Herne Hill Forum AGM & Public Meeting

Herne Hill Baptist Church

22 February 2017

Chair’s report (summary)

1.Waste Collective

We have kick started the Waste Collective for Herne Hill – driven by everyone’s disgust at how bad the local streets were looking and how annoying the huge metal wheelie bins were scattered around the area. It is now self0financing and has got rid of a whole range of unsightly street bins.

2.Derelict Railton Road shops

We have finally got Lambeth to enforce a section 215 notice. This will require the landlord to carry out repairs and improvements. We are still negotiating with them about getting the premises back in to commercial use.

3.Piano crowdfunder

We did an amazing crowd funder for the piano, raised the funds in record time.

4.Piano Academy crowdfunder

We followed it up with a crowd funder for the music academy – aimed at children in the wider neighbourhood who would not normally get the opportunity of piano lessons.

5.Piano Party

The followed up with a party for the piano, local musicians, mayoral candidates and general fun.

6.Brockwell Passage

Mural organised by Victor and done by St Judes’ school – over 200 children took part. Lighting and seat changes the ambience around the area. Drastic reduction in use as a public urinal. People sitting there and having lunch. All done with a few thousand in budget compared to the £120K that Lambeth were going to spend and abandoned after spending £20k on legal fees.

7.Green up clean up

Various green up and clean up the square events. Including hosting Network Rail and Southeastern away day for their management. Building tree pit protection, decorating our free library that we recently installed in the station waiting room.

8.Turney School

Started working with Turneyschool to get the children there to look after the planters and tree pits in the centre of Herne Hill.

9.Bundle of Joy with Hubbub

We did a hugely successful project with Hubbub – the Bundle of Joy. Swapping outgrown children’s clothes between families. It promoted the circular economy and built bridges between different social groups.

10.Halloween Party

Halloween event in the square – nearly managing to top 900 people during the evening. Free to be involved, fun and all inclusive across diverse local communities.

11.Neighbourhood Plan

Work on neighbourhood plan – mainly on researching the boundary.

12.History Hear

History Hear – on-going – get an update on this project later.

13.Network Rail & station underpass

On-going liaison with Network Rail about developing the station underpass. Bringing in section 106 funds to leverage more funds from Network Rail to transform the underpass that is the most used pedestrian area in Herne Hill.

14.Network Rail hoardings with 198 Gallery

Working with the 198 Gallery to do an art piece on the Network Rail hoardings in front of the shops being redeveloped.

15.Thames Water compensation fund

Thames Water compensation fund – pictures in underpass, business development, street architecture (more later) and more in the pipeline.

16.Trader liaison

Providing a liaison between traders to encourage cooperative working to promote Station Square and Herne Hill.

17.Herne Hill website & social media

Developing the Herne Hill web site – more changes soon. Providing the social media promotion – Twitter across all our accounts now well over 10,000, newsletter circulation now around 7,500, web site gets a regular 200-500 visitors a day.

18.Funding proposals & Council liaison

Endless background work in bid writing, dealing with Lambeth and Southwark councils (expensive and slow), attending conferences and seminars, being part of Southwarks business initiative network

19.Volunteers, Committee and team

We have built a really strong local team – Lucy, Tricia, Charlotte, Keziah and an expanding number of skilled and enthusiastic volunteers and the best committee ever.

20. Future projects, finances and the Herne Hill Market

You will hear next up our financial position for the year end 2015/16. On the whole OK.

Things are not that way any more. In November 2015, the license for street trading in Railton Rd was awarded by Lambeth to CCFM and so HHF lost this valuable income stream which had funded a wide range of activities and improvements to the area:

The 68 street lamp banners around Herne Hill – the majority was paid for from market funds.

The Brockwell Passage mural and lighting

Our Town Centre Champion and events manager – much of their time was paid for by market funds and directly resulted in getting the Thames Water community grant of £300,000.

The Christmas Fairs were subsidised by Market funds

The Halloween parties for 900 children – market funds

Liaison with Network Rail about station development – market funds

Network Rail away day for their management to get them to clean up the immediate area round the station – market funds.

