APRIL 19, 2005
The Faribault County Board of Commissioners met pursuant to the recess of April 5, 2005 at the Courthouse in the City of Blue Earth at 9:00 a.m. on April 19, 2005. The following members were present: Bill Groskreutz, Loren Lein, Barb Steier, Tom Loveall, and Tom Warmka, Commissioners. County Auditor John Thompson and County Attorney Brian Roverud were also present.
The meeting was called to order Chairman Loveall.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
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Steier/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve the synopsis and official proceedings of the April 5, 2005 regular meeting.
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Lein/Steier motion carried unanimously to approve agenda of March 15, 2005.
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The calendar was updated. Committee reports were presented.
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No member of the public appeared during public comment.
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Boy/Girl County participants attended the meeting.
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Steier/Groskreutz motion carried to approve the following abatements of taxes with Commissioner Lein abstaining from voting:
Year Reduction
Daniel & Julie Treptow:
Parcel No. 04.004.0503 in Clark Township 2005 $ 22.00
Parcel No. 04.035.0200 in Clark Township 2005 736.00
Parcel No. 04.035.0201 in Clark Township 2005 512.00
Kevin & Jannette Walker
Parcel No. 05.012.0800 in Delavan Township 2005 30.00
Parcel No. 23.036.2600 in Delavan City 2005 166.00
Parcel No. 23.036.5100 in Delavan City 2005 266.00
Gerald Sonnek
Parcel No. 14.001.0200 in Pilot Grove Township 2005 278.00
David Lein
Parcel No. 14.002.0200 in Pilot Grove Township 2005 508.00
Henry Bollum
Parcel No. 14.002.0300 in Pilot Grove Township 2005 8.00
Brenda Lawrence
Parcel No. 14.002.0400 in Pilot Grove Township 2005 58.00
Loren Lein
Parcel No. 14.002.0500 in Pilot Grove Township 2005 286.00
David Anderson
Parcel No. 14.011.0300 in Pilot Grove Township 2005 233.42
Charles Anderson
Parcel No. 14.011.0500 in Pilot Grove Township 2005 476.00
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Warmka/Lein motion carried unanimously to approve request from D. Killion to attend med delivery class April 26 in New Ulm; R. Perrizo to attend county highway accountant conf. May 11-13 in Brainerd; T. Duit to attend practical applications of surveillance equipment July 25-28 in Duluth; S. Robbins, K. Skaare, and S. Wiltse to attend MAAO 2005 summer seminars May 25-26 in St. Cloud; T. Dybvik to attend Mn Fraud Investigators Assoc. annual training May 18-20 in Deerwood.
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A letter from Marlyce Oswald from Blue Earth was discussed.
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Steve Johnson from Vetter Johnson Architects Inc. of Minneapolis met to discuss law enforcement center issues.
Steier/Lein motion carried to accept contracts with CAM and Vetter Johnson Architects Inc. to proceed with law enforcement center planning. Commissioners Groskreutz and Warmka voted no.
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Planning and Zoning Director Bruce Blakesley met regarding office business.
A public hearing was held for feedlot permits for Brand Evenson in Section 17 of Minnesota Lake Township. No member of the public appeared.
A public hearing was held for feedlot permit of Pat Moore in Section 31 of JoDaviess Township. No member of the public appeared.
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Public Works Director John McDonald met regarding office business.
Warmka/Lein motion carried unanimously to approve the bid of $41,978 received from Detke-Morbac of Blue Earth for a 2005 95 hp tractor. Other bids received were $36,419.83 from Ziegler Caterpillar and $43,636.36 from Erlandson’s John Deere. The low bid was not taken due to service and parts availability and potential resale value.
Steier/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to authorize the Public Works Director to obtain quotes on washing sand at the Brush Creek sand pit.
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Steier/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to pay bills totaling $243,378.61 as follows:
DITCH FUNDS 9,675.15
$ 243,378.61
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The meeting was adjourned for the month of April 2005.
Tom Loveall, Chairman John Thompson, Auditor