Questions for discussion

Bullying opera

  1. Briefly summarise the story.
  2. How is this opera different to more traditional forms of opera?
  3. How did the kids become involved in writing and performing opera?
  4. What issue did they choose for their opera?
  5. Why did they choose it?
  6. What is a librettist?
  7. How did Shaun work with the kids writing the opera?
  8. Retell the story they wrote for their opera.
  9. What do you think the audience will get from it?
  10. How has your thinking about opera changed since watching the story?

Research opera from the 1700’s and 1800’s and compare it with opera being written today. What are the similarities and differences?

Youth detention

  1. Discuss the main issues in the BtN story with another student.
  2. What is a juvenile detention centre?
  3. Why do you think the youth justice system tries to keep kids out of jail?
  4. What is mediation?
  5. What happens at a youth court?
  6. About how many kids in Australia are in detention centres?
  7. Why do the kids in juvenile detention centres do school work?
  8. Why are some people saying that juvenile detention isn’t working?
  9. Do you agree or disagree with young people going to jail? Explain your answer.
  10. What was surprising about this story?

Send a message or tell us what you think on the BtN Guestbook.

Kids’ ads

  1. What was the main point of the story?
  2. Why do health authorities want a ban on junk food advertising?
  3. What health problems can be caused by obesity?
  4. Describe the role of ACMA.
  5. What has ACMA recommended for `C’ classified programs?
  6. Why are health authorities unhappy with the decision?
  7. Do you think there should be a ban on junk food advertising? Explain your answer.
  8. Do you think junk food advertising contributes to childhood obesity? Why or why not?
  9. What are some solutions to the childhood obesity problem in Australia?
  10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story?

`Should junk food ads be banned in kids’ TV?’ Vote in the online poll.

Museum animals

  1. Illustrate an aspect of the BtN story.
  2. Why do museums preserve animals for display?
  3. Describe the process of taxidermy.
  4. What are the similarities and differences between preserving animals and the mummification of humans?
  5. What are the benefits of displaying animals in museums?
  6. What part of Jo’s job did he used to hate?
  7. How is new technology being used to preserve animals?
  8. What role does art play?
  9. What can people learn from studying preserved animals?
  10. What are three adjectives that describe animals found in museums?

Research the history of taxidermy and create a quiz or wordsearch.

Solo sailors

  1. Retell the BtN story.
  2. Describe Mike’s sailing journey.
  3. What are the dangers of sailing in an open ocean?
  4. How old is the Dutch teenager who wants to sail around the world?
  5. What have child protection authorities done?
  6. What do her parents think about her making the journey?
  7. What character traits do you thinks someone who sails solo would need to have?
  8. Why does Jessica Watson want to sail around the world?
  9. Do you think kids should be allowed to sail solo around the world? Why or why not?
  10. How did this story make you feel?

Test your knowledge in the online sailors quiz.

© ABC 2009