Family Ties is a two-day class that will be taught by Craig Koekemoer.

Craig is Country Events Co-Coordinator& Country Information Communicator for ThetaHealing Russia, he was born in South Africa, and moved to London at the beginning of 2000.

His career in South Africa spanned the 90’s working in Information Technology as a Business Process specialist across several corporations. When he moved to London, he spent the first 3 years in IT, then in 2003 started a career in the Private Security Industry which included a management position within a startup company where he help to grow the company and was a key supplier during to the 2012 London Olympics. Craig’s work experience has given him the opportunity to see all the different sides of a business where he was given fantastic opportunities to grow his skills set and experience levels. In 2012, Craig met the love of his life, Natalia Lapshicheva (who now is his wife.) During this time, Natalia introduced him to ThetaHealing and at the end of 2012 Craig left the security company and completed his first ThetaHealing Seminar in December of 2012 in Thailand.

His background in the healing arts/spiritual journey, started as a teenager, when he began teaching Sunday School classes, for 8-10-yearold’s in the church he attended. He continued this path into his mid-twenties, where he was involved in running youth group meetings every week, to working as a counsellor on the phone, to running bible study groups and even singing in a band – During this time Craig was consumed with helping others become better human beings. By the time, he had left South Africa, his spiritual journey was put on temporary hold. Having grown up in Southern Africa, travelling to Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Namibia, in between travelling around and getting to know South Africa as a country, this has given Craig the insight into dealing with people.

These days Craig’s focus is on ThetaHealing, this involves facilitating the growth of this wonderful modality throughout the world, primarily by bringing the founder Vianna Stibal to Russia to share her knowledge and skills with the many ThetaHealers in Russia. Craig’s has a compelling and positive style of teaching where he enjoys sharing the positive effects on how Thetahealing has positively affected his students and clients lives. For instance, how for the first time in years, someone can get rid of the fear of spirit, how families have reconciled following one of the ThetaHealing seminars, how resentment has been taken away and replaced with love, after 40 something years of bitterness towards a father.

Craig’s message to you:

“You are the person in control of your destiny. You decide which beliefs serve you, which help you, which protect you. You decide which actions to take and when, and ultimately your actions will create patterns and directions for your life. And if you don’t like something, then make the change. Take the step to becoming better and better.
Life is not about the easy way out. It’s not about being on autopilot to success. If you want something, you need to do something about it.
Someone recently said on a Facebook live stream “if you are in a relationship going nowhere, then know that someone out there is looking for someone just like you”.
If you know where the issues lie, if you know why things are not working out, then you can decide to either make the change, or to continue the patterns that create the situations.

If you are like me, then you will give it a go to make a positive change, to look for better ways of doing something which does not serve you in a positive manner.
In the end, it’s about growth, it’s about the journey.”