Personal Finance Application Form

ED1 Group Limited


Water Street, Skipton

North Yorkshire

BD23 1PB

01756 630611 – –

Full Name: / Address:
Post Code:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
E-mail Address:
Status: (Single/Married/Divorced/Separated) / Property: (Freehold/Leasehold/Rental):
Date of Birth: / Property Value (if owned): Mortgage Amount:
Number of Dependants: / How long at your present address:
ADDRESS HISTORY (If less than 3 years) ADDRESS HISTORY (If less than 3 years)
Address: / Address:
Post Code: / Post Code:
Property: (Freehold/Leasehold/Rental): / Property: (Freehold/Leasehold/Rental):
Company Name: / Are you receiving a car allowance? If so, how much per month?
Occupation / title: / Employer Address:
Post Code:
Telephone Number:
Time in this employment:
Gross Monthly Basic Income:
Expected Annual Bonus:
Company Name: / Address:
Post Code:
Occupation / title:
Telephone Number:
Time in this employment:
Gross Annual Income
Bank: / Address:
Post Code:
Time with Bank:
Account Name:
Account Number: / Sort Code:
Additional Information
Does this agreement replace an existing finance agreement:
Will the existing finance agreement be repaid as a result of this agreement:
Are there any expected changes in your personal circumstances that would result in you being unable to make the repayments over the term of this agreement:
(please detail here)

DECLARATION: I declare that the information supplied on the credit proposal is true and correct. I authorise the funder to make a credit reference search, which will be recorded by the agency. I am aware that credit scoring may be used in the decision making process. I agree that the funder can, at any time, disclose details about the application, agreement and the conduct of the account to a licensed credit agency, or HP information Plc, or introducing Dealer/Broker for the purposes of: fraud/crime prevention, tracing customers and any other legitimate purpose. I also acknowledge that the funder may refuse to enter into this agreement without stating a reason. I understand and agree that any personal details contained within this credit application may be passed to any third party as part of the process and that the details provided will not be used for any direct marketing purposes.

Signature: Name:
