Newaygo United Methodist Church News

We are a caring and supportive community where all are welcome. We are God’s Dreamseekers who seek to make disciples in ways that show love, respect and service to our community.

Summer and Celebration

It seems fitting that we celebrate Independence Day at the beginning of summer. Just as Memorial Day kicked off the beginning of treks up north, boating, camping and other delightful activities brought on by warmer weather, so Independence day marks the beginning of more summer activity and the long hot days of the last 2 months or the heart of summer. But more than that Independence Day marks an important remembrance of a time when this country just gained its freedom from tyranny and oppression. The new fledgling nation recognized the importance of God in the formation of the new government. After listing the offenses committed to them by the British government, the representatives wisely included in their final words, “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world…” and “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,…” We were a loose federation of states grounded in the religious principles brought over by those pursuing freedom to worship, our forefathers and mothers made sure to include God in that declaration. And our freedom was not won easily. Many gave their lives to be free, to form a new nation on American soil.

As our society becomes increasingly more secular, we can be quick to forget those early religious influences that helped shape a nation. At times it seems we are being shaped by conflict and whose voice is loudest and most appealing. We no longer seem to be looking at Divine Will, but at a grab for power and control. How can we stand without God guiding us? How can we receive Divine protection when we forsake God and pursue our own agenda? Seems to me it’s time to recall how hard it was to gain our freedom and remember whose world this really is. If it were possible to obtain a list of those who died for the original fight for freedom and every time we see or hear a firework we repeat one of those names in remembrance and pray to God for the care of that soul, what difference would that make in our celebration and our sense of the need for God. Family members suffered at the loss of fathers, husbands, sons, daughters, mothers and wives. But the country won its independence, thanked God and moved on to become prosperous. Embedded in our history is also God’s history, times when voices have been loud and clear about faith and about Jesus. Maybe it’s time for a revival before we fall too far from the Divine way.

Have a happy and safe July 4th and let us remember to include God in the celebration however we can.

Pastor Kathy


Vacation Bible School – Fundraiser

The children will be collecting pop cans during the month of July to help buy animals from Heifer International to help people around the world (see mission section). Please save your pop cans and bring them in to the church the week of July 29th and the children (with adult help) will return the cans and then choose which animals to buy to help others. They will also be taking a noisy offering during worship on August 4th. Please start saving your pop cans, change and even crinkly money now to help the children help as many people around the world as they can to become self-sufficient.

UMW Meeting Dates

All women are welcome at any of the following meeting. Join us when you are able.

Longcore Circle –We will meet on Tuesday, July2, 2013 at 2pm at Dorothy Sibley’s home.

August - meeting will be on Tuesday, August 6 at Kathy Cain’s Home. Watch future bulletins for time. This will be a potluck. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service.

UMW-Ladies Night Out – Tuesday, July 9, 2013 @ 6:30pm at Riverfront Park. We will meet in the pavilion and this will be a potluck. Drinks will be provided, please bring a dish to pass and your own table service.

August – meeting will be Tuesday, August 13 at 6:30pm and we will be serving a taco bar dinner to the men of the church. Please check out the list of items still needed for the taco dinner and if you are able to help prepare food or serve, please see Dianna Weaver or Jen Larsen.

Mary Martha Circle – Tuesday, July 16, 2013 @ 9:30am. All women are welcome to join us we have a time of devotions and study. We meet at the church. Please join us.

August – Tuesday, August 20, 2013@ 9:30am.

Please Remember these persons in your prayers.

Arlene Beeler

Nancy Ferguson

June Wade

Jean Bumstead

William & Freda Corrigan

Gordon Schuiteman

Susanne Geerdink

George Suchy

Prayer for Healing

Please restore your servant to full health, dear Father. Remove allfearand doubt from his heart by the power of yourHoly Spirit, and may you, Lord, be glorified through his life. Amen.

Taize Sung Prayer Service

A meditative Taize Prayer Service will be offered Monday, July 8th at 7:00pm at the White Cloud United Methodist Church. Taize worship consists of simple choruses, which are repeated many times and are often accompanied by instruments and vocal solos. Interspersed between the music are prayers, scripture and periods of silence. Communion, prayers for healing and the lighting of candles are also offered at this service. These meditative services are open to all people and are a wonderful way to connect with God in the midst of a busy week. Please join us for a time set apart to be in relationship with God. If you have any questions please call Helen Reid at 689-0344.

