Options...... 8

Classroom Grades...... 8

Transfer Students………………………………………………………………………..9

ELL Student Standards...... 10

Compulsory Attendance...... 10

Restorative Practice……………………………………………………………………11

Entrance to Public School...... 11

Voluntary Pre-K ……………………………………………………………………….11

GRADES K-5...... 12

Entrance to Kindergarten/First Grade...... 12

Curriculum...... 13

Assessment...... 15

Grading ………………………………………………………………………………..15

Classroom Grades……………………………………………………………………...16

Promotion...... 17

Retention...... 22

Alternative Placement...... 22

Summer Program...... 22

GRADES 6-8...... 23

Curriculum...... 23

Requirements ………………………………………………………………………….23

Classroom Grades……………………………………………………………………...23

Transfer Students………………………………………………………………………24

Grading...... 25

End of Course Requirement ………………………………………………………… 25

Promotion...... 26

Retention...... 27

Alternative Placement...... 27

Course Recovery...... 27

GRADES 9-12...……………………………………………………………….…....32

Graduation Requirements………………………………………………………………32

Mastery of District Performance Standards……...... …………..32

Classroom Grades……………………………………………………………………...32

High School Grading System...... 33

Transfer Students……………………………………………………………………….34

Grade Forgiveness ……………………………………………………………………..33

Minimum Attendance Requirement ………………………………………………….. 34

End of Course Requirement …………………………………………………………...34

Weighted Grade System...... 35

Grade Point Average Calculation (GPA)...... 35

Senior Ranking Procedure...... 35

Credit Accumulation and Class Placement...... 36

Earning High School Credit...... 37

Graduation from High School...... 40

Course Credit Requirements for Graduation...... 43

Articulated Acceleration Mechanisms...... 47

Curriculum...... 50


Entrance Requirements...... 57

Placement Procedures for New Students Pre-K Through 12th Grade...... 57

Promotion/Retention...... 57

End of Course Requirement …………………………………………………………...58

Grading...... 58

Annual Student Progress...... 58

Assessment...... 58

Extended School Year (ESY) Services for Student with Disabilities...... 60

Exceptional Student Graduation Requirements...... 61

Hospital/Homebound...... 62

Gifted Education...... 63

Section 504...... 63

John McKay Program for Students with Disabilities...... 63

COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES…………………………………………… 64




The purpose of this document is to describe the administrative procedures necessary to implement student progression in GladesCounty. The plan incorporates specific standards and procedures for promotion from grade to grade, earning of high school credit and graduation requirements as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools and adopted by The School Board of Glades County.

General Authority for the provision of this plan is given in Section 1008.F.S.

Student progression in Glades County Schools shall be based on evaluation of each student’s achievement in relation to district performance standards for each grade level. Evaluation shall be based on the following criteria: achievement tests, classroom assignments, daily observations, portfolios, performance assessments, standardized tests, state assessment tests and other pertinent data. The classroom teacher has the primary responsibility for certifying whether or not a pupil has demonstrated a level of performance and ability to function academically, socially, physically, and emotionally at the next grade level. The principal shall have the responsibility of approving placement recommendations of the classroom teacher. The superintendent has final authority on all decisions. (s.1008.25(2)(a)-(b), F.S.)


The GladesCountySchool District will allocate remedial and supplemental instructional resources to students in the following priority:

  • Students who are deficient in reading by the end of grade 3, and
  • Students who fail to meet performance levels required for promotion consistent with the

district’s school board plan for student progression

(s. 1008.25(3)(a-b), F.S.)


Promotion through the grades will be determined by considering level of achievement, demonstration of performance relating to Florida State Standards /Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, district and state assessments, grades, and other information available.

Social Promotion Elimination and Mandatory Retention Exemptions for Good Cause

(s. 1008.25(6), F.S.)

No student can be assigned to a grade level based solely on age or other factors that constitute social promotion. Explanatory Note: Social promotion occurs when student is promoted based on factors other than the student achieving the district and state levels of performance for student progression when the student fails to achieve the required levels in reading, writing, mathematics, or science on the Florida State Assessments of the Florida State Standards /Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. Students with disabilities must meet the state or district levels of performance for student progression unless the disabling condition prevents the student from attaining the required levels of performance in the regular curriculum in pursuit of a standard diploma. In such cases, promotion will be based on the student meeting the goals and objectives on the individual educational plan. Retention of English Language Learners (ELL) must be determined by a school’s ELL committee, except in the case of mandatory retention for reading deficiencies in grade 3.) (s.1008.25.(6)(a), F.S.)

