Future First Independent School

Behaviour Policy

Promoting & Rewarding Good Behaviour


1. We believe that the school should be a happy, friendly place where all members of the community respect each others rights and strive to meet their own responsibilities.

2. To develop a safe and secure climate of mutual respect, within which staff and students feel secure and valued.

3. The school aims to produce self-disciplined young people who will become effective and fulfilled adults.

4. To enable students to develop self respect, values and a tolerance towards others.

5. To create a framework within which staff and students can develop positive relationships.

6. To maintain an environment in which staff can support and assist students in the management of their lives.

7. With the essential support of parents, we believed that social skills can be taught and that these are vital to the running of a harmonious community.

8. High expectations promote high achievement.

9. Good behaviour must be encouraged and recognised at every opportunity.

10. When dealing with misbehaviour it is important that Staff make it clear that disapproval expressed refers to the behaviour not the student.


Tutors should recognise and reinforce good behaviour and attitudes. This can include:

1. Looking for opportunities to give praise both to individuals and groups of students.

2. Awarding positive marks, written comments, praise and certificates.

3. Using the bonus points system

4. Giving additional responsibilities.

5. Referring to the Headteacher for special praise.

6. Public recognition e.g. in Assembly.

7. Informing parents.


Tutors may enforce any of the sanctions noted below; referral to senior management will be required for suspensions & exclusions

Sanctions can include:-

1. Verbal caution.

2. Verbal reprimand.

3. Written Warning

4. Loss of break time e.g. detention.

5. Deprivation of an activity.

6. Referral to Form Tutor

7. Referral to Head teacher.

8. Report to parents.

9. Consultation with parents.

10. Report book.

11. Detention outside school hours.

12. Restriction of mobility outside or inside school e.g. the student not taking part in planned school visit.

13. Suspension

14. Exclusion


The challenge for any tutor or course leader is, ‘how can we keep the young people motivated to learn and progress, week after week’? In the vast majority of cases, most of the young people referred to Future First are, badly behaved, de-motivated, lacking in self esteem and self confidence, extremely bored, because more often than not, they are very intelligent and have not been able to channel that intelligence in their particular leaning style. Their attention span is very short requiring new challenges to keep them engaged to subsequently progress and succeed.

A very simple idea which we call “Wizkid” has transformed the behaviour, attitudes, motivation and results of our students. We have created a “Point Scoring” system based on:

·  Daily attendance

·  Punctuality

·  Specific aspects of Behaviour

·  Formative Assessment, which are held as an aid to revision and developing memory recall of the academic and self development subjects.

These scores are collectively tallied at the end of each week and the results are added to a moving total for each student on a league table.

Bonus points are also awarded to the students for acts kindness to their colleagues or tutors; for politeness and courtesy; for a particular effort in their research or project work, etc. The young person, who has accumulated the highest number of points, is awarded the accolade ‘Student Of The Month’. His/her name appears at the top of the league table as well as on the ‘Student Of The Month’ roll, displayed on a prominent notice board in the main hall. Also, as a reward, W H Smith vouchers or vouchers from a sport retailer, are given to the young person, in recognition of their outstanding effort and achievement.

This quite simple system of reward and recognition, by the student’s mentors and peers, has resulted in the young people becoming more motivated to achieve, increase in their self confidence and self esteem, as well as ongoing success during the course and a positive destination at the end of it.

In addition to this, there are other activities which we conduct at Future First, that promote and encourage good behaviour in the students. For example:

·  The Personal Development Plan (PDP), which the young person has regularly with the school mentor. The Mentor is aided by a spreadsheet, on which is recorded the weekly totals from the Five key areas mentioned above in the policy.

·  Visits from the local neighbourhood Police Officer(s), talking and listening to the students about various issues such as drugs and alcohol, guns and gang crime, anti-social behaviour and the consequences of these offences.

·  Group discussions with the young people about morality, crime and justice, protecting their environment and other personal and social issues.

It is designed to help individuals who work directly with students to make sound judgments and take appropriate actions which are consistent with current legislation and the aims and the values of the school.

Future First recognises its responsibility for the safety and well being of their staff. Where they are involved in an activity that could result in personal injury or high levels of stress, the school will evaluate the situation and minimise the risk. Future First will endeavour to ensure that staff are not exposed to unreasonable risk while at work, and recognises that staff responses to physical danger and psychological stress will differ in individuals, and the support available will reflect these needs.

·  The school will inform parents of any concerns they may have about a student’s behaviour with a view to working with them to promote positive change.

·  The school will support staff in maintenance of good classroom management skills.

·  The school will adopt a program of positive behaviour management in which students are given a clear expectation appropriate behaviour. This will be supported by attention to the effects of the physical environment and teaching strategies.

·  The school will record incidents of physical restraint and/or time out for students.

·  The school will inform parents when it requests advice from outside management.

Parent and Carers Future First recognises that parents play a vital role in the promotion of acceptable behaviour in school and the importance of positive home/school liaison, encouraging opportunities to discuss students’ individual needs with carers. The school expects parents and carer to:

·  Inform the school of behavioural problems they may be experiencing at home.