Anti-pigeon spikes installed in the underpass – market funds.

Poster frames and signs in the underpass – market funds.

The waste collective has needed over £3,000 of investment to get it up and running – market funds.

Storage of and provision of marquees and gazebos, lighting, tables, chairs for local events such as street parties, Fun Palace and other events – market funds.

Piano party – market funds

Planting in and around Station Square – market funds

The ballot bin cigarette butt container – market funds

The loss of this license means that the finances of the local area have taken a beating. You will get a financial update from Kenton in a moment but that is just up to the end of the last financial year – end of March 2016.


Who owns 200 Railton Rd shops which have been standing empty for so many years?A Two brothers from Birmingham who have fallen out and hence the lack of action to improve/use /sell these properties

Treasurer’s report

Hard copies of the 2015/15 accounts were made available at the meeting

Kenton Chaffey the treasurer gave a summary overview of the 2015/15 accounts. These are draft accounts are available since Gerry has yet had a chance to review. Accounts for the current financial year are being finalised but in summary the Forum is solvent but has received much reduced income this past year and the current financial climate is very challenging



Vote to accept the accounts subject to Lambeth’s review. Agreed. No objections

Election of Committee members

Gerry Evans read out the following committee members who were nominated and seconded appropriately:

Beth Taylor
Carolina Fox
Colin Wight
David Taylor
Garrett Mears
George Hornby
Giles Gibson
Hazel Watson
Hester Bloch
Jim Davidson
John Frankland
Kenton Chaffey
Mary Burguieres
Maude Estwick
Mike Colivn
Nicholas Edwards
Pat Richardson
Rachel Griffiths
Robert Holden
Sian Dragonetti
Yan Hawkins

Public – do you accept the new HHF Committee Members? Unanimous vote, no objections.

Four officer posts to be filled. George (Secretary), Yan (Vice Chair) & Kenton Chaffey (Treasurer) – all agreed, no objections

Gerry highlighted the fact that Giles was standing down as chair whilst remaining a member of the committee and that no one else had come forward to fulfil this role. She mentioned that this was not unusualStreatham Chair had recently stood down and it is possible to be Chair-less.However, she asked the committee to work out how it will run without a Chair at the next committee meeting on Tuesday 28th Feb; does the community agree to this? All agreed, no objections.

The Streetscape Project

Diogo Real from Jan Kattein, the firm of architects appointed to work with the local businesses affected by the flooding discussed their progress with designing the streetscape of Half Moon Lane.

He described the consultation process with the traders; noted that the area had many notable architectural features and presented a visual of how they saw the west sideof the street in from of the block of shops including Mimosa.. Working on the brief from the traders and they asked for seating and lighting and to have more greenery. Traders say the bench on the east side is very well used.


There were several points of clarification raised and questions asked;

Do you intend to put a pedestrian crossing when there is one at the traffic lights – A no … Where will people cross the road? A. Over the linear bit that is flush with the pavement as well as at the lights

Is there a zebra crossing to get to the other side? It’s a busy road. A. We cannot assume a zebra crossing but we can consider.

Do you propose to remove the noticeboard? Yes, but it will be replaced with a new notice board with a map on the other side and it will stand at 90 degrees to the road so it takes up less space and can be read from both sides

The new bus stop shelter looks larger – that is just the way it has been drawn. It won’t be larger and will hopefully blend in more with the environment. The seating will be part of a loner seating feature and the roof will be green

You want to create less furniture on the front but it looks like more. A. Perpendicular benches give the appearance of less furniture.

Have you consulted anyone about the amount of bike racks? A. Will replace equal number of bike racks.

Have you liaised with Southwark Conservation officer? A. Not as yet but they have thought about the impact. This is a concept and WIP; JK have worked in conservation areas before which is why they’ve come up with a simple, minimal form not to compete with the architectural structure. Propose metal now but it’s WIP.

Large forecourt of the Half Moon Pub – have you consulted with them to incorporate with their plans? A. No, this brief came from the traders and the HM pub

Concerned about encouraging people to hang around the road, are people going to want to hang around the road especially at night and beside a busy road? A. It will be well lit at night to discourage anti-social night behaviour.

