Subject: Earth Science
Grade Level: 6th
Teacher Contact: Tanya Baumgardner

System Requirements: Google Earth

Assessment and Student Samples

The CyberHawk tool allows students to send their work from their notebook to their teacher in the form of an email from the Bailey’s Cabin tab. Below are examples of the student emails I received from a class that had 45 minutes to navigate the tool.

We are on a standards-based reporting system and use rubrics similar to the one to the left to help quickly score work.

Examples of three student notebooks are below. For this brief adventure students were asked to visit the stations around the Park and write the name of the location, two observations, and one question that they would ask a Park Ranger, Also, as a last minute thought, I asked students to reflect on the learning tool and explain what they liked/didn’t like, as well as how they saw this fit into the science curriculum.

Name: Jane

Final score is : 700


Visitor Center : + 50

Mountain Range : + 100

North Fk Palm Canyon : + 400

Collins Valley : + 0

Sheep Canyon : + 100

Bailey\'s Cabin : + 50

Maidenhair Falls : + 0

Hidden Spring : + 0





Visitor Center:

I noticed that it has a clear view of the Indian head mountain and has lots of native plants around it.

Are the pillars in the building made out of rock found in the area?

Maidenhead falls (Water in the Desert)

I noticed that it is an OASIS!!!! Also, there are shrub-like bushes and palm trees.

Are palm trees native to this desert?

Mountains (Santa Rosa)

The mountains are the Santa Rosa mountains, and are actually snow capped :) Also, they were formed by a converging plate with subduction.

Is it common for there to be snow capped mountains in the desert?

North Fk Palm Canyon:

The rocks have layers because of being under great heat and pressure. And they always appear to have stripes...

Why do they have stripes? Are they the layers?

Bailey\'s Cabin:

I\'ve noticed that it appears to be sitting upon sand. And i noticed more shrub-like plants.

Why are all the plants such a dry dull color?

Sheep Canyon:

There are sheep canyon (no really?). It appears to be very a more mountainous region with large boulders.

Are all the mountains made of boulders?

Collins Valley:

There are a lot of animals in the desert :-) a lot more than i expected. Also, there is MORE vegetation.

What do the herbivores eat? What plants?

Hidden Spring:

I noticed that it appears dry, not wet. It also appears to be in a valley.

Is there really enough rainfall to run through the spring?


I really like this program. I think it would really help kids learn in the class, while learning Earth Science, Geography, and other Sciences. Maybe even Social Studies. :D

One of the problems was really hard to answer and took FOREVER!!! So if I were a teacher, i would make sure the questions are answerable.


Name: zach

Final score is : 675


Visitor Center : + 50

Mountain Range : + 100

North Fk Palm Canyon : + 400

Collins Valley : + 0

Sheep Canyon : + 75

Bailey\'s Cabin : + 50

Maidenhair Falls : + 0

Hidden Spring : + 0






the visitor center

i think that the visitor center looks very old and probaly was built a long time ago

i wonder on average how many poeple visit this natoinal park each year?

it looks like a big tall pillar is that a mistake

mountain range

i think that the Santa Rosa mountains are around or part of the Rockie mountains

the mountains look like they are toward the northern California side

i wonder if you are able to ski snowboard or sled on the Santa Rosa mountains.

the really old rock place

i wonder how the igneous and metamorphic rocks where formed?

i see that there must have been volcano\'s near the Santa Rosa mountains

there must have been alot of stratovolcanos

i liked this cyberhawk program alot the only thing i didnt like is that when i moved the hawk the screen moved with it like the scroll panel the internet site moved when i used the arrows to move the hawk i liked it alot more that google earth.

Hidden Spring

it looks like there used to be a lake here

i wonder what animals lived around the spring and if the indains hunted the animals around it.

the Maidenhair falls

it looks like there used to be a stream or waterfall at the falls

i wonder if you could drink water you found in the desert? would it be clean enough?

north fk palm canyon

i wonder how the rocks where formed by which type of valcano?

i see that the canyon is pretty short i wonder how you could compare it to the grand canyon


Name: eli

Final score is : 700


Visitor Center : + 50

Mountain Range : + 100

North Fk Palm Canyon : + 400

Collins Valley : + 0

Sheep Canyon : + 100

Bailey\'s Cabin : + 50

Maidenhair Falls : + 0

Hidden Spring : + 0






visitor center

there i saw that it is for adults to see they\'re kids

i see that there are many things in it

i wonder if there are hiking ranges going from it

mountain range

it is snowy

it is very big

i wonder how good the view is

north fk palm canyon

has very old rocks

it has big boulders

i wounder how it was made

sheep canyon

i saw that the sheep have big horns

i saw that the horns were for fighting

i wonder what the rocks are like

maidenhair falls

it looks lush

it seems like nothing is dehydration

i wonder where the water comes from

hidden spring

there is a lot of water hidden in the desert

it seems pretty lush

i wonder when it rains


i think this would be a very good tool for learning about plate tech tonics an types of rocks

Quotes and Notebook Reflections from 6th Grade Students

The Santa Rosa Mountains

I noticed that there is snow on the mountain tops. I think it's weird because there usually isn’t snow in a desert. It must have taken a big uplift to make the mountains. How does the snow not melt?!?! ~Brendon

I really like this program. I think it would really help kids learn in the class, while learning Earth Science, Geography, and other Sciences. Maybe even Social Studies. :D

One of the problems was really hard to answer and took FOREVER!!! So if I were a teacher, I would make sure the questions are answerable. ~ Jane

Mountain Range:

When I approached the mountain range, I noticed that it’s really pointy and rigid. It definitely involved converging plates that caused it to uplift and create a mountain range. Are uplifting mountains bigger than subducting plates to create mountains? ~Hannah

I didn't get to see everything in this wonderful California Park, but I saw some amazing things and learned some cool things about it! I think this was outstanding, and I wish I could do it again! ~Matthew

Collins Valley has a lot of animals and is a livable habitat-how are animals able to survive? ~Steven

A few things I liked about this program was that it was easy to use and it wasn't too easy or too hard. I especially liked how you could fly around as a hawk. I would like to use this program again. ~James

CyberHunt Adventure Page 1