Christian Education News

Thank You

Thank you Lois, Anne & Rick for having us out to the lake for our Church picnic. Everyone had a great time swimming and eating delicious food.

VBS – Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School will be August 1 & 2 from 6-8:30pm and Sunday, August 4 during worship at 9:30am. This year’s theme is a farm one – Hay Day. So dig out your bibs and straw hats for a great time.

Looking ahead for VBS – we will be needing volunteers to help out and we will also need some donations of fruit, cookies etc. I will be passing a sheet around at church when the time gets closer. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please phone me (Patti) at 231-924-2118.

Come and have a “Hay Day” with Jesus!

Invite your friends!

Food Distribution to Families in Need

Newaygo County Mobile Food Pantry is scheduled at the following locations to distribute free food to individuals and families in need. Most food distributions take approximately one hour. Please do not arrive more than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled delivery time. Bring your own container to hold 50 lbs of food. You will check in upon arrival unless otherwise stated.

  • Monday, July 1, 5pm, Fremont United Methodist Church, FREMONT
  • Friday, July 5, 10am, St. Joseph Catholic Church, WHITE CLOUD

Sponsored by Local Area Churches

  • Saturday, July 6, 10am, Pine Grove Comm. Church, CROTON/HOWARD CITY
  • Wednesday, July 10, 5pm, Weaver Park Pavilion, HESPERIA

Sponsored by Local Area Churches

  • Thursday, July 11, 3pm, Amazing Grace Acres Church, BROHMAN
  • Saturday, July 13, 9:30am, First Christian Reformed Church, FREMONT
  • Tuesday, July 16, 4:30pm, Northland Church of Christ, GRANT/NEWAYGO
  • Wednesday, July 17, 10am, First Baptist Church of WOODLAND PARK
  • Wednesday, July 17, 4:45pm, Second Christian Reformed Church, FREMONT
  • Saturday, July 20, 2pm, Bailey Christian Church, BAILEY

A complete list of food trucks is posted on the bulletin board at the church. Call the church office if you have any questions at 652-6581. You can also find a food list each week in the Hi-Lites Shoppers Guide

Church Float for Parades

Goal: Make our church more visible in the community

One way to do this is to take part in a parade. This provides publicity and visibility. It is a ministry that can raise the visibility of the church and the spirits of the people in the church.

If you would like to be involved in creating a float for Newaygo United Methodist Church to use in community parades, please contact Lynne Cutler at 231-834-5727 or


2013 Mission Giving

2013 Mission Giving

Camp Sunday 62.15

Dresses for Haiti 740.00

Habitat for Humanity 117.50

Haiti School Kits 326.47

Human Relations 78.00

Kids Hope-local 98.22

LOVE - food pantry 308.95

Native American 70.00

One Great Hour of Sharing 74.25

Peace with Justice 61.00

UMCOR-UMW 100.00

UMCOR-Okalahoma 315.40


$ 2,451.94

“Give and it will be given to you. … For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Luke 6:38

Upcoming Mission Concerns

July7 – Love Food Pantry

July 21– Hoovers

Aug.4- Vacation B.S –Heifer

Aug. 25- Christian Education

Jeff and Ellen Hoover

Jeff and Ellen Hoover are our missionaries in Lubumbashi, Africa. They have spent years working with the people to establish a new English speaking school for grade school children. They have now completed the dorms and school has been in session for at least a year. Each time they visit the states, they come and share with us how God is working with them .Our noisy offering in July will support their work.

Heifer International

In August, our children will be having Bible School with lessons about the farm. They will be collecting pop cans and taking an offering on Aug. 4th to enable them to purchase farm animals through Heifer International. This organization is doing wonderful things all over the world to provide solutions to ending world hunger and poverty. They help families become self-reliant through gifts of livestock and training in their care. Recipients are also trained in environmentally sound agricultural practices so they can lift themselves out of poverty and become self-reliant. These animals not only provide food for the families but money for education, housing, health care and small business enterprises. Please consider giving generously to Heifer. It will really have an impact on the lives of the recipients and our children.


Treasurer’s Report

Thank you for being such a giving and generous church. Each month we are able to meet the needs of the church and we are on track to pay 100% of our Ministry Shares for 2013. THANKS BE TO GOD!

Contributions through June 27, 2013 -$ 8,400.00

Expenses through June 27, 2013 - $ 10,383.00

Total Overage$ (1,983.00)

Please keep in mind there were extra expenses included in this month of a new computer for projection, updated software and insurance was due again in June. If you have any questions or would like to see a more detailed treasurer’s report please call Deb Prins at 231-652-6581 or see the copy of the reports posted on bulletin board in the church office.