Are you proposing to remove the traffic junction? A. No.

What is total budget for work? A. Budget is £30k

What is timetable? A. After the summer. There is a programme to which they are working.

Herne Hill Society

Dan Townsend – school teacher at Herne Hill School, Vice Chair of Hearts of War presented the project

Alfred Walker from Herne Hill was killed. About 400 casualties from Herne Hill. At the moment there is no project to look at this. HHS want to lead a project to mark the centenary of the WWl.

Aim to recognise all groups involved in the war – those who served and casualties. There is currently no public memorial to the conflict in the area and the aim is to fund one.

Two stage project

  1. Possibly a website, a book, an app? Project will require extensive research.

Would like to see as many people out as possible to help with the research

Early stages of project; looking for funding from the Heritage Fund

  1. Create a commemorative memorial for a prominent public space in Herne Hill with the goal of unveiling in Nov 2018; working on funding for this stage

There will be a call out for volunteers in the next newsletter.


Is there a way for students from other schools to be involved? A. Yes, open to anyone.

Are you talking about facilities domestic and abroad? A. Yes.

Surprising that our churches don’t have memorials.

History Hear

Presented by David Taylor on behalf of BethTaylor who leads the project

This is an oral history project which captures interviews with local people about their memories of the area. These are captured as short 3-5 audio clips on Soundcloud. Also, there is a Facebook page and people are uploading photos of Herne Hill onto the site

The group is keen for everyone to upload Herne Hill photos to the Facebook page even if they do not want to be interviewed.

Looking for people who would like to get involved either to be interviewed or to interview, to help with sound editing etc.


Is there a link to Soundcloud on the HH website? A Yes there is a page for History Hear with a link to Soundcloud.

Neighbourhood Plan

Yan introduced the NHP for those that went at the last meeting and updated on our slow progress towards agreeing the boundary submission. There were lots of questions

Questions and points of clarification

Would NP have authority over development? A. NP cannot conflict with the local plan.Conservation areas have similar levels of protection

Is this a snapshot of 2017 Herne Hill or a working document? A. At this stage, there is no document and we need to get to a stage where we can start the engagement i.e. consultation once the boundary is agreed.

How many of these exist and how many have been successful? In Lambeth, quite a few areas – West Norwood, Tulse Hill have recognised their boundary, Kennington & Oval. NPs being developed around the country and London.

Boundary is a legal document that needs to be designated and agreed by both Councils

Boundary evidence gathered through door knocking, survey on the website, engagement in the market, outside schools, outside shop. We collected over 500 data points. People were asked ‘where do you identify yourself as living’?

Are the boundary lines set? They will be examined by the Authorities then go through formal 6 weekconsultation.

There are streets included where not everyone identifies itself outside of HH due to the character of the area

Do the opposing areas have their own plans at the moment? A. Dulwich are thinking about doing a NP but early stage; Camberwell has no plan to NP; Loughborough Junction are doing a Master Plan (this is advisory); Brixton have no plans for NP; Tulse Hill are designated and West Norwood slightly ahead of us

We’ve been talking with the active areas. Neighbouring areas can propose a boundary change if they decide to do a NP but once designed, a NP cannot change their boundary.


George Hornby introduced the waste clearance project and explained how the forum had been the catalyst and convenor of an alternative bin collections system for businesses by sourcing an alternative collector; bringing people on board and underpinning the initial cost of getting the service being piloted. By March it should be self-sustaining with a minimum number of businesses signed up.

George noted that one way the NP could come into play – it could recommend that the council insist through planning that all new developments must have a bin store


How do you find out who belongs to which bin? A. Red bin is Sainsbury’s, next bins belong to the residents’ block that has no bin store so Lambeth need to find a solution as they collect residential waste.

If anyone wants to join the BinGo team, get in contact and we’ll give you the contacts to tweet and email.

In Railton Road there is a charity recycling box that is used for fly-tipping what can we do about this. A. Send photos and emails to [get email from George]

End of Evening

Participants were thanked for attending and encouraged to stay and catch up with members and speakers