2015-2016 Bible as Literature Course Syllabus

Mrs. Wyatt

Needville High School

Instructor:Mrs. Kristin WyattConference Period: 2nd: 8:55-9:45

Email: School Ph :( 979) 793-4158

Room:C204Voicemail Ext: 1351


This course is an elective course based on The Bible and its place in history, literature, and culture. Academic knowledge of The Bible is a valuable intellectual asset. Used in combination with The Bible, we will follow a safe constitutional path for the presentation of biblical content-the narratives, characters, plot, poetry, letters, events, parables, prophecies, and proverbs in The Bible. We will broadly cover the cultural contexts and influence of The Bible, with examples of art, literature, rhetoric, and music. The course presents a fair and academic presentation of The Bible, without prejudice to a particular view or canon or doctrine.


The Bible and Its Influence-BLP Publishing

The Story by Max Lucado

Suggested: A translation of The Bible with which the student is most comfortable.*This form may be used in digital format.

Tutorials:7:35-8:00 Monday, Wednesday, Friday


Major Grades 60% of Cycle Grade (Tests, Essays,Projects, other major assignments)

Daily Grades 40% of Cycle Grade (Quizzes, Homework, other non-major class assignments)

All grading is conducted as per the Needville ISD handbook.

General Course Information:

Supplies- Students are responsible for supplies for this course. Supplies for this course are as follows: One 3-subject spiral notebook, One folder for organization, and pens/pencils. It might also be beneficial for a student to obtain a flash drive for saving work done on projects.

Homework-Students will have homework on a consistent basis. Homework will consist of brief reading, studying, and completing projects.

Make-up Work-The student is responsible for obtaining his/her makeup work from days absent. He/she should check the makeup work box and consult with the teacher upon return to class. In the event that a student has a planned absence on the due date of a major project or assignment, he/she must turn in the work early or have someone else turn it in for them. It is the sole responsibility of the student to ensure that all assignments are turned in on time. In the event that a student misses a test, he or she will make it up on the day of their return during tutorial time. If a student has an unscheduled, excused absence on the due date of a project or assignment, then he/she must have the assignment ready to turn in on the day of return to class. In addition, in the event of any absence, the student is expected to turn in all pre-assigned work as scheduled.

Late Work-If a student does not turn an assignment when it is due, they will receive a penalty for late work. The late work policy is as follows:

1 Day Late:deduct 30 points

2-3 Days Late: deduct 50 points

4+ Days Late: no credit will be given.

Preparation/Timeliness-Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready for class. Any student that is late to class without a written note from a teacher will receive a tardy, and students that receive tardies are subject to disciplinary action.

Tardy Policy-

1st Tardy: Warning

2nd Tardy: 3 Lunch Detentions

3rd Tardy: 2 After School Detentions

4th and subsequent: Referral to Office

Seating-Students will be assigned to seats in the classroom. [Note: Any student requiring special needs may make individual arrangements with the instructor.] Students must stay in their assigned seats at all times during instruction. The teacher may reassign seats at any time. In addition, seating may be reassigned as a disciplinary action.

Leaving the Classroom- Students must have a pass to leave the classroom. Students will be allowed to leave the classroom no more than 3 times per semester. Classroom instruction and participation is very important to the success of the student; therefore, students should take care of personal business during the passing period.

Academic Dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty is not tolerated in this course or in any other course at NHS. All major assignments will be submitted to turnitin.com

Parent Portal:

Parent portal is available at NHS. Parents will need to contact the school in order to find out how to sign up for this if they have not already done so. I will not take time out in class to give a student his/her grades. Graded papers should be in their notebook and they may also use the parent portal to view grades.

Mrs. Wyatt’s Classroom Procedures and Expectations

2015-2016 Bible as Literature Course Syllabus

Mrs. Wyatt

Needville High School

Student Expectations:

Students should always:

  1. Be Prepared.
  2. Respect everyone in the classroom including their own self.
  3. Follow all school and classroom rules.
  4. Promote a Positive Learning Environment!

Classroom Rules:

  1. Students must remain in their seats at all times, unless instructed otherwise by teacher.
  2. Students must bring all supplies, including their brain, to class daily.
  3. No personal grooming.
  4. No personal business cell phone usage
  5. Promote a Positive Learning Environment!


Consequences can vary from the following actions due to the severity of the negative behavior:

1.Verbal Warning

2.Parent Contact

3.Lunch Detention

4.After School Detention

5.Office Referral with punishment assigned by an Assistant Principal

2015-2016 Bible as Literature Course Syllabus

Mrs. Wyatt

Needville High School


This form is due on Friday, August 28th.

As a parent, I am sure you are very concerned about your student’s performance and behavior throughout the year. As a teacher, I am very concerned with those same issues. Below is a form for you to fill out. In order to help your child achieve success, I would like you to provide the best contact information for you. This will assist me should I need to contact you throughout the year.

Also, please make sure you have read through this syllabus to ensure you understand the expectations and guidelines your child will be held to. If you have any questions about what you have read, please feel free to contact me or write it in the comment box below, and I will respond as soon as possible.

If you have any problems throughout the school year, please feel free to contact me at the high school, (979)793-4158, or via email: . I will be more than happy to conference with you about your student’s performance at any time available.

I am looking forward to a great year, and I hope you and your students are as well.

Kristin Wyatt

English 3 AP/English 1 Pre-AP/Bible as Literature

Parent(s) Name(s): ______

Name of Student:______

Best Phone Number to be reached at: ______

Email Address: ______

Please sign below indicating that you have read the course syllabus and have discussed any concerns you might have with your student:


Signature of Parent
