Statement Sleuth

Name: ______

Directions: During today’s reading selection, you should be a detective and uncover at least 3 statements by a character in the story that give you clues toward a deeper understanding this character. These statements can be from the main character or supporting characters. The “clues” can be statements from the narrative, thoughts, or quotes. Be sure to pick only those statements that truly describe the character’s personality and feelings. After deciding on the statements, provide a further explanation of the statements and/or make a personal connection to the statements.


  • Mike said this because…
  • I can relate to why Mike said this because I have…
  • The reason Mike feels this way is…
  • I understand why Mike said this…
  • The reason Mike said this is…

1.)Character: ______Page #: ______



Meaning: ______


2.)Character: ______Page #: ______

Statement: ______


Meaning: ______


3.)Character: ______Page #: ______

Statement: ______


Meaning: ______


Statement Sleuth Rubric

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Neatness / Sloppy and careless. / Several parts were sloppy and hard to read. / Most of it is easy to read, but it could be even better. / Excellent writing, easy to read. Personal best!
Statement / Statements do not reflect a character’s personality. / 1 out of 3 statements were chosen that provide insight into the characters. / 2 out of 3 statements were chosen that provide insight into the characters. / Meaningful statements were chosen that provide insight into the characters.
Connection / Connections or meanings do not make sense. / Appropriate connection was made to the character with one of the statements. / Appropriate connections were made to the characters with
2 statements. / Appropriate connections were made to the characters with all 3 statements.
Sentences / None of your sentences are complete. / You have only
1 complete sentence. / You have only 2 complete sentences. / All of your sentences are complete.

Total Score: ______