Action Plan

Social Environment

Goal: Create a safe and secure environment

Objective One: Reduce referrals and suspensions/expulsions for bullying behaviors by 2.5% by June 30, 2008

Activities / Target Date / Person Responsible / Budget/ Source / Comments / Completed Y/N
Provide training to staff on bully recognition and strategies / Wayne Sakamoto / NA / To be conducted during successive staff meetings
Provide training to noon duty supervisors on bully recognition and early intervention / Wayne Sakamoto / NA
Conduct parent awareness night trainings on bullying and aggression / PTA / NA / Trainings can be provided by Safe Schools Department
Identify potential bullies and instigators through interviews, focus groups and data / Administrative Team / NA / Focus groups can be conducted by Safe Schools Department
Monitor potential bullies and instigators / All Staff / NA / Noon duty and playground supervisors will be notified
Identify times and areas where bullying occurs / Administrative Team / NA / Observations and focus group information
Provide for additional supervision if areas can be identified / Administrative Team / NA
Establish bus seating chart for potential bullies and instigators / Bus Drivers / NA / Seating will be nearest the bus driver
Identify potential victims / Administrative Team / NA
Provide support for potential victims / All Staff / NA
Collect and screen PSA’s on bullying / SSC / $
Play PSA’s in classrooms / Teachers / NA / Target grade level where bullying is more significant
Conduct classroom meetings on bullying after PSA / Teachers / NA / Target grade level where bullying is more significant
Hold poster contest on bullying and respect / Teachers / NA / Can be done as an art project
Infuse Bully prevention into literacy efforts / Librarian/Teachers / $ / Books, book reports, readings on bullying
Provide Anti-Bullying class presentations – See School Climate
Develop classroom bulletin boards on bully prevention. / Teachers / $ / Connect to art project
Utilize PLUS program high school students to speak about bullying / PLUS / $ / Transportation of high school students

Action Plan

Social Environment

Goal: Create a safe and secure environment

Objective One: Reduce by 5% referrals, suspensions and expulsions and self-reports of hitting and pushing.

Activities / Target Date / Person Responsible / Budget Source / Comments / Completed Y/N
Provide conflict resolution training for teachers / Wayne Sakamoto / NA / To be conducted during successive staff meetings
Provide conflict resolution/mediation training for noon duty aids / Wayne Sakamoto / NA
Provide classroom presentations on conflict resolution / Teachers / $ / Materials
Implement conflict mediation program during recess and lunch / Facilitator and Students / $ / Training and vests
Implement Peace Patrol program / 6/30/10 / Teachers and students / $ / Good program. Multiple years to implement
Implement Peaceful Playgrounds / Teachers, noon duty aids, students / $
Conduct parent awareness nights on bullying and aggression / Wayne Sakamoto / NA
Utilize PLUS program high school students to speak about hitting and pushing / PLUS / $ / Transportation of high school students
Identify potential aggressors / Administrative Team
Provide anger management / Dean Lesicko
Monitor behaviors / Administrative Team/Teachers