When determining whether a student is exempt from retention, the following good cause categories will be reviewed to determine if an exemption is appropriate:

  • ELLs who have had less than two years of instruction in an English for Speakers of Other Language program;
  • Students with disabilities whose Individual Education Plan (IEP) indicates that

participation in statewide assessment is not appropriate, consistent with the requirements of State Board of Education rule;

  • Students who demonstrate an acceptable level of performance on an alternative standardized reading assessment approved by the State Board of Education;
  • Students who demonstrate, through a student portfolio, that they are reading on

grade level as evidenced by demonstration of mastery of the Florida State Standards /Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in reading equal to at least a Level 2 performance on Florida State Assessments;

●Students with disabilities who participate in Florida State Assessments and who have an IEP or a 504 Plan that reflects that they have received intensive remediation in reading for more than two years but still demonstrate a deficiency in reading and were

previously retained in grades K-2;

  • Third-grade students provided intensive remediation in reading for two or more years but still demonstrate a deficiency in reading and who were previously retained in K-3 for a total of two years. (If promoted under this exemption, intensive reading instruction must include an altered instructional day that includes specialized diagnostic information and specific reading strategies). Intensive reading instruction for students promoted for good cause must include an altered instructional day based upon an academic plan that includes specialized diagnostic information and specific reading strategies for each student. The Glades County School Board will assist schools and teachers in the implementation of reading strategies that research has shown to be successful in improving reading among low performing readers.

(s. 1008.25(6)(b), F.S.)

Requests for good cause exemptions from the mandatory retention for students with continuing reading deficiencies in grade 3 must be consistent with the following:

  • Documentation must be submitted by the student’s teacher to the principal that indicates that the promotion of the student is appropriate and is based upon the student’s academic record. (Such documentation can consist only of the existing

IEP, report card, student portfolio, or alternative assessment).

  • The principal must review and discuss the recommendation with the teacher and determine promotion or retention. If the principal determines that the student

should be promoted, the principal must make the recommendation in writing to

the superintendent. The superintendent must accept or reject the principal’s recommendation in writing.

(s. 1008.25(6)(c), F.S.)


The Florida State Standards are designed to ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to go to college or enter the workforce and that parents, teachers, and students have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. These standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate from high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs.


Each student must participate in the Statewide Assessment Program: (Sections1008.22, 1008.22(1), 1008.34, and 1001.11, F.S.)

Opting out of State Testing

It is critical that parents, students, educators and district administrators understand that assessments are to monitoring students’ progress and determining what assistance they need to excel as they continue their education. Therefore, Florida state law clearly states that participation in statewide standardized assessments is mandatory for students in public schools. This includes the expectation that students take all sessions of each test.

What does this mean? It is illegal for a student/parent to opt out of state testing. If a student attends school at any time during the testing window they must sit for the test. They must log into the assessment. The student can choose not to answer any questions, but they must sit in the testing room for the amount of time of the assessment. These students cannot bring books to read during the assessment or do anything other than sit for the assessment.

If students do not attend during the testing window, the non-tested students do negatively impact the percent tested at the school site.

Florida State Assessments

State developed and administered to grades 3-10. Each student must either pass the grade 10 Florida State Assessments or attain ACT or SAT scores concordant with the Florida State Assessments passing scores in order to receive a standard high school diploma. A student is required to take the grade 10 Florida State Assessments oncein order to be able to use the scores on an alternative assessment.Students entering the 9th grade (2010-11) and beyond must meet the End of Course exam (EOC) requirements.

For each year in which a student scores at Level 1 on the Florida State Assessments Reading, the student maybe enrolled in and complete an intensive reading course the following year. Placement of Level 2 readers in either an intensive reading course or a content area course in which reading strategies are delivered shall be determined by diagnosis of reading needs.

Glades County will provide targeted instructional support to students with identified deficiencies in English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.

End of Course Exams (EOC)

Beginning the 2010-11 school year, portions of the Florida State Assessments will be replaced with EOC Exams. (See pages 41-43) All EOC exams are computer based assessments.

Alternative Assessment Test

An alternative assessment test can be administered to selected students with disabilities who are receiving student exceptional educational services.

Progress Monitoring

Each student who does not meet specific levels of performance as determined by the district school board in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, and science for each grade level, or who does not meet specific levels of performance as determined by the Commissioner of Education on statewide assessments at selected grade levels, maybe provided with additional diagnostic assessments to determine the nature of the student's difficulty and areas of academic need. The school in which the student is enrolled, in consultation with the student's parent or legal guardian, maydevelop and implement a progress monitoring plan designed to assist the student in meeting state and district expectations for proficiency.

