(This award is only for study at Keble College only)

Please supply the information requested below and attach a curriculum vitae, including details of educational qualifications obtained. You should hand the two candidate evaluation sheets to your academic referees and ask them to send the completed forms directly to the administration officer at the address below.

Name in full:
(Please write in BLOCK CAPITALS) / Date of birth:
Address for correspondence: / Nationality:
Marital status:
Email: / Telephone:
Education: (previous institutions attended – with dates)
Name of Institution: / Dates:
Degree(s) obtained, or expected:
Dates: / Subject(s) / Class obtained:
Other prizes, honours or awards:
Course to be taken at Keble College in the University of Oxford in 2017/18:
Degree: / Subject:
Name of Supervisor (if known):
Source(s) of funding obtained to support Oxford study to be undertaken as above (please list all anticipated sources of financial support and indicate which are already secure):
Unmet funding need and any special circumstances that apply:
Names and addresses of the two referees you have asked to complete the candidate evaluations in support of your application.
Email: / Name:

Signed: …………………………………………… Date: …………………………

Your application, CV and references should be returned to the Administration Officer, Keble College, Oxford, OX1 3PG; . The closing date is: Friday 10th March 2017. In fairness to all applicants, late or incomplete applications will not be considered.



We very much appreciate the trouble taken by referees in assisting the College in making its choice of graduate scholars. We should be very grateful if you would fill in the brief questionnaire which follows, and add any other comments you think relevant to the candidate’s qualification or suitability as a research student, either overleaf or by means of an attached sheet. The completed form should be sent directly to the Administration Officer, Keble College, Oxford, OX1 3PG; The closing date for applications is Friday 10th March 2017. In fairness to all applicants, late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Name of candidate:

Date of association with this candidate:

Capacity at that time (tutor/supervisor etc.):

I would consider the candidate to be in the following percentage of undergraduate/graduate students (delete as appropriate) I have encountered:

____upper 5%

____upper 10%

____upper 20%

____upper 50%

____lower 50%

Please rate the candidate for the items listed on a scale of 1 to 4 as follows:

1 Very good, among the best that I have seen

2 Good, clearly above average

3 Average

4 Below average

X Insufficient knowledge to rate the candidate/not relevant to field of study

____Theoretical knowledge/conceptual sophistication

____Technical proficiency




____Communication skills (written)

____Communication skills (oral)

____Interaction with colleagues

(date) (signature)

(Institution: please print) (name: please print)

Please use reverse side or attach a sheet for further comments.



We very much appreciate the trouble taken by referees in assisting the College in making its choice of graduate scholars. We should be very grateful if you would fill in the brief questionnaire which follows, and add any other comments you think relevant to the candidate’s qualification or suitability as a research student, either overleaf or by means of an attached sheet. The completed form should be sent directly to the Administration Officer, Keble College, Oxford, OX1 3PG; . The closing date for applications is Friday 10th March 2017. In fairness to all applicants, late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Name of candidate:

Date of association with this candidate:

Capacity at that time (tutor/supervisor etc.):

I would consider the candidate to be in the following percentage of undergraduate/graduate students (delete as appropriate) I have encountered:

____upper 5%

____upper 10%

____upper 20%

____upper 50%

____lower 50%

Please rate the candidate for the items listed on a scale of 1 to 4 as follows:

1 Very good, among the best that I have seen

2 Good, clearly above average

3 Average

4 Below average

X Insufficient knowledge to rate the candidate/not relevant to field of study

____Theoretical knowledge/conceptual sophistication

____Technical proficiency




____Communication skills (written)

____Communication skills (oral)

____Interaction with colleagues

(date) (signature)

(Institution: please print) (name: please print)

Please use reverse side or attach a sheet for further comments.