Minutes for City Council Regular Meeting

Held at 7pm on Monday, February 13, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Mayor Danielle Cusson. The meeting was held in the Council Chambers on the lower level of the Mill Building at 201 N. Main Street, Linden, Michigan.


The Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag was recited by all present. A moment of silence in memory of those who have served on behalf of the United States was observed by all.


Present: Mayor Danielle Cusson, Heather MacDermaid, Ray Culbert, Brad Dick, Brenda Simons, Charlie Ross, Dave Franz

Absent: None

Others Present: Paul Zelenak, City Manager, Matt McKone, Attorney


Motion by Culbert, second by Ross, to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2016 regular City Council Meeting. Motion carried.



(A)Planning Commission Annual Report from Adam Young

(B)MML Conference Information

(C)Loose Center

MacDermaid – Is there a reason why this came about?

Culbert- $72,000-$75,000 a year to Loose Center and the auditor from SLPR wants us to tighten up our reigns. Going to a grant program. Have 2 committee’s set-up and their board has been asked to come to our meeting on February 23rd.

Ross- Loose’s position is that the funds were promised to them from the 2000 millage election. Budget has $100,000 shortfall every year. They go to corporations to get the funds. Obvious they do not squander the money. City of Fenton and Fenton Township have opted out. We are the only community supporting the Loose Center.

Franz – How do we get the other communities back on board?


Craig Hart – His property on Valley View has a drainage issue. Something needs to be done to the property next door. They put a culvert in their backyard, ran a 5” into a 4” pipe. The DPW need to do a better job salting where the water drains. My wife took a terrible fall on the ice buildup.






(A)  CAS 05-17 2017/2018 Budget Discussion

Tonight, we will be discussing numerous budgetary items that will affect our future City Budgets. We have several multi-million dollar expenditures coming our way over the next several years. I would like to give you information on future revenues / expenditures. I also want to make you aware of certain aspects of each item, and get some of your thoughts on the projects and their potential for completion. Please bring your copy of the current City Budget to the meeting. I am not expecting you to review all the attached information for the meeting. However, it will provide backup for our discussion.

Road Projects: Funding Issues

S. Bridge Street Paving:

Lindenwood / Main Street

Road funding from MDOT has been reduced. Not certain when we will get additional funding. Lindenwood - $15,000 per house for the cost for the new road. Trying to do some roads every year. We have $200,000 coming off the books next year from a SAD. Next year we need to decide how to fund these road projects. Maybe a 5 mill increase on a ballot proposal? How much are we going to spend every year on roads?

Pathway Projects: Safe Routes to School

LAFF Pathway

The LAFF Pathway will be asking each community to help fund this project.

Safe Routes to School – I would like to move forward with this project and get funding for it.

DDA: Parking

Building on Bridge Street

Future Development

Parking shortage has been discussed at many meetings. When Dr. Wax builds her building, we will be missing parking spots. Going to work on reconfiguring Main Street parking.

DPW Site: Future Improvements

The current DPW Garage is not functional. Each year we meet with the State of Michigan for the run-off water issue.

Water & Sewer Projects: Water/ Sewer Rates

Water Tower

Saw Grant Completion

Misc. Water / Sewer Improvements

Low water pressures and flows within the city. Going to raise rates and we should consider getting a bond.

Eagles Wooden Park: Restroom Facility Projected Completion Date - Summer of 2017

Future Expansion of the Park

Linden Mills Building: Study

Completion of Study

Asked our Engineers to look over and give us an estimate to repair. $30,000 left in the fund to preserve the building. Raise the millage, do a fundraiser to preserve it the way we want it. We do not have the means to cover all the cost. We should decide what is priority and how to fund it.

Capital Expenditures: Building(s)


DPW trucks need to be replaced and a new fire truck eventually. We should budget and set aside money for these items.


Culbert – Have HRC put a spread sheet together over a 10-year period of total cost. What will be paid off and the expense. Also, what the revenues are too.

Cusson – How will these priorities be set? Who will make these decisions? Zelenak – It will be City Council.

Franz – How do we budget for Police, Fire and DPW vehicles? Zelenak - They sit down at budget meetings and prepare in their budget.

Franz – Who makes the decision on who gets what? Zelenak – just depends on the fund balance.


Was given during New Business.


Nothing to report now.


The Council reviewed the Police Department Monthly Activity Report, Fire Department Monthly

Activity Report, and Building Official’s Monthly Activity Report and Code Enforcement Report.


Cusson – Met with Ed Koledo and Shelly Day about Grow Linden and the Gus Macker.


Motion by Ross, second by Culbert, to approve accounts payable in the amount of $196,223.72. Motion carried.

YEAS: Dick, MacDermaid, Franz, Simons, Culbert, Cusson, Ross

NAYS: None





The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

______Approved: ______

Lynn M. Henry, City Clerk

City of Linden Minutes for February 13, 2017Page 3