  • If a student in any grade has been identified as having a reading deficiency, the student mayreceive progress monitoring
  • in the student’s specific areas of deficiency;
  • the desired level of performance in these area;
  • the instructional and support services to be provided to meet the desired level of performance.
  • Schools may also provide frequent monitoring of the student’s progress in meeting the desired levels of performance.
  • The District mayassist schools and teachers in implementing research-based reading activities that have been shown to be successful in teaching reading to low-performing students. (s. 1008.25(4)(b) ,F.S.)
  • Upon subsequent evaluation, if the documented deficiency has not been corrected, the student may be retained.
  • Each student who does not meet minimum performance expectation defined by the Commissioner for the statewide assessment tests in reading, writing, science, and mathematics may continue to be provided with remedial or supplemental instruction until expectations are met or the student graduates or is not subject to compulsory attendance. (s. 1008.25(4)(c), F.S.)
  • Each student who does not meet state or district levels of performance for student progression in reading, writing, science, and mathematics for each grade level maybe provided with additional diagnostic assessments to determine the nature of the student’s difficulty and areas of academic need. (s. 1008.25(4)(a), F.S.)


Early Warning System (Senate Bill 850)

A school that includes any of grades 6, 7, or 8 shall implement an early warning system to identify students in grades 6, 7, 8 who need additional support to improve academic performance and stay engaged in school. The early warning system must include the following early warning indicators:

a)Attendance below 90 percent, regardless of whether absence is excused or a result of out-of-school suspension

b)One or more suspensions, whether in school or out of school

c)Course failure in English Language Arts or mathematics

d)A level 1 on the statewide standardized assessment in English Language Arts or mathematic

A school district may identify additional early warning indicators for use in a school’s early warning system. When a student exhibits two or more early warning indicators, the school’s child study team under s.1003.2 or school-based team formed for the purpose of implementing the requirements shall convene to determine appropriate intervention strategies for the student. The school shall provide at least 10 days written notice of the meeting to the student’s parent, indicating the meeting’s purpose, time and location, and provide the parent the opportunity to participate.


It is expected that students who are receiving regular diplomas through the Glades County Schools can make satisfactory progress through the grades and achieve a level of academic proficiency which will enable them to benefit from instruction at the next grade level. Therefore, this Student Progression Plan for Glades County Schools, which implements School Board Policy and establishes procedures to be followed, has been developed to provide each student with the maximum opportunity to succeed in school.


At initial school registration, students are required upon enrolling in a district school to note previous school expulsions, arrests resulting in a charge, and juvenile justice actions. (s.1006.07(1)(b), F.S.)


Accelerated promotion to the next highest-grade level is designed for students with exceptionally high achievement who may benefit more from acceleration than working at the normal grade level. Accelerated promotion of a student may be recommended by the classroom teacher, parent, or Child Study Team to the principal. If applicable, both the sending and receiving principals must be consulted and may give approval.


Cumulative records shall reflect promotion, retention, placement for good cause, accelerated promotion, exceptional student education, or other special placement. The Federal Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 protects the accuracy and privacy of student education records and guarantees parental access to these records. This Act affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible Students”) certain rights including the right to inspect and review student’s educational records (34 CFR Part 99 – Family Educational Rights and Privacy, Final Rule).


The district school board must annually publish in the local newspaper and report in writing to the State Board of Education by September 1 of each year the following information on the prior school year: (s. 1008.25(8)(b), F.S.)

  • Policies/procedures on retention/promotion
  • Number/percent of students in grades 3-10 scoring at Levels 1 and 2 on Florida State Assessments reading by grade
  • Number/percent of retained 3-10 grade students by grade
  • Number of third grade students promoted for good cause by each category
  • Revision to policy on retention/promotion from prior year


The school board must annually report to the parent of each student the progress of the student towards achieving state and district expectations for proficiency in reading, writing, science, and mathematics, including the student’s results on each statewide assessment tests. The evaluation of each student’s progress must be based on the student’s classroom work, observations, test, district and state assessments, and other relevant information. Progress reporting must be provided to the parent in writing in a format adopted by the district school board. Explanatory Note: No one test with a single administration should determine promotion or retention. The preponderance of evidence from evaluations should be used to determine if a student is ready for the work of the next grade. (s. 1008.25(8)(a), F.S.)

Interim Reports and Report Cards will be distributed to all students. (Interim reports are issued at approximately the midpoint of each grading period.)


Reading Deficiency

Any student who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading, based upon locally determined or statewide assessments conducted in kindergarten or grades 1, 2, or 3, or through teacher observations, must be given intensive reading instruction immediately following the identification of the reading deficiency.

The student’s reading proficiency must be reassessed by locally determined assessments or through teacher observations at the beginning of the grade following the intensive reading instruction immediately following the identification of the reading deficiency. (s. 1008.25(5)(a), F.S.)