Award for eLearning Program Development (AeLPD)

$14,000 per team that builds an undergraduate online degree or certificate program.

Availability: Limited to 3 teamsApplication Due Date:March 10, 2017


A team of TAMU-CC instructors who plan todesign, develop, and teach a fully online undergraduate degree or certificate program at TAMU-CC is eligible. At least one faculty member on the team must be on the tenure track.

Purpose of the Award:

The TAMU-CCAward for eLearning Program Development (AeLPD) is offered with the ultimate goal of supporting students, instructors, the community, and the state by providing online coursework that will lead to certificate or degree completion.

The objectives of this program are to:

  • Improve and increase offerings for students.
  • Support TAMU-CC’s strategic plan of growing enrollments.
  • Contribute to workforce development in the Coastal Bend.

Steps for Applying to Receive Funds- You will include the following information in your application:

  1. Name a program and include the catalog description.
  2. You will name the courses, instructors, terms to be first taught for each course, current % of content of each course that is online, and the date to be first taught fully online.
  1. Agreement to meet with the Grant Committee monthly during the funding period.
  2. Agreement to have each course in the program reviewed by the Grant Committee once designed.

Project Activities, Deliverables, and Outcomes:

If awarded, awardees will collaborate with the Grant Committee (Project GRAD and ODELT) too ---

  1. Develop a plan for putting a degree or certificate fully online in Blackboard (85-100%).
  2. Meet with the Grant Committee monthly during the funding period.
  3. Design and develop online courses that comprise your degree program.
  4. Comply with federal and state regulations regarding online offerings.
  5. Have each course in the program reviewed by the Grant Committee once designed.
  6. Fill out and submit anOnline Degree & Certificate Program Offering Form(see next page) to your chair and dean, your college’s curriculum committee, undergraduate council, Faculty Senate, and the Provost’s office.
  7. Provide evidence that all participating faculty members have a certificate indicating that they are prepared to teach online.

Funds will be disbursed in 2 phases, August 2017 and August 2018. To receive each phase of funding, the Grant Committee must deem that adequate progress is being made toward program delivery.

To be eligible for funds, you must fill out this online application. Thank you!

Call ODELT at (361) 825-2122 or Project GRADat (361)825- 2472with questions.


Online Degree and Certificate Program Approval

Type of Change (check all that apply): Existing Online Course New Course Existing Courses to be put online

Type of Courses (check all that apply): Fully Online Blended Web Enhanced

Program Prefix & Name:

Program Catalog Description:



Evidence of consistent quality between online and face-to-face courses per THECB Rule 4.262

Course Addition/Change Form


The college curiculum committee certifies that the following requirements have been met

 ODELT Standards

Best practices for online classes as defined by the ODELT have been applied.

College Standards

Determination and judgments about the quality of the distance education course were made with the full involvement of the faculty as defined by the college curriculum approval procedures.

 Quality

The program requires equivalent student work and has equivalent learning outcomes to a traditionally delivered course per university rule 11.03.01.C1.01 Shortened Courses and Credit Hours.

We certify that the information and answers above properly represent this course.

Department Chair Approval: Date:

Curriculum Committee Chair Approval: ______Date:

College Dean Approval: Date:

Undergraduate/Graduate Council: Date:

Faculty Senate Approval: Date:

Office of the Provost: Date: