Award 1 / The teacher demonstrating greatest innovation through integration of video conferencing into their own blended learning classroom.
(Prize: Microsoft Surface RTTablet)

Award 2 / The teacher demonstrating greatest innovation facilitating student learning beyond their own classroom through the integration of video conferencing into blended learning.
(Prize: Logitech BCC950 ConferenceCam Compatible with Mac or PC)

Award Criteria

  1. Applicants may only include details of classroom activities conducted during 2013.
  2. Applicants must be employed as classroom teachers.
  3. Applicants must provide two confidential referees who can testify to the activities outlined in the application.
  4. A list of finalists selected by a panel will be contacted prior to the conference with the winners being announced at the conclusion of Day.

To Enter:

  • Please address the following question sheet.
  • Email your nomination by November 20th to:

Email Subject line: 2013 Educational Awards

Blended Learning Teaching Excellence Awards

Contact Phone:
Base School & School Address:
Indicate which award you wish to apply for (select only one)

Please address the following questions:

General Questions for Award 1 ANDAward 2 applicants

  1. Briefly outline your innovative approaches as they relate to these Awards. (Max 100 words)
  1. In what ways do you consider your approach to the use of video conferencing represents blended learning? (Max 100 words)
  1. How many students/schools have been impacted through your use of blended learning?
  1. What would be the most important tip you would share with people using video conferencing in blended learning for the first time? (Max 100 words)
  1. What are the difficulties you have had to overcome introducing or continuing in 2013with blended learning at your school? (Max 100 words)
  1. What professional development have you undertaken in 2013 to support your use of video conferencing and blended learning and what PD are you planning to do in 2013?

Specific Questions for Award 1 Applicants only

  1. What has the most important factor been in transition from traditional classroom to ‘blended’ for you? (Max 100 words)
  1. If you have been involved in special event link ups what would be your suggestions for a potential event in 2013 and who else would you like to see providing content in this way? (Max 100 words)
  1. If you have been involved in Polycom or other special content video conferenced events how have you used them to enrich your classroom and curriculum? (Max 100 words)
  1. How do your blended learning delivery classes impact on your approach to general classroom teaching? (Max 100 words)
  1. How have you endeavoured to bring other staff on board with blended learning at your school?
  1. What would you like to explore next in terms of blended learning or with your use of video conferencing? (Max 100 words)

Specific Questions for Award 2 Applicants only

  1. How have you worked to ensure a personalised relationship develops between you, your class and the remote students you engage with? (Max 100 words)
  1. How have you provided for assessment and consultation with remote delivery schools, students and parents? (Max 100 words)
  1. What would be your suggestion to Polycom be for a dial-in special content event in 2014?
  1. How have you evaluated the impact of your blended learning delivery including the use of video conferencing? What have been your findings? (100 words)
  1. What would you like to explore next in terms of blended learning and your use of video conferencing? (Max 100 words)
  • Please email your nomination for panel considerationby November 20th to:

Subject line of Email:: 2013 Educational Awards