CYHA Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 25, 2011
The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:15 PM
Board Members Present: Stephanie Balynas, Jeanne Veeneman, Dave Haugen, Mary Harmon, , Rick Jackson, Pete Coenen, Richard Poppke, Carmen Jorgensen, Scott Little, Linda Kuntz (late)
Board Members Absent: Todd Steffen, Craig Piette, Chris Johnson, Nick Skoy
Membership Present: Jodi McGregor, Kim Jennrich, Karen Jamison
Secretary’s Report: Presented May Board Meeting Minutes – Mary made a motion to approve, Steph seconded the motion. All but one in favor – motion passes.
Treasury Report: 23 families that still owe a balance prior to registration. There is $15,000-$23,000 outstanding that needs to be collected prior to registration. We need Richard to modify the payment policy since we will no longer have the 5% discount. We no longer have the pay by check policy. All payments will be by credit card with options to be pay in full or set up payment options via credit card or by PayPal. Richard makes a motion to approve and Pete seconded. All in favor – motion passes.
Other Business: We have confirmed the registration dates of August 3 & 11 at the Middle School cafeteria. Blaine has asked our blessing for hosting a U16 team. CYHA did not have enough U16 families last season so we just had the Jr. Gold A & B formed. Steph and Nick will decide. Discussed options or solutions to getting Centennial Arena ice from Blaine. Old jerseys that we still have will be sold either at Registration or at the golf outing. We normally have to pay $5,000 for an annual audit but we are under the audit revenue this year so Steph makes a motion that we do not have an audit this year and Linda seconded. All but 2 in favor – motion passes. Pete is making a recommendation that we have an outside auditor in the future if the cost is reasonable. Jeanne will look into what the cost would be. Lettermans provided updated logos but we decided to stay the same. Discussed about striking the A, B, C designation on the clothing. We will table the discussion and talk next month. Scott made a motion to change Initiation on the website to be referred to as Mites. Steph seconded. All in favor – motion passes.
Tryouts: Dave will work with Richard on getting his tryout documents posted on the website. Dave will work with the ice scheduler to set up the ice time. We need to adjust the tryout document to state that the A Peewee needs to declare position. Dave will work with ISD12 to schedule the tryout jersey handout date. He will look to have it 2 weeks prior to tryouts but will work with Richard to determine best date. Dave will look to have
Boys Director: On behalf of VP Hockey - Motion to approve some the remaining A Coaches – A Peewee for Joel Peterson. All in favor – motion passes; A Squirt for Eric Knight pending his player making the team. All in favor – motion passes. Discussion on requests from parents to allow players to play 3 years at their level. Our rules state that they can only play 2 years at each level. The only exception is that if CYHA has requested for them to move up due to lack of numbers. We will not waiver any players out of the association.
Girls Director: Motion to approve 14U A coach as John Olmshenk as long as his player makes the top 20. All in favor – motion passes. Motion to approve 12U A Coach as Terry Hughes as long as his player makes the top 20. All in favor – motion passes. Motion to approve 10U A Coach as Curt Nyman. All in favor – motion passes. Discussed numbers at the 14U level.
VP Hockey/ACE: Not present – no report.
VP Hockey/Admin: Will start to review process and documentation for coaching selection next year.
Jr. Gold/Goalie Director: Nick made a request (via Steph) to have 6 hours of goalie training ice. Steph is recommending that we change the dates and the revisit the price. Request is tabled and will be emailed out for a vote later.
Volunteers: Letterman’s is coming for both apparel nights. Carmen has sent out spreadsheets from last year to Dave, Scott and Todd for tryouts and tournaments on what was done last year. Discussed volunteer locker room security for tryouts and the background check. Dibs is up and running with directions on the site. Rick will let Carmen know how many and what volunteers are needed for the golf tournament.
Initiation Director: Not present – no report.
Fundraising: The Golf Outing will be on August 12 @ Victory Links. Sponsorships are still coming in. Rick needs labels for postcards and phone numbers to do a mass marketing message. Please help promote!
Asked about a D10 Liason addition to the Board. Steph stated that she has been fine attending those meetings.
Boys Tournaments: Most of the boys teams have been confirmed for their 2 tournaments. Mary needs to send Scott the link to set up online Registration for Tournaments.
Girls Tournaments: Not present – no report.
Registration: Discussed process for going live with Registration process. Jodi needs to contact her list of volunteers for what may or may not be needed. Richard and Steph will have their laptops available and a printer to do all of the online. We cannot set up credits online but Jeanne will have to provide refunds.
Need to print checklist with the labels (everyone alpha from last year) and provide to Jeanne ASAP. Jodi needs more waivers – Steph will provide more copies.
Notified that all board members will have to go online and do our background screening form. All volunteers that have done the form in the past will have to do this step (coaches, managers, locker room volunteers).
If the online registration references the code of conduct that they agree to then it covers the volunteer form. We will review the packet to confirm. We need to make sure that if they declare Bantam or A Peewee that they need to declare postions - goalies as well.
Web site discussion: We need to allow access to individual pages once they create their logins.
Mary made a motion to adjourn, Steph seconded the motion, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 PM.