·  Inform the school of any health issues or medication that may affect a student’s behaviour.

·  Inform the school of any trauma which may affect a student’s performance or behaviour.

·  Inform the school if they seek external advice or support for behavioural difficulties.

All staff are expected to work within school policies and to work together as a team, communicating effectively and in a professional manner.

·  Staff should act as models for acceptable behaviour, thus promoting clear expectations of pupil behaviour.

·  Staff will make every effort to understand the importance of individual behaviour programmes and the need for risk assessments.

·  Staff will participate in the development of any behaviour program for students that they are working with and follow the agreed program.

·  Staff will raise any concerns or queries about a behaviour program and/or a physical restraint with an appropriate member of staff.

·  Staff will support one another and be open enough to discuss difficulties honestly with a commitment to seeking a resolution.

Disciplinary Procedure

Depending on the severity of the young person’s actions, a senior member of staff will decide whether or not to proceed with disciplinary action. If a decision is made to take disciplinary action, then the following steps are adopted should the young person continue to re-offend:-

Verbal warning- Incident is recorded, and senior member of staff is also informed about the verbal warning.

1st Written warning – Incident is recorded, a letter is sent to the parent or carer of the young person by a senior member of staff from Future First.

2nd Written warning – A similar procedure to the 1st written warning, but on this occasion, the parent is contacted and asked to attend Future First in order to discuss the situation with a senior staff member.

3rd and Final written warning – a similar procedure to the 2nd written warning, but on this occasion, as well as the parent being contacted and asked to attend Future First in order to discuss the situation with a senior staff member, the parent is also informed about the options available should the student continue in the same vane.

Appropriate action to be taken – The parents, the student’s mentor and a representative of the referring body are called to attend a meeting to discuss the referral of the young person to an education provider who caters for the particular educational and behavioural needs of the student.

Staff Provision for Students

Future First recognises that some students may have significant behavioural difficulties which challenge the culturally accepted standards of the school and community. These students will be treated with the dignity and respects afforded to other students, but are more likely to receive physical support and assistance to help them manage their difficulties.

The school recognises that it has responsibility to act in the best interests of the students

Whilst complying with the legal framework to protect the rights of the students. It will ensure the physical, emotional, material and social well-being of the students in its care and will interact with them with fairness, courtesy and respect.

Students will be helped to make choices and provided with opportunities for learning which are appropriate for their individual needs. The school considers it to be an infringement of the rights of the students not to provide physical support when it is necessary.

Future First Independent

Incident Report Procedure

Incident Reports:

An Incident Report Book is a measure that has to be taken in order to have evidence of incident/s, date, time, location, name/s of individual/s involved including staff.

The purpose of the Incident Report Book is to have the details of any incident/s which has occurred within the student’s attendance at Future First premises, of off site on a designated activity which could include the following:

·  Gross verbal/physical behaviour towards staff, centre staff, students and public users of the centre.

·  Theft of any Future First and Centre property.

·  Damage of any Future First and Centre property.

·  Bullying.

·  Any other incident/s deemed to warrant an Incident Report.

The person who is responsible for the completion Incident Report should complete the relevant sections in the book then be handed to the senior member of staff. He/she will establish any immediate action to be taken. The senior member of staff will then officially record what has been presented to them and any action taken.

Parents, Guardians, Social Workers, Police or any other appropriate authoritative bodies will be notified if necessary. Further action will be at the discretion of the Headteacher and might involve disciplinary action such as written warnings, suspension/expulsion, police involvement, etc. Please see disciplinary action procedure for further information.

When all the procedures listed above have administered a copy of the Incident Report will be filed in the student’s folder. This folder is kept confidential and secure in the Mentor/Family Liaison Officers office. Please see Future First Data Protection Policy for further details.




Name ______Date ______

Nature of discipline: ______(WRITTEN WARNING)





Y/P Signature ______

Staff Member 1 ______

Staff Member 2 ______



Name ______Date ______

Nature of discipline: ______(WRITTEN WARNING)





Y/P Signature ______

Staff Member 1 ______

Staff Member 2 ______


I ______the guardian/parent of______

Have read and understood why he/she has received a Final Warning.

I further understand that if there are any further incidents that Future First withholds the right to remove him from the course

Signature of parent ______

Signature staff 1______

Signature staff2______


I ______the guardian/parent of______

Have read and understood why he/she has received a Final Warning.

I further understand that if there are any further incidents that Future First withholds the right to remove him from the course

Signature of parent ______

Signature staff 1______

Signature staff2______




If an incident occurs, the nominated senior staff of Future First must complete this from and return it to:

Barket Hussain, Project Manager, Future First, Hockley Port Moorings, All Saints Street, Hockley. Birmingham B18 7RL.

Telephone No 0121-551-4837/ Email:

DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT (Continued overleaf if needed)
ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY SENIOR STAFF MEMBER (Continued overleaf if needed)