Worship Helpers forJuly & August


July 7
Liturgist:Nancy Clark

Acolyte: Need Volunteer
Inside Ushers: Andy & Kathy Belew
Outside Ushers: Steve & Liz Moore

Projector:Rob Pope

Sound:Mark VanDyke

Refreshments: Dianna Weaver

July 14

Liturgist:Carline Knoll

Acolyte: Need Volunteer
Inside Ushers: LeeAnn Hesse & Jane Bode Fowler
Outside Ushers: Al & Karen Winchel

Projector:Taylor Prins

Sound:Deb Prins

Refreshments: Liz Moore

July 21
Liturgist:Ron Pardonnet

Acolyte: Taylor Prins
Inside Ushers: Sue Osborn & Jackie Pederson
Outside Ushers: Anne Henning & Patti Venneman

Projector:Taylor Prins

Sound:Deb Prins

Refreshments: Ruth Merritt & Carolyn Boose

July 28
Liturgist:Kay Pardonnet

Acolyte: Taylor Prins
Inside Ushers: Dolores Cook & Barb Deitz
Outside Ushers: Vern & Carolyn Boose

Projector:Taylor Prins

Sound: Mark VanDyke

Refreshments: Jean Reynhout

August 4

Liturgist:Joe Groff

Acolyte: Need Volunteer
Inside Ushers: Ruth Merritt & Harriet Kiper
Outside Ushers: Ron & Kay Pardonnet

Projector:Jen Larsen

Sound:Mark VanDyke

Refreshments: Linda Hinchman

August 11

Liturgist:Nancy Clark

Acolyte: Need Volunteer
Inside Ushers: Sue Osborn & Millie Stine
Outside Ushers: Joan Faulkner & Dolores Cook

Projector:Jen Larsen

Sound:Mark VanDyke

Refreshments: Arlene Salacina

August 18

Liturgist:Kay Pardonnet

Acolyte: Need Volunteer
Inside Ushers: Andy & Kathy Belew
Outside Ushers: Jan Fisher & Jean Reynhout

Projector:Taylor Prins

Sound:Deb Prins

Refreshments: Barb Deitz

August 25

Liturgist:Ron Pardonnet

Acolyte: Need Volunteer
Inside Ushers: Vern & Carolyn Boose
Outside Ushers: Carline Knoll & Anne Henning

Projector:Taylor Prins

Sound: Deb Prins

Refreshments: Harriet Kiper


Newaygo Nationals - Pancake Breakfast

August 7, 8, 9 & 10

Serving 7am-9:30am

We will work together with Newaygo Congregational United Church of Christ to provide an all you can eat pancake breakfast during the four days of the Canoe Nationals in August. More information to follow! We will need lots of helpers so mark your calendars now. Watch future bulletins for more information. If you are willing to help, please call the church office at 231-652-6581.


4th of July Picnic

& Fireworks

July 6th

Stan & Jan Fisher’s Home

(5530 Gordon, Newaygo, MI)


All are welcome!

Bring your meat and a dish to pass.

We will grill out and then watch the fireworks on the lake.

See you there!

Newaygo United Methodist Church Activities


Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours
1:00pm – Wired Word Bible Study / 2
2:00pm – Longcore Circle / 3
8:30am – Men’s Group @ City Limits
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 4
Pastor Kathy’s Day Off / 5 / 6
6:30pm – Picnic & Fireworks @ Stan & Jan Fisher’s Home
9:30am – Worship
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours
1:00pm – Wired Word Bible Study / 9
6:30pm – Ladies Night Out
Picnic / 10
8:30am – Men’s Group @ City Limits
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 11
Pastor Kathy’s Day Off / 12 / 13
9:30am – Worship / 15
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours
1:00pm – Wired Word Bible Study / 16
9:30am – Mary Martha Circle / 17
8:30am – Men’s Group @ City Limits
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 18
Pastor Kathy’s Day Off / 19 / 20
9:30am – Worship
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours
1:00pm – Wired Word Bible Study / 23 / 24
8:30am – Men’s Group @ City Limits
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 25
Pastor Kathy’s Day Off / 26 / 27
8am-11am – 4th Saturday Pancake Breakfast
9:30am – Worship
at The Shack
10:15am / 29
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 30 / 31
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours

If you have questions, concerns or an activity to add to the calendar, please call the church office at

231-652-6581 or email Deb Prins at .

4th Saturday Pancake Breakfast

July 27

Serving 8:00 am-11:00 am

Public Welcome!

Bring your friends andneighbors out for an all you can eat pancake breakfast.

Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, fruit and drink.

Free will offering!


Each month in 2013 there will be a calendar available with bible readings to guide you chronologically through the bible in one year. If you have any questions please feel free to call the church office at 652-6581

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
2 Chronicles 29:3-31:21 / 2
Proverbs 25:1-29:27 / 3
Proverbs 30:1-31:31 / 4
Psalm 42-46 / 5
Psalm 47-49
Psalm 84-85, 87 / 6 Psalm 1-2
Psalm 10
Psalm 33
Psalm 71
Psalm 91
Psalm 92-97 / 8
Psalm 98-100
Psalm 102, 104 / 9
Psalm 105-106 / 10
Psalm 107
111-114 / 11
Psalm 115-118 / 12
Psalm 119 / 13
120-121, 123
Psalm 125-126
128-130, 132
Psalm 134-135 / 15
Psalm 136
Psalm 146-150 / 16
Isaiah 18:1-23:18 / 17
Isaiah 29:1-24 / 18
Isaiah 30:1-33:24 / 19
Isaiah 34:1-35:10
Micah 2:1-5:15 / 20
Micah 6:1-7:20
2 Chronicles 32:11-8
2 Kings 18:13-18
Isaiah 36:1-3
2 Kings 18:19-37
Isaiah 36:4-22
2 Kings 19:1-19
Isaiah 37:1-20
2 Chronicles 32:9-19
2 Kings 19:20-37
Isaiah 37:21-38
2 Chronicles 32:20-23 / 22
2 Kings 20:1-11
Isaiah 38:1-8
2 Chronicles
Isaiah 38:9-22
2 Kings 20:12-19
Isaiah 39:1-8 / 23
Isaiah 40:1-44:5 / 24
44:6-48:11 / 25
48:12-52:12 / 26
52:13-57:21 / 27
2 Kings 20:20-21
2 Chronicles 32:32-33 / 29
2 Kings 21:1-9
2 Chronicles 33:1-9
2 Kings 21:10-17
2 Chronicles
2 Kings 21:18
2 Chronicles 33:20
2 Kings 21:19-26
2 Chronicles
2 Kings 22:1-2
2 Chronicles 34:1-7
Jeremiah 1:1-2:22 / 30
Jeremiah 2:23-5:19 / 31
2 Kings 22:3-20
2 Chronicles


Be blessed this summer by the Word of God!

Newaygo United Methodist Church Activities

August 2013

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
6:00-8:30pm – Vacation Bible School
Pastor Kathy’s Day Off / 2
6:00-8:30pm – Vacation Bible School / 3
9:30am – Worship – Vacation Bible School Wrap Up
Heifer offering / 5
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours
1:00pm – Wired Word Bible Study / 6
Longcore Circle @ Kathy Cain’s-watch bulletin for time / 7
7-9am – Nationals Pancake Breakfast
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 8
7-9am – Nationals Pancake Breakfast
Pastor Kathy’s Day Off / 9
7-9am – Nationals Pancake Breakfast / 10
7-9am – Nationals Pancake Breakfast
9:30am – Worship / 12
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours
1:00pm – Wired Word Bible Study / 13
6:30pm – Ladies Night Out – Men’s Taco Bar Dinner / 14
8:30am – Men’s Group @ City Limits
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 15
Pastor Kathy’s Day Off / 16 / 17
9:30am – Worship / 19
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours
1:00pm – Wired Word Bible Study / 20
9:30am – Mary Martha Circle / 21
8:30am – Men’s Group @ City Limits
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 22
Pastor Kathy’s Day Off / 23 / 24
8am-11am – 4th Saturday Pancake Breakfast
9:30am – Worship
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 27
6:30pm – Finance
7:00pm – Church Council / 28
8:30am – Men’s Group @ City Limits
9am -12pm Pastor Kathy’s Office Hours / 29
Pastor Kathy’s Day Off / 30 / 31

If you have questions, concerns or an activity to add to the calendar, please call the church office at

231-652-6581 or email Deb Prins at .

4th Saturday Pancake Breakfast

August 24

Serving 8:00 am-11:00 am

Public Welcome!

Bring your friends andneighbors out for an all you can eat pancake breakfast.